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I Know This Has Been Covered To Death....

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  • I Know This Has Been Covered To Death....

    but I just can't find any info on how to get an infant to nap in a crib. I guess I'm not very good at the forum search.

    I have a 2 month old dcb who only naps in a swing or car seat. Obviously, I can't do that, although I'd love to, I know I can't. He won't even sleep in my arms! He gets too squirmy and wakes himself up. The second I put him down in a crib he wakes and he's too young to CIO.

    Thoughts? Do I just keep at it? How do you get a baby that young to sleep and stay asleep longer than 5 minutes?!

    BTW, any threads that you can find for me would be great!

  • #2
    Do his parents use a crib at night, or do they co-sleep? Or heaven forbid, do they let the baby sleep in a swing and/or carseat?

    Ask the mom what she does. Obviously if she says co-sleep, swing or carseat, you need to let her know that those are not daycare options.

    If he won't let you rock him to sleep, try putting him in the crib with soft music or white noise on.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
      Do his parents use a crib at night, or do they co-sleep? Or heaven forbid, do they let the baby sleep in a swing and/or carseat?

      Ask the mom what she does. Obviously if she says co-sleep, swing or carseat, you need to let her know that those are not daycare options.

      If he won't let you rock him to sleep, try putting him in the crib with soft music or white noise on.
      From what dad told me, they're working on it but mom doesn't try as hard, so poor dad spends the night on the couch with the little guy. In the car seat. I know they're at least trying, but in the mean time, I'm really at a loss. White noise does seem to help a little. He just hates to lay down flat. And I don't think reflux is a problem.


      • #4
        I would swaddle at this age...but apparently that's a no-no in the USA. Not sure?


        • #5
          i had a little boy who would only sleep in a swing.. no matter what. I ended up getting anote from the parent and their doctor saying this is how he slept until i got him a little older and started swaddling and laying flat in pack in play


          • #6
            How old is the baby? When there little I swaddle them and use white noise or music so they dont feel lonely. I do a lot of sleep training (if u will) with them during this time so they end up good little nappers as they outgrow the swaddling. I would ask mom b/c evedentally hes not sleeping in a crib at home.


            • #7
              I swaddle....but only with swaddling sacks like the Halo. Even our hospital uses that type and gives them out to new moms


              • #8
                Originally posted by care-care View Post
                i had a little boy who would only sleep in a swing.. no matter what. I ended up getting anote from the parent and their doctor saying this is how he slept until i got him a little older and started swaddling and laying flat in pack in play
                No way would I allow a parent to give me permission to do something that is against our licensing regulations. I doubt having a note from them would absolve me from any liability if anything happened.

                I had a parent once try to give me written permission to spank their child.

                If I had a child who could not sleep in a crib, I would sadly just have to term them. I would say that I am not able to meet the child's needs.

                I would recommend trying the swaddle method as this is the only thing that kept me from terming my high needs baby. What a relief that he liked to be swaddled. I loved the family and so didn't want to have to term them but no way could I allow him to sleep in his carseat or swing while under my care.

                Oh, and the mom was also super supportive of getting him into a crib so parental support/involvment is key.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the advice. I'll try swaddling him!


                  • #10
                    Make sure the baby is fed and dry. When he can't hold his head up any longer because he's so tired, lay him down and go do something else. Don't put him in the crib/pnp unless it's to sleep and once he's in there, let him sleep before you get him up again.

                    Warning: it may get loud before it gets quiet.


                    • #11
                      I added a bunch of tags to link you to older threads.

                      There are MANY ideas on here.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                        I added a bunch of tags to link you to older threads.

                        There are MANY ideas on here.


                        • #13
                          Swadde! It turned my 5 minute sleeper ds into a 3 or more hour sleeper and one of the happiest babies.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            No way would I allow a parent to give me permission to do something that is against our licensing regulations. I doubt having a note from them would absolve me from any liability if anything happened.

                            I had a parent once try to give me written permission to spank their child. uhh funny

                            If I had a child who could not sleep in a crib, I would sadly just have to term them. I would say that I am not able to meet the child's needs.

                            I would recommend trying the swaddle method as this is the only thing that kept me from terming my high needs baby. What a relief that he liked to be swaddled. I loved the family and so didn't want to have to term them but no way could I allow him to sleep in his carseat or swing while under my care.

                            Oh, and the mom was also super supportive of getting him into a crib so parental support/involvment is key.
                            The lady from the state approved it. I showed it to her and she said as soon as I could get him to sleep in pack in play then good. He had bad reflux . He slept in swing at home every night and every nap. So it was impossible for me to get him to lay down flat. He would still in swing if they didnt have weight limits according to mom..Thankfuly I got him to eventually lay flat and nap. But the only reason I allowed it was it came from my inspector that doctor approved it.

