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Scared To Tell DCF's That We'll Be Moving

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  • Scared To Tell DCF's That We'll Be Moving

    We'll be putting our house up for sale within the next month or two. DH is starting a new 2.5 hours away, but I will be here with our kids and house until it sells. I'm scared to tell my DCF's in fear that they will scramble and find new daycare right away.

    We need my income. I have 2 full timers now and a part timer starting next month. I told the part timer already, and she is still going to come to me until she makes other arrangements. I didn't feel right letting her start and then dropping the news to her. The full timers I have no told. I'm going to wait until DH starts his job next month.

    I know I'll be able to give them a month's notice-when we get an offer on our house I would tell them. I'm just worried they are going to leave right after I tell them.

  • #2
    I was nervous to tell my DCP I was pregnant and closing in June - I just did today.
    It was hard most were nice and understanding, but I am still nervous they are going to 'scramble' to find care and leave too soon.
    However, I can sleep well tonight knowing it is off my chest.

    I say wait until you know DH is settled and you are 100% sure you are moving.
    A months notice depending where you are from and what you have in your contract should be okay.
    I know where I am from there are wait lists for a lot of child cares and a month notice would leave them stranded they at least need 3 to arrange child csre

