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Minute Menu for ppl who don't plan meals in advance

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  • Minute Menu for ppl who don't plan meals in advance

    I just got the free version of MMK.

    I'm interested in using it to track attendance, fees and to send daily reports. The food part of the program seems to be a huge pain in my butt. I don't do monthly or even weekly meal plans to the extent of the info that they want. I mean, I plan my meals but not which day they will land on (depends on how I feel on the day). I plan snacks based on what the children are interested in that morning/afternoon, and based on what we have.

    Is there an easy way to enter this? Why is it so complicated? I hope I get used to it soon. So many have said they love MMK but this seems like way more work than I'm currently doing and I'm not sure I want to invest in that.


  • #2
    And all the snack options list milk or juice. I don't serve milk or juice with snacks. I serve water. How can I change that? So confusing. Milk is at lunch only and I don't ever serve juice. Seems this is more frustrating than anything.

    ETA: Ok I figured this out.
    I still haven't figured out how to put my own lunches in though. PITA. LOL.


    • #3
      you dont have to enter you menu for the full month. You can do it day at a time, just as I do it.

      I have teens in my home who eat everything in sight, so I when I used to do the monthly planed out menu, I would go to grab one of the ingredients out of the fridge and it would be gone.

      I don't have space to separate the DC food from family food, so I plan it day at a time.

      Go to record meals and then a new window should open for you. Then from there just fill out the boxes needed. All of the food items are number coded and it does take time to learn the food codes, but it won't take long.


      • #4
        I dont pre-plan my meals either. I just enter my meal components at the end of each day.

        And water is on the same list with the milk.


        • #5
          Go into "utilities"

          Then "food item maintenance"

          Delete ANYTHING you don't want to see on the menu selection tabs.

          Then go to "meal planner"

          then "create new meal" and add your own just the way you want.

          I make one then go back to "meal planner", "meals", "copy current weeks meals", click ok when it tells you it has been copied

          Click the "4 weeks" tab twice (8 weeks out).....then paste it.

          I use 8 menus, rotated every 8 weeks...for the year.

          You can edit ANYTIME, by double clicking any meal, for days you want to do something different, but will have one available to follow at all times.

          I do it mainly so it prints on the AWESOME daily sheets. happyface I am not on the food program. They rock because they keep all the memos stored... If a parent says I did not notify them of an injury, reaction, etc...I can re-print any sheet from the past at the drop of a hat. Also if an injury/behavioral pattern starts to appear, I have ongoing documentation.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Catherder View Post
            Go into "utilities"

            Then "food item maintenance"

            Delete ANYTHING you don't want to see on the menu selection tabs.

            Then go to "meal planner"

            then "create new meal" and add your own just the way you want.

            I make one then go back to "meal planner", "meals", "copy current weeks meals", click ok when it tells you it has been copied

            Click the "4 weeks" tab twice (8 weeks out).....then paste it.

            I use 8 menus, rotated every 8 weeks...for the year.

            You can edit ANYTIME, but double clicking any meal, for days you want to do something different, but will have one available to follow at all times.

            I do it mainly so it prints on the AWESOME daily sheets. happyface
            what version do you have?

            I dont even have an option that says utilities???


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              what version do you have?

              I dont even have an option that says utilities???
              Minute Menu Kids Pro happyface Version 4.2

              Utilities is on the very front page when you open the program. It has a picture of a child climbing a jungle gym.

              Once you get it things get simple.

              Doing a years menus takes me one afternoon. (after I come up with 8 menus on paper, of course... That is why I thought the menus thread would be helpful...:
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                Minute Menu Kids Pro happyface

                Utilities is on the very front page when you open the program.
                version 4.1?


                • #9
                  Thank you ladies! Especially the tip about the water. LOL.

                  Also, am I missing something or does it completely ignore potty issues? Things like bowel movements are important for my parents to know.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    version 4.1?
                    Mine just updated to 4.2... Maybe you should go into accounts and "check for updates" ?

                    Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
                    Thank you ladies! Especially the tip about the water. LOL.

                    Also, am I missing something or does it completely ignore potty issues? Things like bowel movements are important for my parents to know.
                    I think it is because the trend is to "no pressure" potty train. By stopping the constant focus of discussion on it....the pressure goes away. :confused:

                    At least that is what happened here..... Once I stopped making it a big deal so did the parents and the kids train themselves more in peace.

                    Wow! I just realized if you click on the child name you can choose from SEVERAL daily sheets.... Some with potty info... Ugh....something new with every click AFTER A WHOLE YEAR.

                    Maybe they should give 5 year trial.....or I should FINALLY read the dang handbook...
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                      Mine just updated to 4.2... Maybe you should go into accounts and "check for updates" ?

                      Maybe they should give 5 year trial.....or I should FINALLY read the dang handbook...
                      Yes, the manual is really nice and easy to read (it has pictures ).

                      My 'check for updates' though is listed under "FILE" in the top left corner of the main screen

                      CAT~ Have you checked out the Resource Center tab that is now available with the 4.2 version? Some VERY interesting stuff there......
                      Last edited by Blackcat31; 01-06-2012, 11:57 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Yes, the manual is really nice and easy to read (it has pictures ).

                        My 'check for updates' though is listed under "FILE" in the top left corner of the main screen

                        CAT~ Have you checked out the Resource Center tab that is now available with the 4.2 version? Some VERY interesting stuff there......
                        I have!!! I just got some new books I learned about there (I also joined NAFCC). I am really enjoying it.

                        I think they should sell gift subscriptions, I swear!!!

                        It is pretty pathetic that the first time I heard of Tom, Childcare Associations or Provider Tax Programs was from an online forum AFTER already being registered for 17 years. Obviously those "Super Saturdays" did not do a whole lot of good...
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #13
                          I just downloaded the sandbox program too. Oooo gonna see whocj I like more. Although the sandbox program is much more expensive .

