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New to This Forum - Preschool and Spitting Questions

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  • New to This Forum - Preschool and Spitting Questions

    I just found this website. I'm so happy to have found a place to vent and ask questions!
    My first question: What does everyone else charge weekly for preschool? (I have one child who only comes for preschool, the rest come to daycare all day every day). I am not a licensed teacher, so figure I should charge less than other daycares, but I want to make it worth the spot I have to keep open just for 3 days a week 3 hours a day. My hourly rate just doesn't seem to make it worth it, so I'd like to actually be able to come out ahead on this, without charging so much that they switch to a preschool with a licensed teacher. My curriculum follows NAEYC Guidelines and I have several years of experience, which I think should count for something

    2nd question: Do you charge a curriculum fee? If so, do you charge weekly, monthly, or one big up-front charge? Do you supply pencils, art materials, glue, scissors, etc, or do the parents supply it or pay a supplies fee at the beginning of the year?

    3rd question: At what age do your children begin "preschool" with you (or would you recommend? I have preschoolers seperate from the younger children during "preschool time").

    4th question: It's a random one...haha... How can you get a child to stop spitting? I have a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old who both go around and spit! The more I get after them, the more they spit. If I sit them in time out they continue to spit while sitting there! It's so gross and unsanitary. Before nap time, one or the other likes to go around spitting on the nap mats. Then I have to sanitize and bleach them before the children can lay down for nap. Remember, I get after them, firmly let them know spitting is not ok, sit them in time out for it, etc, but they continue to spit, or do it all the more when I say anything. Ignoring them doesn't work either, obviously. Any suggestions? It's not like they just have over active salivary glands or something. They pick and choose when they do it, and think it's funny, although no one else does!
    Last edited by Michael; 04-12-2010, 06:07 PM.

  • #2
    I'm replying to the spitting, I think I would pick them up and sit them in high chairs away from everybody else and let them spit to their hearts content, Ignoring them the whole while. When they are done and after they have cleaned up the spit and washed their hands they can join the rest of the kids and I would do it every single time one of them did it. They are doing it for the attention, even negative attention is attention, take the attention away maybe they will stop. Good Luck!


    • #3
      I have never dealt with anyone spitting, but something just popped into my head to place a mask that you would find at a Dr's office, so he can spit into the mask, and not all over your house,this may get him to stop, if you place on of them on the child!! It's worth a shot!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
        I have never dealt with anyone spitting, but something just popped into my head to place a mask that you would find at a Dr's office, so he can spit into the mask, and not all over your house,this may get him to stop, if you place on of them on the child!! It's worth a shot!
        THAT IS A GOOD IDEA! Since we cant pop'em in the mouth::


        • #5

          I do preschool. I use a company called I LOVE IT!!! It all comes prepackaged. It costs me about $10 per student per month. I have to buy a few other supplies and so the total cost to me is, at most, $15 a month per student.

          I charge $75 a month for MWF and $50 a month for T, TH. I do preschool from 9 to 11 everyday.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Momma in MT. View Post

            I do preschool. I use a company called I LOVE IT!!! It all comes prepackaged. It costs me about $10 per student per month. I have to buy a few other supplies and so the total cost to me is, at most, $15 a month per student.

            I charge $75 a month for MWF and $50 a month for T, TH. I do preschool from 9 to 11 everyday.
            I have looked into that curriculum and thought it looked excellent, except for the fact that it's a 5 day a week lesson plan. How do you get everything worked in for your T, TH class? I was afraid it would be a lot of wasted money and material since I only have preschool 2-3 days a week, also. How do you work out the schedule for that? I would like to switch curriculums next fall, and had looked into that specific one. Most curriculums I've found are 5 days/week.
            Also, do you charge each parent a curriculum fee on top of the monthly fee? Are you a daycare provider also? If so, do you charge for preschool ontop of their daycare rates?
            Is the T, TH class a 2-3 yr old group? Just curious. If it is, does Mother Goose Time work well for that age group?
            Sorry for all the questions!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Miss Joy View Post
              I'm replying to the spitting, I think I would pick them up and sit them in high chairs away from everybody else and let them spit to their hearts content, Ignoring them the whole while. When they are done and after they have cleaned up the spit and washed their hands they can join the rest of the kids and I would do it every single time one of them did it. They are doing it for the attention, even negative attention is attention, take the attention away maybe they will stop. Good Luck!
              I really like this idea! Only thing is, I don't have any highchairs. Once my toddlers reached 2 yrs, I moved the highchairs out. They were always in the way, and took up too much of the children's play area. Any other ideas? I can't sit them in a chair and let them spit because they keep jumping up, and I have too many other children to care for then to constantly be directing the spitters back to their chair the whole time (and besides that, having to direct them back to their chair each time they get up is again giving them attention). And the 3 yr old is much too big for a highchair. He wouldn't fit in one!
              I desperatly need some suggestions on this. I can't let a 2 and 3 yr old go around and spit on everything, sometimes the other children also! They are both old enough to know better!


              • #8
                Mother Goose Time

                I use the Mother Goose Time curriculum and LOVE it. It is very easy to use and convenient. Every month has great themes, crafts, cooking projects and science projects. I do preschool 5 days a week so it works for me but I have a friend who only does it two or three days a week she only orders curriculum every other month and it works great for her.


                • #9
                  Yucky spitting!

                  I would have them clean up their own spit every time they do it. After they are done cleaning it, they can have a time out. If they spit on time out, then the time out starts all over. If need be, take away a favorite toy when they spit and give it back when they can behave better. There is no reason for kids to be spitting like that, or at all. Make sure to talk to the parents about that one. I'm assuming you have already, but if you haven't, fill them in. That's just gross-YUCK!

                  Is the 2 year old copying the 3 year old or do they do it independently of each other? How do the parents handle it or do they claim it's not an issue at home?

                  Oh, I just remembered DS's 3 year old preschool teacher....she gave the kids a stamp on each hand at the beginning of class. I can't remember her method, but if the kids were naughty, then a stamp was washed off. It was a big deal to the kids to lose a stamp. Whenever it happened, DS always told me about it:: Maybe you could do something like that. Or if there's no spitting from drop off til x time, they get a stamp. Then another stamp if no spitting from x time to x time, etc. Personally, I'd go with taking the stamp away. I think it might be more effective with your ages.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kitkat View Post
                    I would have them clean up their own spit every time they do it. After they are done cleaning it, they can have a time out. If they spit on time out, then the time out starts all over. If need be, take away a favorite toy when they spit and give it back when they can behave better. There is no reason for kids to be spitting like that, or at all. Make sure to talk to the parents about that one. I'm assuming you have already, but if you haven't, fill them in. That's just gross-YUCK!

                    Is the 2 year old copying the 3 year old or do they do it independently of each other? How do the parents handle it or do they claim it's not an issue at home?

                    Oh, I just remembered DS's 3 year old preschool teacher....she gave the kids a stamp on each hand at the beginning of class. I can't remember her method, but if the kids were naughty, then a stamp was washed off. It was a big deal to the kids to lose a stamp. Whenever it happened, DS always told me about it:: Maybe you could do something like that. Or if there's no spitting from drop off til x time, they get a stamp. Then another stamp if no spitting from x time to x time, etc. Personally, I'd go with taking the stamp away. I think it might be more effective with your ages.
                    I like the idea of the stamp. I might start using that on some of my preschoolers... and maybe when the child goes home without a stamp their parent might notice and say something like, "uh oh, I don't see a stamp". Then it would open the door for me to discuss what their child does during the day without having to confront parent myself...wishful thinking anyway...

                    The 3 yr old usually copies the 2 yr old (I think 3 yr old is developmentally delayed, but I don't know, and dcm gets upset if anything even resembling that is mentioned). The 3 yr old's mom is aware of the issues her son has (and has a lot of behavior issues at home with him, but she's working with us on it, but is just at wit's end to know what else to do). The 2 yr old's parents would probably just blame daycare if they knew. Thing is, it's their son that started the whole spitting thing to start with (And hitting and pushing...)! The 2 yr old can't talk very well yet. The other (younger) 2 yr olds can speak MUCH better than him. would that have something to do with it (not being able to speak very well yet), but I just want the behavior to stop no matter what's causing it! It's so gross. And time out's wear me out because there are other children to watch, but I have to constantly be right there with the child in time-out, or they jump up from chair and RUN away from me. I go get them and direct them back to chair, they jump up and run again, I get them and bring them back, they run again... and it could continue this way if I actually gave them the time recommended for time-outs, but by the time I've had to bring them back so many times, their "time-out" has been extended to longer than 15 or 20 minutes or longer! And of course when we're distracted, that's when the other children decide to act up also, and get into everything, or trash the place. So I go try to take care of another issue and off they go again. Or spitting again as soon as they're out of time-out, so I get to start all over again with time-out... I consider myself very consistant with consequences, but you can see why it wears a person out so fast, espcially when the other children take that as an opportunity to go wild.

