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Bath Time???

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  • Bath Time???

    I decided to do some part time evening care for a 9 month old girl, to make some extra money. I have six other children that I keep furring the day. But this new baby would come from 5pm-10pm 2-3 nights a week. The family toured yesterday, everything went well, they want her to start next week. They don't really have her on a schedule, but every time I mentioned bed time , the DCM kept talking about how she takes a bath at 8:30 and sometimes falls asleep afterwards. I went over the handbook, contract, and answered questions.

    Today I get a text from the DCM saying that she bought supplies- wipes, diapers, and bath supplies. I was totally thrown off when I read about the bath supplies. We haven't discussed bathing, and I am not sure if Im totally ok with it. The DCM is super nervous about the DCG being watched by someone who isn't family. I just never thought I would be bathing her. I wouldn't want someone I wasn't VERY familiar with bathing my 2 yr old son.
    Does anyone give baths to evening DCKs? Would you agree to bathe a child at your house?

  • #2
    I wouldn't bath her at my home. That's a job for parents IMO. I've never given a DCK a bath unless they needed it due to an accident.


    • #3
      I'm guessing Mom assumed you would bathe her because that is her normal evening routine. And she is used to the bath making the baby sleepy, so wants her routine to stay the same.

      But, if she is coming to daycare in the evenings, her routine will have to change. Mom should bathe the baby in the daytime. It's not your responsibility to do this.
      Parents have a hard time realizing that some things will have to change when a child comes to daycare. Especially first time parents.
      The baby probably does fall asleep after her bath, but she will do just fine not having one in the evenings too.


      • #4
        You don't have to give her a bath if you dont want to. I don't have to give my daycare children a bath. However, I do give a dcg a bath if she have any accidents or dirty hair once a while.


        • #5
          Has the baby went to 2nd shift daycare before? I have no idea if it is common to bath children on the 2nd shift, but when I was in the work force a lady had her two little ones at daycare for 2nd shift. I remember her talking about how the lady gave the kids a bath, got jammies on them, brushed teeth, and put them to sleep at X time, and when she got there she just had to get them from the daycare ladies house to the childs bed.

          It is your house your rules. You deside what you will do.


          • #6
            I would not bathe, in this day and age. Even with accidents here I will do a quick wash in the tub, and notate it in medical log book of doing so. If the girl is only there 2-3 days a week I dont see why you should have to give her one. You will be making your own routine with her anyway at your house, so figure out something else to do before bed, in place of bathtime. Like maybe wash with wipes, then wrap in blanket and rock her? Good luck.


            • #7
              I have done 24/7 care off and on for about 10 years. I have NEVER bathed a child in my daycare!!

              Like someone just responded here, some parents just don't think about the fact that the routine that they have at home will have to change when they put their children in daycare. Others simply don't want to be bothered with being a parent. Whichever the case, I would inform the parents that you do not bathe the children at your childcare. Just to help them understand the reason, you could let them know that if did bathe the children, and had more than one child in your care at the time, you could not watch the others while in the bathroom bathing a child. This might help the parent get a visual of the fact that you have or could have multiple daycare children and are not going to be able to do some things with them that would typically be done at home. It very well be that this particular parent hadn't thought of it like that. She just knows her routine for her child and naturally thought you would be doing what Mom does. But you simply can't do some things.


              • #8
                I wouldn't have a problem bathing a child if it is their normal routine. It will take about a half hour, it will keep baby occupied/happy, and it will make her drowsy for night-night time. It's a win-win in my opinion. I would just make sure to NEVER leave her sight for a moment for safety reasons.


                • #9
                  I used to be scared to bathe children but found that the parents wanted a clean bathed child more than the risk of somethig happening. I have always bathed babies if they spit up a lot or whatnot and had evening kids that had school the next day but i would ask their mom if they needed one or not. I would go with what you feel comfortable with and the parent. I am sure you can come to a compromise.


                  • #10
                    I wouldn't regularly bathe kids because even in the evening, I still have my own three to watch. However, the bigger red flag to me is that the mom cannot give you a bedtime or routine outside of bath time. Be prepared for this child to cry and be a challenge to get to sleep. 8:30 sounds like way too late for baths for a 9 month old anyway. I would imagine mom is doing this as an attempt to keep baby happy because they aren't going to sleep anyway. I hope it works out for you but a part time infant with no routine at home is basically the worst combo for a daycare provider. Could be quite a challenge.....


                    • #11
                      In my opinion, if you did not want to do a bath you should have said so flat out in the interview. If the mother kept saying (like you said she did) that the kid has a bath and then falls should have said, I do not do baths. You just going on and not mentioning that was leading them on in my opinion.

                      Next time I would make sure to tell parents up front what you will and will not do, less hassle later.

                      I don't think you should have to bathe the kids, but I've bathed mine when they've been here at bed time.


                      • #12
                        I don't think giving a 9 mo a bath is a big deal. I often gave my babies baths.

                        If you're not comfortable, then let the mother know up front. You should have done it during the interview.


                        • #13
                          When she text she bought bathing supplies, did she buy a baby bath just for your place? That would be weird. I can see how you didn't mention is up front about not giving baths just because it's evening care, but I can also see how the mom dodged the topic by texting she bought the items.

                          At this point if she signed the contract you guys never put anything in writing about bathing or products used. Also, I would not be okay with keeping a baby who is 9 months up until 8:30 for a bath. I would say that you do bedtime routines at 7:30 is more reasonable. You're not going to their house and babysitting, they're enrolling in a reliable child care home.

                          It's your decision and ultimately just talk to the mom again and tell her your feelings. Be open and honest. With the new hours you will learn new things you didn't come across before. Personally I would be okay with bathing an infant before bed, but I would want to do the bedtime routine/bath time at 7:30 so by 8:00 you can be relaxing and spending quality evening cuddle time until baby falls asleep.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Child Care View Post
                            When she text she bought bathing supplies, did she buy a baby bath just for your place? That would be weird. I can see how you didn't mention is up front about not giving baths just because it's evening care, but I can also see how the mom dodged the topic by texting she bought the items.

                            At this point if she signed the contract you guys never put anything in writing about bathing or products used. Also, I would not be okay with keeping a baby who is 9 months up until 8:30 for a bath. I would say that you do bedtime routines at 7:30 is more reasonable. You're not going to their house and babysitting, they're enrolling in a reliable child care home.

                            It's your decision and ultimately just talk to the mom again and tell her your feelings. Be open and honest. With the new hours you will learn new things you didn't come across before. Personally I would be okay with bathing an infant before bed, but I would want to do the bedtime routine/bath time at 7:30 so by 8:00 you can be relaxing and spending quality evening cuddle time until baby falls asleep.
                            My 10 month old has always had a bath between 8:30-9:30 at night. Whats wrong with that?


                            • #15
                              If you are okay with changing diapers and cleaning their little bums or toileting toddlers and wiping their little tushies, a bath should be no big deal.

