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Utah Providers

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  • Utah Providers

    We were discussing subsidies, and when I passed along what you nice ladies have in Utah to my WI provider friends, they wanted to know...

    Do you have a Union or an Association?

  • #2
    Originally posted by bbo View Post
    We were discussing subsidies, and when I passed along what you nice ladies have in Utah to my WI provider friends, they wanted to know...

    Do you have a Union or an Association?
    No union. We're just lucky that they listen to us fairly well. All rule changes are open for comment before being finalized for example.
    We have a good web site we can go to for info.

    There is a provider only hotline that we can call for information on state pay parents as well as a web site to tell us subsidy amounts ahead of time.

    We get free trainings on the rules manual all through the year so that inspections are a breeze. The state licensing regs have been written in easy to read form. Each reg...why it's on place...what's expected....and the consequences of a finding.

    Not all findings are written up. If it's paperwork...that's just a technical finding. They give you a certain amount of time to fix it and then they either come out, or you can send in a copy of the right thing. Nothing goes on your record. Cited findings such as safety violations etc DO go on your record for 2 years.

    On the whole, they are fair. Some things are still anoying and seem stupid...but you can't win 'em all!

    We do have the Utah Private Child Care Association....but it leans more to centers.

