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New Crybaby Teething Or Sick?

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  • New Crybaby Teething Or Sick?

    Hello all!

    Okay well I just got a new baby, 6 months old. Her mom brought her yesterday .....and she has a persistent runny nose. Great! I do the well only child care and this is one of my no no's she is also very very fussy and wants to be held and cries a lot! Only 45 minute naps, this is not fun. I had mom pick her up early today and take her to doctors. The drs say she is ok for daycare but I told her to
    Have them write she is not contagious, but they said that them writing "okay for daycare" means that....this is such bull...i asked her to send her in with tylenol to see if that helps with teething but if she has a cold we dont need that here,...,any advice ??

  • #2
    If I made kids stay home everytime they had a runny nose, they would be home more than here...
    MnMum married to DH 9 years
    Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11


    • #3
      Originally posted by MNMum View Post
      If I made kids stay home everytime they had a runny nose, they would be home more than here...
      I agree. If the discharge is clear and she doesn't have horrible sinus congestion, a fever or a cough then she would be allowed to attend here.

      *I* have a runny nose most of the winter between colds and allergies so it's a but unrealistic IMO to exclude little ones with minor cold symptoms. Especially those in their first winter in DC. They always seem to pick up every little thing that first winter.


      • #4
        As a parent, I think this is so interesting. How can parents afford for their kids to attend a daycare that sends them home every time they have a cold symptom? That would be pretty hard to manage with only 10 days per year of sick and vacation time.


        • #5
          I do not exclude for a cold or runny nose since most the time it isn't more than a common cold.

          I do however, exclude IF the child needs more care than the I can provide (fussy, wants to be held, cranky, making others miserable etc) and I do not allow Dr.'s to say when I will accept a child back into care.

          My handbook reads :

          "In certain situations, a medical form must be obtained before your child can be re-admitted into care. These forms require a written diagnosis from the child's physician and must state the following information:
          • the diagnosis
          • the treatment
          • length of recommended exclusion
          Re-admission to child care will be at MY discretion. Please do not assume the doctor can give permission for re-admittance.

          There are times when a child may be excluded due to the required amount of care he/she needs when experiencing a common cold or illness. For example, a cough that is disruptive to normal daily activities, when a child is unable to cover his/her mouth while coughing or when the amount of nasal discharge or fluid becomes unmanageable for the provider to continue maintaining a sanitary environment. This will occur at my discretion and will be handled on an individual basis."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I do not exclude for a cold or runny nose since most the time it isn't more than a common cold.

            I do however, exclude IF the child needs more care than the I can provide (fussy, wants to be held, cranky, making others miserable etc) and I do not allow Dr.'s to say when I will accept a child back into care.

            My handbook reads :

            "In certain situations, a medical form must be obtained before your child can be re-admitted into care. These forms require a written diagnosis from the child's physician and must state the following information:
            • the diagnosis
            • the treatment
            • length of recommended exclusion
            Re-admission to child care will be at MY discretion. Please do not assume the doctor can give permission for re-admittance.

            There are times when a child may be excluded due to the required amount of care he/she needs when experiencing a common cold or illness. For example, a cough that is disruptive to normal daily activities, when a child is unable to cover his/her mouth while coughing or when the amount of nasal discharge or fluid becomes unmanageable for the provider to continue maintaining a sanitary environment. This will occur at my discretion and will be handled on an individual basis."
            Thank you!!! The wording you use is exactly what I needed. This baby needs to be held all of the time or she is screaming. Last week she had an ear infection sp mom says she got used to being held since she wasnt feeling well but it she basically has to have 1-1 supervisin which I can't afford and my own children and the others I feel are being neglected

            I wouldn't exclude a child for a little runny nose but if it's like an open faucet where I have to wipe constantly every 3 minutes thats another story. Thank you back cat


            • #7
              If I excluded children because of a clear runny nose, I would rarely see the children. As long as their nasal discharge is CLEAR and they have no fever, they are welcome to attend.

              I wouldn't worry about the new baby. Give her a few weeks to adjust. She is probably scared, teething, sad, etc.


              • #8
                Yeah I think I was spoiled with the other babies I have. They adjusted super easy. I opened in August so it's interesting learning first hand everything. Thanks for all of the advice


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  I do not exclude for a cold or runny nose since most the time it isn't more than a common cold.

                  I do however, exclude IF the child needs more care than the I can provide (fussy, wants to be held, cranky, making others miserable etc) and I do not allow Dr.'s to say when I will accept a child back into care.

                  My handbook reads :

                  "In certain situations, a medical form must be obtained before your child can be re-admitted into care. These forms require a written diagnosis from the child's physician and must state the following information:
                  • the diagnosis
                  • the treatment
                  • length of recommended exclusion
                  Re-admission to child care will be at MY discretion. Please do not assume the doctor can give permission for re-admittance.

                  There are times when a child may be excluded due to the required amount of care he/she needs when experiencing a common cold or illness. For example, a cough that is disruptive to normal daily activities, when a child is unable to cover his/her mouth while coughing or when the amount of nasal discharge or fluid becomes unmanageable for the provider to continue maintaining a sanitary environment. This will occur at my discretion and will be handled on an individual basis."
                  quick question: the drs note, please read mine and tell me if this seems over the top or not, any suggestions are welcome

                  Wellness Policy Statement of Understanding
                  Please read wellness policy carefully so we all have the same understanding when it comes to keeping all of our children happy and healthy.

                  Please initial each statement to recognize understanding

                  ______I agree to notify the day care at drop off of ANY medication given to the child within six hours of the drop off.
                  ______I understand that if my child exhibits any of the following symptoms, I or one of my emergency contacts are required to pick them up within 45 minutes of being notified.
                  1. Fever 100.0 F or above (please do not give medication before drop off to mask fever or symptoms)
                  2. Vomiting,
                  3. Diarrhea,
                  4. An undetermined body rash,
                  5. A persistent runny nose,
                  6. Coughing,
                  7. Extreme changes in usual behavior.*
                  ______I understand that children who have vomited or have diarrhea are not allowed to enter the day care until they are symptom free for a full 24 hours.
                  ______We must a handwritten and signed document from the Doctor stating whether or not the diagnosed illness is contagious.
                  ______I understand that Sprouting Learners does not administer nebulizer or breathing treatments.
                  _______In case of accidental injury or emergency illness, I will be notified immediately after emergency medical services have been summoned.* Sprouting Learners will not accompany any child to the hospital or physicians office if emergency medical services is enlisted unless there is enough staff.*

                  Parent Name: ________________________ Signature: ________________
                  Date: _____________
                  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. It means a lot to all of us, the children, the staff, and families.


                  • #10
                    I think it sounds good but if you want them to understand that a Dr cannot give permission for the child to come back to care then you will need to include that. Also the sentence you have : "We must a handwritten and signed document from the Doctor stating whether or not the diagnosed illness is contagious" Must be missing a word....

                    Here is the form I use: You are welcome to use it and/or tweak it as you need.

                    The second page is a note I attach to the form. (It is copied three times only so I don't have to print it out so often...LOL!)
                    Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-12-2014, 08:01 AM.


                    • #11
                      Oops, sorry I attached my health care evaluation form. Here is my illness policy form. You may use either or all of them...LOL!
                      Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-12-2014, 08:01 AM.


                      • #12
                        Well so after all of that, the parent pulled the baby out because she said well policy is too strict for her. I tried to explain clear runny nose is fine as long as she feels okay .... But whatever what can you do!? Kind of bummed but am still getting lots of phone calls


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sprouts View Post
                          Well so after all of that, the parent pulled the baby out because she said well policy is too strict for her. I tried to explain clear runny nose is fine as long as she feels okay .... But whatever what can you do!? Kind of bummed but am still getting lots of phone calls
                          That's too bad. But, unfortunatley that DCM will either find out the grass is not greener on the other side or she will find a care facility that does not have superior sanitary or illness policies, which IMO allows for illnesses to continually be spread back and forth non-stop.

                          Hope you get a replacement soon. I don't blame you one bit though for sticking to your policies. It is just too risky (and gross) for others to have snot EVERYWHERE!
                          Last edited by Blackcat31; 12-28-2011, 04:10 PM. Reason: spelling correction


                          • #14
                            Yes! Thank you I feel better

