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Concerned About a DCB

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  • Concerned About a DCB

    I am a regular, registered user, but have logged out for privacy. I posted about this child before.

    This child has been in my class for about 3 months. He's so angry ...he spends most of his time on the floor tantruming about wanting his parents. I have to completely separate him from the other kids at Center Time because he throws toys, throws his body and feet around (he's a pretty big boy) and hurts other kids. When he is asked to do something he doesn't want to (like clean up or hang his coat up) kicks and knocks down anything he meets on his way to do it - chairs, kids, whatever.

    We have a daily battle about his coat. He's capable of putting it on, with minor help. He refuses to. He puts it over his head and walks into people until someone finally puts it on for him, to avoid making the other kids wait. Yesterday, I made him clean up early to make sure he had enough to get his coat on. I had told him if his coat wasn't on when we got ready, he wouldn't be going outside with us. For 15 minutes while everyone else cleaned up and got their coats on, he threw it in the air and walked around with it on his head. I made him sit in the door way, to which he screamed and kicked the entire time. Today, he took his coat off outside and starting hitting the other kidds with it. The tantrum that followed did not stop until I had to put to bed early, in another classroom.

    I have no one else who behaves like this. Someone keeps him before or after daycare some days, and I have heard that this person allows her family and guests to laugh and make fun of his peculiar speech and mannerisms, and speak harshly to him. I do believe this is why he behaves this way, and I don't think the mom has any idea. The person started keeping him shortly before he came to my classroom. I have told the mom once in a roundabout way that he does not have good day with me when he goes to this house, but she blew me off.

    I don't know how to go about this, because it is technically hearsay, and DCM is not receptive to negative things about her child going to this home.

    What would you do?

  • #2
    Make a chart of the days he has good behavior and bad behavior.
    maybe she will actually see that in black and white the days that he goes to her house are bad days... have him draw a picture of himself at her house and write whatever he says to write about this lady.... good or bad


    • #3
      He sounds like my oldest, who has Aspergers. Is he this angry at home?


      • #4
        sounds like a tough battle, I am imagining that he rarely sees his own parents so they probably aren't any help.


        • #5
          Deleted post.

