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  • Rates??

    I am just curious what people charge in different places.

    I am in MT. I charge $20 a day or $3/hr. This comes out to $100 a week for a full-time kid. This is a flat rate no matter the age and no family discounts.

  • #2
    I'm in CA and this is what I charge

    Infant Age Group (0-24)
    P/T $125 a week ($4.17 hr/ $41.60 day)
    F/T $160 a week ($3.20 hr/ $32.00 day)

    Preschool Age Group (2-5 yrs)
    P/T $120 a week ($4.00 hr/ $40.00 day)
    F/T $155 a week ($3.10 hr/ $31.00 day)

    School Age Group (6-12 yrs)
    P/T $115 a week ($3.83 hr/ $38.33 day)
    F/T $150 a week ($3.00 hr/ $30.00 day)

    Drop-In (hourly) $5 an hour.

    Full-time has a max of 50 hours a week and part-time has a max of 30 hours a week. All three have a time cap of no more than 10 hours a day. I don't charge by the day but I did calculate it in there so you can see how much an hour I charge.


    • #3
      I live in Maryland I charge 200.00 dollars week for infants 175 for toddlers and 7 dollars an hour for drop in care


      • #4
        I'm in TX and charge...

        $150/F/T care (4-5 days)
        $100/P/T care (2-3 days)

        $40 day Drop-In


        • #5
          Some more threads on the topic of rates:


          • #6

            I'm in S.Cali and we charge a flat fee of $165.00 for fulltime 5days 3m-5yrs,
            part time is 3day minimun @ $35.00per day and must pay for all holidays, drop in is $40.00, per hour is $10.00hr. Before/after school is $20.00 per day.


            We all need a standard rate fee by region/state would be nice..HUH


            • #7
              I am in Iowa, and my rates are as followed: Fulltime infants-$140.00/wk.
              Potty trained- $130.00/wk. I have a minimum of 3 days at $30.00 per day- $90.00 min. wk. I have a fillin rate at $30.00 per child. If you are fulltime, I also have a sibling discount of $20.00 per week.


              • #8
                I am in Kansas and I charge:
                $125 per week full time(4-5 days per week)
                $100 part time (3 or fewer days per week)


                • #9
                  I'm in Ohio. I charge $20/day for full-time care. I do not offer a discount for multiple children. I do not have a part-time rate in place as I do not have any part-timers. I plan to change my rates in the fall, likely to $22/day.


                  • #10
                    I am in Texas. I do not accept part time and drop in. I only accept full time.

                    My full time rates are:

                    $150 per week 6 weeks to 23 months old
                    $135 per week 24 month to 35 months old
                    $125 per week 3-5 years old


                    • #11
                      I just attended a web conf. with Tom Copeland last Thursday and he emphatically stated that it is illegal to discuss prices with other providers, it's called price fixing.(whatever!) That being said I charge $160 a week for ft straight across the board. I'm in SE MI. I have not raised my prices since 2004.
                      I see little people.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                        I just attended a web conf. with Tom Copeland last Thursday and he emphatically stated that it is illegal to discuss prices with other providers, it's called price fixing.(whatever!) That being said I charge $160 a week for ft straight across the board. I'm in SE MI. I have not raised my prices since 2004.
                        :: That is funny!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                          I just attended a web conf. with Tom Copeland last Thursday and he emphatically stated that it is illegal to discuss prices with other providers, it's called price fixing.(whatever!) That being said I charge $160 a week for ft straight across the board. I'm in SE MI. I have not raised my prices since 2004.
                          That is funny!!! If it is "price fixing" then should't it be illegal for all companies that offer the same services to talk about pricing? I like to know and keep informed so that I can offer a fair price for my services. I'm not the cheapest and I'm not the most expensive in my area but I charge a fair price for what I offer and the only way that I would know that was if I asked other provider's in my area what they charged. DUH!


                          • #14
                            We're in W. Michigan and our rates are flat for all ages....

                            FT (5 days a week) $35 a day
                            PT (1-4 days a week) $40 a day
                            Before/After School $10 a day

                            We do offer sibling discounts. Parents pay for holidays that fall on normal contracted days. Parents also pay if the kids are sick. They do get 1 week of vacation a year at no charge providing they give at least 2 weeks notice.


                            • #15

                              I'm in SW MI and my rates are $25 a day. Everyone should be aware that there are providers who will call with the guise of needing daycare for their kids and they will illicit info from you and not set up a tour or just not show for it. They are just trying to figure out what to charge and they are looking to undercut prices, so be wary of that. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this profession is getting pretty cut throat!

