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Crabby McGrouchy Pants!

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  • Crabby McGrouchy Pants!

    Holy smokes! The kids are super crabby today. I had a lot of projects and fun things planned and we have gotten NOTHING done today. I have no idea how I am going to get the parent projects done. Just wish everyone would just stop whining and fussing. I put everyone down for nap early because I couldn't stand to listen to them for one more second. Hope the nap helps!

  • #2
    Sounds like our day!! Must be something in the air!


    • #3
      All mine have done is sleep. Both moms came in saying that they had super busy weekends and late nights last night. I was braced for "one of those days", but they were asleep from 6:15 to almost 9:30. If the carpenter hadn't been here working on the porch, they would have slept longer.

      Then, one fell asleep over lunch, so I put them down for another nap at 12:15. It's been an hour and 45 min without a peep from them. I may have just jinxed myself.


      • #4
        this is exactly why I never plan any project or really structured activities on Monday's.... Every monday is retraining day....

