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Tell Me What You Think...

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  • Tell Me What You Think...

    We have a farm & garden and nature study (think day camp-ish) complete with my husband, the wilderness survival guide. He's a walking encyclopedia. I swear he should have his own show! :: ). As much as I love babies and toddlers, I really only want the older children that will be able to participate every day.

    I just cannot get a perfect feel for my rates. I don't want to go too high, but the rates feel a bit low by subsidies standards.

    Anyway, OFCS rates for gfdc -
    ages 3-5 $4/hr $140/wk
    ages 6-12 $5/hr $140/wk

    ccc -
    ages 3-5 $6.25/hr $170/wk
    ages 6-12 $6.25/hr $160/wk

    In my direct area, mediocre ccc's charge $175/wk and $7/hr for b&a schoolers.

    I feel that a price mid-range would be better for what we offer and would be the perfect amount for us to maintain our financial health with my husband and I working at home. (We also have a farm.)

    I was thinking FT rates ages 3-5 $155, ages 6-12 b&a school program $125 and $150 for vacations and summer.

    Am I just in denial that parents will most likely just want babysitters and not care at all about the rest?

    Be blunt, I don't understand sugar-coated advice.

  • #2
    Yes and no. Does that help? I am serious though.

    Some people ARE just looking for the cheapest they can find and others are totally willing to pay for what they believe is the best care they can find.

    The biggest thing I think is for YOU to feel you are worth what you charge. When you believe you set your rates to be equal to the kind of care you are offering and are confident about how great you are when interviewing, it makes people WANT to be in your care. Does that make sense?

    Another thing is that the people who are just looking for cheap daycare are sometimes not the typw of client you want anyways since they more than likely aren't going to appreciate the whole working farm/organic thing you are doing.

    I think it is up to you to sell yourself and be proud of what you offer and know full well the you ARE worth every single peeny you charge because you are offering something really unique and great for the kids and families you do get.

    I also think in comparison to what your area has for rates...yours look pretty good. I also think when you get a bit more established and have made a great reputation for yourself, you will most definitely have to raise your rates.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Yes and no. Does that help? I am serious though.

      Some people ARE just looking for the cheapest they can find and others are totally willing to pay for what they believe is the best care they can find.

      The biggest thing I think is for YOU to feel you are worth what you charge. When you believe you set your rates to be equal to the kind of care you are offering and are confident about how great you are when interviewing, it makes people WANT to be in your care. Does that make sense?

      Another thing is that the people who are just looking for cheap daycare are sometimes not the typw of client you want anyways since they more than likely aren't going to appreciate the whole working farm/organic thing you are doing.

      I think it is up to you to sell yourself and be proud of what you offer and know full well the you ARE worth every single peeny you charge because you are offering something really unique and great for the kids and families you do get.

      I also think in comparison to what your area has for rates...yours look pretty good. I also think when you get a bit more established and have made a great reputation for yourself, you will most definitely have to raise your rates.
      wheres that like button.... yes yes yes!!!!! everything she said.

      when I started, I was about $10 less per day than my competition. But I had no Rep. Well that was now 5 years ago and I now charge $5.00 more than almost everyone else..


      • #4
        I dream of your rates!

        Our state subsidized rates are by county, and in our county, the highest is $125 per week. Effective last August, Family Childcare (group center are exempt), no longer get attendance based rates. So, that mean no sick days (provider OR child), no holidays, no vacation.

        Ironically, in order to be a 5 star provider under our new "Youngstar" program, you MUST charge for paid vacation of at least 10 days per year. hmmmm....


        • #5
          WI's YoungStar thing is just stupid in my opinion. I had a couple kids on WI subsidy and was actually happy that they left last August when the pay changed so I didn't have to deal with it.

          OP: Whatever you decide to go with make sure you acknowledge you are worth it. I kept very low for my first almost 3 years to get clients and have recently raised my rates to that of nearby providers. I know I'm worth the higher rate and actually feel like I'm cheating myself by not raising my current client's rates. I'd feel bad if I raised them too which is why I'm leaving them where they are. All my new clients are going to pay the higher rates and I actually feel good because I've landed a few clients at the higher rates.

          During interviews be sure to point out all the stuff you will do with the kids that other providers in the area are unable/don't supply. My niche is no electronics and low key curriculum with a stronger focus on self-help skills and respect for others.
          Celebrate! ::


          • #6
            Thanks, ladies...

            I don't get it - not attendance based so you cannot charge for sick days or vacations, but they slap a higher quality care label on those that do take a vacation??? :confused:

            From what I've been hearing I have a feeling our state is going to be making some changes in the next few years, too. I would like not to become too dependent on subsidy, honestly. If parents on subsidy are willing to pay the difference of what the county pays and their family share plan without complaint, they are welcome. If not, there are several centers in town that accept subsidy and don't even ask for the family share or difference. It's all about finding the correct fit, right? (I feel like I'm giving myself a pep talk! )

            We deal with price haggles all the time with farm produce prices, but this is a whole new marketing world. All I've got so far is that I have four children and they're still alive. Maybe I should expand on that a bit? ::

            GAH! Why is this so hard?!

