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Do You Have LOUD Families

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  • Do You Have LOUD Families

    My first family comes at 6:30, and sometimes 6:15. They are so loud sometimes. Parents and kids, and they never say ssshhhsss to the kids. At that early in the morning, my family is still sleeping, because their schedules are different than mine. The same thing happens at 3 when the kids are picked up, all the other kids are still napping, and the family members that pick up and the kids are so loud, yelling Mommy, and such, most everyday the dc kids are woken up. My hubby is hoping to land a job today, and it is on second shift, he won't get home till 11 at night, and will not want to be woken up at 6:30, I am not sure how I am going to handle that one, other than to send out a note explaining the schedule differences and to please come quietly into my home.

  • #2
    Originally posted by mac60 View Post
    My first family comes at 6:30, and sometimes 6:15. They are so loud sometimes. Parents and kids, and they never say ssshhhsss to the kids. At that early in the morning, my family is still sleeping, because their schedules are different than mine. The same thing happens at 3 when the kids are picked up, all the other kids are still napping, and the family members that pick up and the kids are so loud, yelling Mommy, and such, most everyday the dc kids are woken up. My hubby is hoping to land a job today, and it is on second shift, he won't get home till 11 at night, and will not want to be woken up at 6:30, I am not sure how I am going to handle that one, other than to send out a note explaining the schedule differences and to please come quietly into my home.
    This is what I would do as well. I have had to place a note on the bottom of my monthly newsletter, to please respect our naptimes here, please do not schedule appts. during naptimes here at daycare.


    • #3
      I think some need it spelled out so I would speak up and say something. I had a really nice mom with a young girl I cared for and when she came in the morning she was so loud too..she would talk to her daughter or if another child was awake in a loud voice....even seeing that 2 of my daycare girls were sleeping (they come at 5:30 in the morning so they go back to sleep when they come here).

      I mean seriously..she could SEE the other kids were sleeping, and almost every day her loud talking woke up my youngest girl who DESPERATELY needs her sleep. I started greeting her at the door saying K & K (my daycare girls) were tired out and still sleeping, talking in a soft voice. She somewhat caught on but still continued to talk...and I was thinking to myself, just be quiet and leave! LOL.


      • #4
        OMG!!! Yes!!!! It drives me nuts, I thought I was just moody first thing in the am! I have 3 boys. 2 from the same family and 1 is my assistants and its like they are deaf. They stand right in front of you and yell!


        • #5
          Maybe it's just me, but I don't see anything wrong with saying something right on the spot. I had a family who would come in loudly and I just said, "Oops, my kids are still sleeping. Let's not wake them up!"

          Problem solved.


          • #6
            I have said that at 7:00 am before. When my 2 children are still sleeping and my baby's room is right next to the front door. SO it does suck when daycare families have to be at work earlier or they drop off earlier and they wake your children up!!! I do say stuff to them- like sshh, my children are still sleeping- HELLO!!!???/


            • #7
              I haven't had a major problem with this but I talk very quietly when the early families arrive. If the kid gets loud I say "Oh dck, we have to be quiet. People are still sleeping." The parents usually catch my drift. I have no shame telling them to be quiet.


              • #8
                Omg I've had a couple moms like this before too. My sons bedroom is really close to the front door, so I just whisper when I talk so they hopefully get the hint that people are still sleeping, which sometimes it works. My food program lady is really loud too and when she comes and goes I think all my neighbors hear her, but she usually comes in and will say oh are they napping? If I say yes then she gets a little quieter.


                • #9
                  Yeah I don't have a problem with bringing it up if it becomes a habit. There was one a while back however that didn't get it even after telling her over and over again so I just started meeting her at the door with my clipboard at hand. I would open the door immediately say "Shhhh" take her little one and hand her the clipboard. I'd block the doorway and hold her little girl so the girl wouldn't just run in and start making noise. The mom would still talk pretty loud on the doorstep and on the second day I whispered to her that I had a neighbor come over and talk to me about how someone was talking loudly and how I didn't want any of my neighbors calling our association . It was a big fat fib but they all know that if I incur a fee from the association due to something they did (parking in red-zones, blocking a drive-way, noise etc.) that they have to pay for it (it's in my contract). And it's unfair for the rest of my family to have to be woken up because a client is inconsiderate.

