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Does Anyone Charge More For Infants?

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  • Does Anyone Charge More For Infants?

    This is something I am considering with the bunch that I have. Just wouldn't be sure how to go about it.

  • #2
    It's pretty common actually. All of the daycare centers in my area change more for children under 2 and even more for children under 12 months. I know some of the ladies on here charge different rates as well. I'm sure someone will be more helpful than I am.


    • #3
      If I was to charge more for a specific age group, it would be once a child turns 1 1/2 to 2, as they cost me more money to be in my program than an infant. All supplies for an infant are provided by the parent, once the infant starts eating table food, snacks, and are involved in activities, my cost then go up for the child, not only that, they are much harder to care for.


      • #4
        I charge $50.00 more per week for infants.


        • #5
          When I first opened I charged more for infants because they are "more work". I have since changed and charge the same for each age group. Yes, you have to hold an infant when you feed them, you have to change their diaper, and it make take longer to console their crying. I had been charging the least amount for my school agers, but they complain, bicker, try to bend/break rules, and are imo much more exhausting at times than working with an infant. Not to mention, they eat more, go through more toilet paper (and other supplies). So I decided since they are just as much work (in a different way) as an infant, it only makes sense that I get paid accordingly.
          Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


          • #6
            I charge $25 more per week for my infants. That is standard in my area too with the centers. It works for me. I probably wouldn't ever want to take any infants if I didn't charge a little more. But I do provide formula and wipes for them.


            • #7
              I charge $10 a week more for infants then I do 3 1/2 year olds. I charge more because I provide formula, cereal, baby food, etc. I charge $10 more for 3 1/2 year olds then I do older then that. School agers do not get a discount. They eat more, and are more "work" to keep them busy.


              • #8
                I've always charged more for infants, its typical for my area. I have fee tiers... starts with Infants then changes at 18 months and doesn't change again until the child is fully potty trained.


                • #9
                  When I first started out, I used to charge more for infants. Once they got old enough for my lower rate, though, it felt like I was taking a pay cut and I didn't like that so much! It didn't take me long to start charging the same rate for everyone. Like someone else said, they're all just as much work - the work is just different.


                  • #10
                    I dont have infants, but I charge

                    under two or not potty trained is $4.50 more per day


                    • #11
                      I charge the same across the board, once fully potty trained, I go down 10.00 per week.


                      • #12
                        Right now I have an under 2 rate that is $15/week higher and then the average in-home daycare rate for our area (provided by CCRR each summer) once they turn 2. If someone is close to 2 years old I will pro-rate them but if they're only 18 months I wouldn't know. I have a 22 month old part time interview soon so I quoted the age 2 rate, but I'm sure I could have charge the under 2 rate since they're very part time. Either way I don't feel like I'm paying myself too little.

                        I have a set $50/week school age rate whether they attend before or after or both. If someone had to come really early and ended up staying later in the evenings too I might add more. The school out days I already figured they add $15 per day that school is out then it breaks down to $25 for the non-school day. If school age on had to come a few days a week, like if the parent didn't work and was home somedays during the week I would also work with them on that.

                        When I did my rates, I started out average straight across the board for everything. Then I decided I would be straight across the average rates but higher for infants so I don't feel I am taking a "pay cut' when they turn two. I personally would like more ages 2 on up for conversations and participation in activities, but want to have at least one little baby for my baby fix LOL.

                        If I change anything it would be when I have more experience. I would probably add the infant rate higher for under age 1 because I only want one under the age of 1. Then I could have 2 who are age 1 (slightly higher rate) and the rest to fill my 7 spot limit ages 2 on up (average rate).

                        Additional Info: I provide formula because I'm on the food program. I want to provide everything except diapers and they can bring a blanket IF they want but I'm okay with providing a blanket until they're on a cot. I wash all blankets while they're here and will not be sending them home on Fridays anyways, but a baby under 12 months isn't suppose to have a blanket in the crib but I will use halo sleep sacks that I provide for young infants. I don't have kids of my own yet and really enjoy the baby blankets and sleep sacks and am more than willing to wash and store them here. I also will type up a sheet soon for parents of infants to hand out at interview time which will ask what they use for bedtime, for paci's, for bottles, for bibs, etc. It really will be "tell me more about your infant" kind of a sheet, but for me to know. We've had infants who couldn't use bibs with velcro because she broke out all over the back of her neck. I want to do the information sheet because I want to keep consistant and provide the bottles, wipes, burb rags, bibs, jar food, pacifiers, etc. It is up to me IF I want to buy the same bottle or brand of jar food but at least I know if it's different. I also like knowing where things have been and that they're clean. I've heard too many of my friends complain about seeing their bottle in another baby's mouth because they ran out of bottles or seeing a paci or blanket get mixed up. I obviously will not have as many infants as a center does, but I do want to have it all be my own things. Sorry this got kind of long. In the end, I wouldn't mind charging straight across the board and ask parents to supply some of the higher cost items for babies, but once you've got it you've got it.


                        • #13
                          I don't.

                          If I were going to charge more, I'd charge double for grade school kids. LOL


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                            I don't.

                            If I were going to charge more, I'd charge double for grade school kids. LOL
                            I agree 100%.


                            • #15
                              For me, it wouldn't make sense to charge more or less for any age demographic. I'm not restricted to a certain # of infants. I can have 5 children of any age group and my limit is to the # of children altogether regardless of age. With that in mind, a spot is a spot, and they all cost the same.

