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Late Talker

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  • Late Talker

    I have a 19mo dck who has limited speech none of which is intelligible to outsiders including me. She has gone through some referrals but because of funding and other issues she is not considered delayed enough to qualify. She also has poor motor control (falls all the time, can barely walk etc) and does not actually play toys. She wanders the room but doesnt really play. I am having a tough time getting her the help she needs while in daycare. She will not sit for a story, we have tried signing time, she doesnt like games or 1-1 activities. I feel like I am talking to a wall. Any ideas/toys that will engage this kid?
    Last edited by Michael; 12-14-2011, 03:00 PM.

  • #2
    I have a 19 month old that is exactly the same way. She is a bit more advanced in the motor skills department. She is a perfectly normal kid. I sent away for the Developmental checklist through my province and she meets every milestone thats listed on it.

    Kids at 19 months don't really play, they wander and falling down a lot is also normal. Kids don't enjoy or participate in games until 4-5 yrs old (depending on the game of course) She doesn't really sound delayed to me but I'm not a DR. What was she referred for?


    • #3
      My own son didn't start talking until he was 2 years old, and even then it was pretty hard to understand him. He just didn't talk much! He's 4 now and is just now becoming understandable. I'd give it some time if the child isn't qualifying for any further assessments.


      • #4
        i think that 19months is a very young age to decide if there is an issue or not. remember all children will develop differently and at their own rate.

        My son is 4 and he was also a late talker. He is still hard to understand from time to time. I have to translate for him.

        You also have to think about the childs family life. HOw much time do the parents spend talking with the child and encouraging them to use their words?

        My child is the youngest and my next child is 13.5 years old and 15 years old. So they would often talk for him or would not force him to use his words. I talked with my family doctor about this and she said that I needed to try to get the older kids on board to force him to use his words and to be patient that he will talk when he is ready..

        As my grandma once said...we couldn't wait for you to walk and talk and now we can't get you to sit still and be quiet.....


        • #5
          She was referred for hand flapping, tiptoe walking and lack of any words at her 18 month check up. Never babbled as a infant, honestly goes 90% of the day without so much as a peep/coo/whine/grunt etc. She also is overly oral, licks her hands very frequently, licks the carpet at home according to her mom. And the falling down is excessive, can not walk more than 2 steps without falling down (looks like an infant who is in the first week of learning to walk).

          While I agree with the statement that all kids develop at different rates I do not agree with the idea that a child with no language and one who does not play is normal. Both of those are red flags to be followed up on.

          I am looking for ideas of how to engage her. 19month olds should be able to be engaged during the day with toys and books even if only for a min or two before they toddle off to the next activity. I know she will not play a "game" with me but she should be able to engage in something like a drop lid activity or a roll the ball game. Does anyone have any tried and true toys or language developers they have used especially with someone with extra needs?


          • #6
            Comprehensive Developmental Milestones

            Here are some Comprehensive Developmental Milestones to consider.

