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The Age of Overparenting

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  • The Age of Overparenting

    This article was shared on another forum and I thought I'd share here...I love this article and need to keep it in mind for myself and share it with all my friends (and my preschool parents... ).

  • #2
    great post, thanks!


    • #3
      All parents (and day care providers!) should be forced to read this! Good stuff!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
        All parents (and day care providers!) should be forced to read this! Good stuff!
        I agree!! Great read.


        • #5
          Yes- all true for some. But this also seems to me to be in direct contrast to about 1000 posts on here about how little time parents want to spend with kids, their lack of interest in what the kids do in day care, how they seem to want providers to raise their kids for them. I got the impression the author is well off - and so many observations on this forum are about parents who are a little more - shall we say, lax - and are state pay. I think this discrepancy is really a sad comment on our society.


          • #6
            Originally posted by emmajo View Post
            Yes- all true for some. But this also seems to me to be in direct contrast to about 1000 posts on here about how little time parents want to spend with kids, their lack of interest in what the kids do in day care, how they seem to want providers to raise their kids for them. I got the impression the author is well off - and so many observations on this forum are about parents who are a little more - shall we say, lax - and are state pay. I think this discrepancy is really a sad comment on our society.
            Very true. I think we tend to see to extremes a lot. Those parents who nitpick about everything and micro-manage their kids lives to the point of being stupid and then those who want to dump their kids at day care every second possible and couldn't care less what they do there!

            The parents I love are those who are middle ground. Their children are always easier too.

            Kids who's parents pay them no attention often act out and kids who's parents are over-protective tend to be more nervous and hard to please.


            • #7
              I just reposted this on facebook for all my friends. :P


              • #8
                good article, the one comment really hit a chord with me.

                they stated that she has a child that she cares for (special ed teacher) that had no traumatic experience but yet has anxiety disorder, but she writes that the parents call every day like micro managing.

                well I have 2 families who don't care much for what their kids do (its not that they don't care they don't live in a bubble) really easy going kids then another child, I think has something, not sure what, mom is bi polar and talks to her ds like a robot, the boy bites his finger nails so short its awful, walks on his toes, he talks like a robot too, and lives in thomas world and cars 2 world thanks to mom. Nothing traumatic happen in his life but I think his parents did this too him. They live in a bubble.


                • #9
                  well a child really needs a parent to teach them everything. if a parent cannot cope well with reality, than it is no wonder that a child cant either. so much is learned from just observation.

