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Do You Wake Them Up From Nap??

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  • Do You Wake Them Up From Nap??

    All my dck (including my own 2) slept from 1pm to after 4pm (one until 4:45 when her mom came). I have always just let a sleeping baby sleep but what about everyone else? One of the moms seemed a little upset that she was still sleeping and asked me next time to wake her when everyone else gets up. I just think if they are sleeping they need the rest .

  • #2
    You should wake them with the others. That mother is probably wondering why their child is awake later at night.
    Last edited by Michael; 04-06-2010, 11:57 PM.


    • #3
      I agree with you. I will let my little ones sleep until they wake up. But I have found a lot of daycare parents don't really like that idea too much. I wake the kids by 3:45 if they are still sleeping because my first parent arrives at 4:15. This gives time to eat snack and potty etc...


      • #4
        I usually let them sleep. Usually if they aren't awake by 3:45 I go in and start to put the beds away and they kind of start stirring and finally get up, most of my parents tell me to let them sleep if they are sleeping which is really nice


        • #5
          All the kids nap from around noon till around three. I don't have them sleeping past three because that schedule seems to work with parents bedtime time. Too much later than that and you will have parents complaining their kid won't go to bed at night.

          I do not allow parents to request their children to be up during nap for any reason. If they want them up before three then they have to find another day care. I don't do one to one care at nap time unless the parent is willing to pay an additional ten dollars per hour for whatever portion of nap they want their kid up which would pay for the one to one care and done by my staff assistant. Never had a taker on that.

          As soon as you say they can have them up at nap but there is a fee.. they are perfectly fine with your schedule.



          • #6
            Since we are both from TX...I know from a centers point of view..children can not sleep longer than 3 hours except infants. It might be different in home settings but it is 3 hours in centers.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              You should wake them with the others. That mother is probably wondering why their infant is awake later at night.
              She is almost 4 years old though so I think her going down at night is more an issue of consistency. But I will definitely do as her mom wishes. They usually don't rest that long but it's only her 2nd day so it might be the excitement of everything being so new. I will make sure everyone is awake by 4 if they are not already.

              When do others usually have the dck down? Is 1 too late?? I have just stuck with my girls' schedule and it's been 1 for a while so I just went with that.


              • #8
                Our kids go down for naps at 1:00. One goes down at 1:30 per the parents request. We wake them by 3:30 if they are not already awake for snack and afternoon schedule to stay on track. The one that goes down later is up at 3:30 as well.

                If a parent wanted their kid to sleep longer I would do if they wanted them up by a certain time too.


                • #9
                  My dck lay down between 1 and 1:30, and wake up between 3 and 4. If there are any sleeping past four, I usually try to wake them up.


                  • #10
                    My kids go down from 12 to 2:30. At 2:30 I have to pick kids up from school.


                    • #11
                      My daycare children go down between 12:30 and 1:00 and I wake them up at 3:30, all children, that way pretty much everyone inc. smaller ones, can have a snack and drink, diapers changed, etc. before parents start arriving sometimes at 4:00. I hate waking them up as well, but I do this for now anyways. The older ones have the tv on for 1/2 hr. before they go to sleep. The smaller ones go down between 12:30 and 1:00.


                      • #12
                        My daycare kids go down at about 12:45pm for their naps and usually wake up shortly before 3. For the most part I won't wake them up but if it starts getting too long after 3:30 I start making noise.


                        • #13
                          They are taking a nap time from 12:30pm to 2:30pm or 3:00pm but one of my dcg go to sleep around 1:30 to 2:00 if it is on TV. Another one almost never take a nap but she stays quiet lay down on the couch when tv is on. I decided I no longer turn TV on for nap time so one of dcg finally go to sleep between 12:45 to 1:00 but another one still don't take a nap at all whether tv is on or not. I also watch an 8 month old dcg but it was so hard to stay routine for her to go sleep. She only sleep about 15 mins to 2 hours in here. Her mother told me that she went to sleep after she pick her up (6:30pm) from my daycare for an hour then wake her up for a little while. After that, she went back to sleep at 8:30pm.


                          • #14
                            My nap time is only for 2 hours from 1:15-3:15. If the kids have been super active that day or not feeling good, I will let sleep until 3:30. I don't necessarily wake them up but I stop being quiet, open curtains, and turn lights on.


                            • #15
                              I wake them up...I want to make sure that they are fed and changed and ready to go when Mom or Dad gets here...

