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It Makes Me Wonder

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  • It Makes Me Wonder

    So reading your post about wild kids, kids off schedules, just having to referee kids all the time got me thinking. Also, with some of the post on parents that spend two hours with children at night has me wondering something also.

    Before Thanksgiving break I was a wreck of a person with my childcare and this had been going on for two months. The week after Thanksgiving my childcare was a whole new childcare. Kids were sleeping, eating, back to their old selves. I have 3 teachers children and 2 non-teachers children. All but 1 child is here 8-10 hours a day. I'm wondering if these kids were missing their parents. I had 3 of them that were just becoming immpossible. Think about it these children are only seeing their parents 2-3 hours a day! Some of my parents also work on the weekends so they are with other parent or someone.

    I think that these little ones were able to spend some great time with parents over the break and get what they needed. I have a week of vacation coming up soon so I think the same thing will happen. Lots of mommy and daddy time and then they will be ready to come back to childcare.

    So for those who are having problems right now with little ones maybe they are just missing the parents. Maybe they still want to be with them since they were able to be with the over Thanksgiving. Maybe 4 days wasn't enough time!
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    I know exactly what you mean. I think kids need lots of time with thier parents and I noticed the same thing after break with parents.
    I am in a delima right now because one of my parents asked if I would keep her child one extra hour a day and I think really? You see your kid for 3 hours a night,now you want to see them for 2? I am not sure Im going to do it just based on the principle of the thing.


    • #3
      I think the same! Even my own kiddos get a little unruley when they start missing daddy (or have had too much of me---


      • #4
        I have two kids who are dropped off at daycare by their dad. The parents do not live together and dad now picks up the kids from moms on way to work. So m-f all he sees them is the car ride to my house. No wonder why they are whiney at drop off!!


        • #5
          This post has made me think ALOT! Although I have already replied it really got to me, I am thinking especially about the mom who asked me to keep her daughter longer, plus, I have been thinking of going to part timers only. Even if I am not going to change a parent and I am understanding of parents who have no choice (I was raised by a single mom) I really also like the idea of part time more and more because my part time parents are trying to arrange thier schedule and make choices that allow them to spend more time with thier children. This is a philosophy that I have always adopted. When I was working my children were in childcare just a couple days a week. I am especially sad when kids are here full time and they dont need to be. So knowing I cant change parents and I cant make thier choices for them I CAN change the way I do business. I want to do business with parents who have the same belief system I do. Thanks so much for this post it has helped me more than you know lovethis


          • #6
            I think about this too. I just found out that one of my DCG, who is here 10 hours a day, also goes to a evening babysitter at times, not sure how often but still, its sad.

