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Off Topic: Holiday Donations

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  • Off Topic: Holiday Donations

    In the spirit of the holidays I started thinking about all of the people that are in need during this time and how I've seen so many more people standing outside in need of money for food. I would just like to say that although we may be tempted to hand out a dollar to the family standing outside the grocery store or at the corner of the shopping center (and why not right) that dollar could be put to better use.

    It's the season to be grateful for what we have and to share what we have with those that have to do without and that are less fortunate than us. It's the season of brotherhood, love and to be thankful for our plentiful bounty ... however before you hand out that dollar think about it for a moment. The person that you hand it to can buy the equivalent to a can of tuna with that one dollar. Why not donate that dollar ... or a few more (what's $5 out of your wallet right?!) to a charitable food organization?

    Your one dollar donated to Feeding America can buy up to 20 pounds of food!! That's a whole lot of people eating a meal on your one dollar! In the spirit of the holidays I'd like to ask you all to donate one dollar, just one, to Feeding America or a local member of feeding america in your area and if you can spare more than just the one dollar then may your kindness be returned to you. God bless you all no matter what you celebrate, Happy holidays and may you and your family be blessed this season and all seasons to come.

    Remember $1=8 meals lovethis

    To donate online to Feeding America:
    Click Here

  • #2
    Marina, thanks for posting the kind words and the link. I do tend to give to people who ask politely, especially women. I didn't used to see many families panhandling, but I have seen way more of it than I can stand lately. I hope everyone will donate to the food banks too. Our local supermarket has pre-bagged and priced groceries available for the food bank, good idea as well. Thanks again Marina, and have a great christmas.


    • #3
      I don't give cash, but I will give food. I used to keep a few grocery bags full of food in my car. I would have small containers of peanut butter, crackers, gatorade, dried fruit; things that did not need to be stored in a fridge. I would hand them to the pandhandlers at the freeway offramps.

      I believe our city now escorts them out of town. I haven't seen any in a long time.

      I will buy a homeless person a meal if I see them sitting in a fastfood restaurant.

      My dd frequently sees a homeless man near her work. She's given him water, giftcards for the local fastfood restaurants, catfood for his cat, socks and mittens. He's always very appreciative for whatever she gives him.

      Sadly, I've seen people use food banks that don't really need them.


      • #4
        I used to give a few dollars here or there to the woman in front of Target that looked like she could use it, to the Veteran in the wheel chair with the amputated leg, to the fammily living in their car etc. But I realized that the food shares in my city have a shortage and that's one of the reasons why there are still so many people asking for money or food.

        I can give someone one dollar which can't buy a whole meal or I can give that dollar to my local Feeding America chapter and my one dollar can feed 8 people. It made me think twice about how I donate money. Sure I still hand out a dollar here or there when my heart strings are pulled but I am an advocate for donating to feed the people in my community.

        Everyone gives in their own way and does what they can when they can and that's great!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
          I used to give a few dollars here or there to the woman in front of Target that looked like she could use it, to the Veteran in the wheel chair with the amputated leg, to the fammily living in their car etc. But I realized that the food shares in my city have a shortage and that's one of the reasons why there are still so many people asking for money or food.

          I can give someone one dollar which can't buy a whole meal or I can give that dollar to my local Feeding America chapter and my one dollar can feed 8 people. It made me think twice about how I donate money. Sure I still hand out a dollar here or there when my heart strings are pulled but I am an advocate for donating to feed the people in my community.

          Everyone gives in their own way and does what they can when they can and that's great!!!
          You're right.


          • #6
            1st of all I think it's wonderful to post about sharing and giving. I am all for giving but I know for a fact some people take all they can from as many organizations as they can then keep their money for themselves while everyone else pays for the bills and food. I do hand out when I can but I much rather give the product needed. I have packed bags from my own pantry for daycare families, I have purchased clothing and shoes etc but I will not hand them money because honestly I don't trust some of the parents. I know a couple were using drugs and even selling food stamps to do so. Even offered them to me for 1/2 cost . Its so sad that these days ya cant trust who really needs it.

            I have a family in care right now that stood here this week and bragged about getting away with not reporting all income and getting Christmas assitance. She admitted even if you are approved you are only permitted to get Christmas gifts from 1 source yet she somehow managed to double up and get bags and bags of gifts from 2 different sources. She says now she doesn't have to buy the kids gifts they did it for her. Ingrates with no sense of decency or morals.

            I'm sorry I sound against I am not against giving help. BUT how do we know who really needs it. I know for a fact the charities dont check on the income reported. They trust and have faith that people will tell the truth. Sad that's an old dying tradition, honesty.

            I am thinking about taking my son down to the homeless shelter and donating right there on Christmas day. Surely anyone who is there to eat on Christmas day is honestly in need. The ones who are mooching just so they can spend their own money on cigaretts, beer and drugs, will be too busy relaxing at home.


            • #7
              I'm currently sponsoring a family through a food bank here in my town. Boy is it expensive. Just bought some things off the kids lists at Walmart and it cost $200 and now I need to go and buy a turkey dinner with all the fixn's for them!! Ah well they need it more than I do. I've also donated to a meal program. I'm tapped out ::


              • #8
                If anyone is really leary of contributing to a food bank/food program/or another type of aid here is something that would be easy to do.

                Go talk to the Principal or some teachers at one of your elementary, middle, or high schools. They will be able to tell you exactly what kids need the help! They will know the ones that come without lunch, proper school supplies, need help with clothes, etc. You hear some very sad stories when talking to them.

                One time one of them was telling me about a little girl who was late to school and very upset. When they asked what was wrong she said she missed reading group and had wanted to get the toothbrush in the prize box because she didn't have one at home. That child went stocked up from school with all types of goodies that day.happyface

                So if you want to hear some true stories talk to them because they work with these children all day long and get to here the truth about what goes on at home.
                Each day is a fresh start
                Never look back on regrets
                Live life to the fullest
                We only get one shot at this!!


                • #9
                  Agree with the school idea. We buy socks unders tanks toothbrushes and paste each shopping trip. I send to school secretary, she does whatever is needed to get it where it needs to be. I always tell her that if there is a particular need, to just mention it. Non descript mittens gloves and hats too.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                    If anyone is really leary of contributing to a food bank/food program/or another type of aid here is something that would be easy to do.

                    Go talk to the Principal or some teachers at one of your elementary, middle, or high schools. They will be able to tell you exactly what kids need the help! They will know the ones that come without lunch, proper school supplies, need help with clothes, etc. You hear some very sad stories when talking to them.

                    One time one of them was telling me about a little girl who was late to school and very upset. When they asked what was wrong she said she missed reading group and had wanted to get the toothbrush in the prize box because she didn't have one at home. That child went stocked up from school with all types of goodies that day.happyface

                    So if you want to hear some true stories talk to them because they work with these children all day long and get to here the truth about what goes on at home.
                    Excellent idea! Thank u Counrty!

