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Could a 1 yo REALLY Not Need a Nap?!

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  • Could a 1 yo REALLY Not Need a Nap?!

    We have a 1 yo little girl, who JUST turned 1, and has decided she will not sleep at all. She just cries and cries. She used to sleep. She is used to our routine, has been with us for about 6 months. We tried just cutting out her morning nap because she wasn't taking an afternoon nap. It worked for a couple days, but for the last 3 weeks or so she hasn't napped a wink. We have talked to her mom, and her mom has no idea what is going on but can't get her to nap at home either. I just can't have a 1 year old up all day long. She is beastly after lunch and severly NEEDS a nap, but refuses. Do we just keep up our routine? Have you ever had a child this young give up naps. Unfortunately, if she indeed is giving up her nap, we will have to term. Ideas?

  • #2
    I changed my 15 mo old to a one nap schedule when she started napping for 30 mins. Big mistake. Then she started not napping at all. I have had to go back to cry it out and two naps/day. Sometimes she doesn't nap in the morning, talks, cries a little, talks, throws a tantrum, then will sometimes lay down. If she is still awake after a certain amount of crying, I'll give in. But I have given her much more time to try to settle than I did in the past. Now she is at least napping a good chunk in the afternoon. Some here have said they go to one nap around 15 months, but I haven't heard of no naps.

    I agree. I couldn't have this little one here without her taking a nap. I would have had to term if she hadn't started sleeping again. Honestly, I think it was a combo of teething/virus/etc. This horrid napping schedule lasted about a month! She still has no napping days on occasion.
    MnMum married to DH 9 years
    Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11


    • #3
      Is there something you can give her to cuddle with while she rests?

      My daughter (19mo) was in her crib today talking. I laid her down at 12:30, and she was still talking to herself after 2p. Not crying, just quietly talking. I peeked in at her, she had taken her pants off, and thrown everything out of the crib. I put her pants back on, laid her back down, gave her her blanket. It's now 3:30 and she is sleeping. I dread waking her up because she went to sleep so late, but if she naps too late, she'll be up late. I was afraid she was going to decide she was done napping.
      Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


      • #4
        She may not need a nap, but she needs a rest. In a play pen. With no toys. Until everyone else's nap is over. She will eventually get through this and start napping again. If she doesn't get this rest time now, however, she will turn into a no-nap child.

        Remind her it's still nap time and walk away. She will learn to calm herself down, and go back to sleep. The other kids will also learn to sleep through it.

        Don't give up. It's a learned skill.


        • #5
          What time does she get there? I would put her down for a nap as soon as she gets there and then again when the rest of the group naps. I would never put a 12 month old on one nap a day.


          • #6
            She may be over tired and fighting it. You could try doing a short morning nap still and see if that helps. Maybe wake her up after a certain time. You could try a different sleeping arrangement. Have there been any major changes in her life? A move, parents relationship problems, new kid etc could really throw her off kilter and not make her feel as secure.


            • #7
              find out how many hours the child is sleeping at night.


              • #8
                Originally posted by grandmom View Post
                She may not need a nap, but she needs a rest. In a play pen. With no toys. Until everyone else's nap is over. She will eventually get through this and start napping again. If she doesn't get this rest time now, however, she will turn into a no-nap child.

                Remind her it's still nap time and walk away. She will learn to calm herself down, and go back to sleep. The other kids will also learn to sleep through it.

                Don't give up. It's a learned skill.
                I agree 100%. 1 yr olds do not know what their body NEEDS. They know they don't want to nap and miss out on toys and fun. What they need is a rest regarless of if they sleep or not. Time to process what they have learned all morning is good for the brain.


                • #9
                  I would go with sleep deprived and very, very overtired before I would go with doesn't need a nap. I would also put her down in the morning by 830 and see if that helps the rest of the day.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                    I would go with sleep deprived and very, very overtired before I would go with doesn't need a nap. I would also put her down in the morning by 830 and see if that helps the rest of the day.
                    I agree with this. I find the more overtired a child is the more they resist sleep. I'm dealing with this right now with a 3 yr old whose mom doesn't want her to nap because she thinks it's interfering with her night time sleep. IMO the better she naps here the better she sleeps at home.

                    How is she sleeping at night at home?


                    • #11
                      you can ask what she is doing at home but don't count on them to change anything. the solution is more sleep, not less.

