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Playdough Question :)

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  • Playdough Question :)

    What do you do with 'old', but still good playdough??

    Sometimes we make our own, but we also have a stash of actual playdough. It's been around the block a couple of times and by now most of the colors are mixed together. So, I bought new playdough but don't just want to throw out the old playdough, is there anything I can do with it?

    Before when we were done with playdough, I had the children make something (I forget what it was) and they took it home in that shape...where it was probably thrown away, but anyways...

    I just sent some homemade playdough home, so I wanted to do something different...Ideas??

  • #2
    I don't do playdough anymore. It has wheat in it. I'm allergic and so is one of my DCK. I like your idea of sending it home.


    • #3
      You could have them roll it out and make a dinosaur shape out of noodles. Then place another rolled piece over it, let it dry. They take it home to dig out the fossil?


      • #4
        I just made a batch of chocolate playdough. It's still warm and they're having so much fun with it.

        I'm thinking of just tossing the pumpkin pie playdough from Thanksgiving into the freezer. I'm not sure how it will work out.


        • #5
          Eh, I have no qualms about just tossing the old stuff. It's pretty cheap to make and eventually dries out no matter my best efforts. New play dough is just so much more fun.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            I'd just throw it out.

            We no longer use playdough. We use real clay now! I set up a table and they have REAL clay and REAL tools available all the time. They are creating some amazing 3D artwork and they get to keep what they create!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
              I'd just throw it out.

              We no longer use playdough. We use real clay now! I set up a table and they have REAL clay and REAL tools available all the time. They are creating some amazing 3D artwork and they get to keep what they create!
              oohhhhh...I LOVE real clay!

              We use both. I use the playdough more for fine motor covering letter mats, and cutting with scissors.

              We use the clay for art, which I like better, because it dries nicer and doesnt crack.


              • #8
                I just throw it out too. I can make 5 large balls for less than $10 so I just toss the old stuff.


                • #9
                  I tend to make my own. When the old batch is about done we roll it out an make cookie cutter shapes. Bake'm on low, or let them dry out & then they can paint them. I get an extra activity & craft out of it, and then the parents can determine when/if to pitch them.

