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Should I Speak to Parents of My Overweight DCB?

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  • Should I Speak to Parents of My Overweight DCB?

    I am not sure how to approach this... I have been watching this little guy for a little over a year now, he is about 27 months old and weighs 48.5 lbs. I feed him healthy food in my home, I don't know if this is genetic as both parents are heavier. I love this little boy and his family so much, I think they are really great parents that wholeheartedly love their child. I do think that they could make better food choices. Mind you I don't live with them but just based on comments made here and there.

    But today... I took the kids all to the park he had lots of fun and wanted to swing, isn't old enough for the regular swings so I inspected the child ones (make sure he would fit) and put him in the toddler swing. He got scared when I pushed him gently because he went away from me. So I went to pull him out... HE GOT STUCK!! Praise God there was a man pushing his grandchild next to me! It took us 3 tries and different positions to get the poor baby out of the swing. I thought I was going to have to call the fire department to cut that swing off him.

    I love this family so much, I don't want to hurt them but I felt so upset after that. That poor baby, his life is going to be extremely limited and hard if this isn't addressed in the right way. There needs to be a change. I know that his mom has talked to the Dr. about him being so large and she said for so long they accused her of overfeeding. But he has had 4x's the amount of steroids for his age due to illnesses he has had. The thought being thats the reason for his size. I am at a loss but feel I should say SOMETHING, I would help in anyway possible. I love this child and am hurt for him

  • #2
    I personally wouldn't say anything. I am sure they are aware that he is overweight.


    • #3
      Oh how sad, and how scary for you and him! I do know steroids cause weight gain, and I would have thought that this would be something the Dr. discussed with them. All you can do is make sure he eats healthy foods, reasonable portions, and remains active.
      This is a sensitive subject. Speaking as a parent of a slightly overweight child, the parents DO know it, they hear plenty of comments from well-intentioned and/or just plain rude people and so what you say needs to be very encouraging, so that in no way could they take it as blaming them.
      You could ask the parents if the Dr. had any suggestions for them that you could follow as well as to how best keep this little guy health, that might help get them thinking about either doing what Dr. suggested (if they're not) or finding out some more about what they can do.


      • #4
        I wonder if there is some sort of evening toddler/preschool class he could join for a bit of extra exercise...poor kid.


        • #5
          I certainty do not want to hurt them or blame them. Thank you MomofSix and Mac I think asking if I could help with what the Dr. suggested is a good start. I do hope that will get them thinking in a non-direct way about following his orders if they aren't already. Good idea

          Should I tell them about what happened at the park ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by krogers1982 View Post
            I certainty do not want to hurt them or blame them. Thank you MomofSix and Mac I think asking if I could help with what the Dr. suggested is a good start. I do hope that will get them thinking in a non-direct way about following his orders if they aren't already. Good idea

            Should I tell them about what happened at the park ?
            I would tell mom about the park.

