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Intentional Destruction

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  • Intentional Destruction

    My 3 yo has been walking around all morning breaking things. He'll be playing nicely, then all of a sudden destroy whatever he has in his hand.

    He was being good, looking at Christmas ornaments and broke a piece off of one. He wanted to play with the stamp pads, picked up stamps and tore them apart. He was playing nice with the dry erase/magnetic board and ripped off the magnets.

    I foresee an early lunch and nap.

  • #2
    Ooooh. That makes me so angry when they do that. Especially if it's my own kiddos, because they KNOW that's not okay and they do it anyway. Grrrrr. Sorry you're having a tough morning.


    • #3
      Per my handbook, parent must pay to replace the items. 7 days to pay, amount 50-100% decided by me (depends on what condition the item was in). And the kid would be in TO a lot. Parent would have been called. Kid might get sent home. This is only for willful destruction BTW


      • #4
        I just hate when a toy gets broken here, either intentional or because they are to rough with it. Puts me in a bad mood.


        • #5
          I have only ever had one kid do that. I have no idea what the deal is with that.....she really had no respect of any objects or personal boundaries although, in general, she was as well behaved as any other kid. I never understand if she knew what she was doing or what the deal was. At 2.5, her mom took her out and mom became a SAHM so I never did get any resolution for that problem. I know at home, they rearranged the whole house and there was never really anything she couldn't do or touch and she had soooo many toys. Probably just never received any consequences at home or worse, was handed an instant replacement for broken items.


          • #6
            I used to have a 5 year old that would intentionally destroy things. After he left, I implemented the policy that intentional destruction of property was grounds for termination and that any property destroyed would be the parents responsibility to replace or provide compensation for the face value.


            • #7
              I may be mean but he would be playing with soft baby toys, and told that until he can NOT destroy my property or things that he would not get to play with "big kid" toys or look at the ornaments, pens, dry erase markers, stamps, etc.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                I used to have a 5 year old that would intentionally destroy things. After he left, I implemented the policy that intentional destruction of property was grounds for termination and that any property destroyed would be the parents responsibility to replace or provide compensation for the face value.
                I have this in my contract. Kids will be kids, but if it's more than accident or reasonable wear and tear...the parent coughs up a replacement or the cash.


                • #9
                  it's not mean, pending age...

                  The whole idea of giving them baby toys and kind of..."demoting" them works. I'm not talking about for everything, but I had a really terrific daycare kid that I really grew to love so much and I loved her family too. Was a great relationship....

                  But there were two times that I did have to do this... the first was her first or second week with us she broke three things in about four or five minutes. She cried and cried because she told me she didn't want me angry with her. I told her I'm not angry honey, but you can't play with big kid toys if you cannot treat them like a big kid. The rest of the day, she wasn't allowed in the room with the big toys and could only play with my not-quite 2 year olds toys. The next day, she apologized and said she could play nicely with the toys. She never broke anything else in my house intentionally again.

                  The second, she went through a short jealous phase and every time I turned my eyes, she was doing hurtful things to my little one. When it didn't stop with talking and basic discipline, I finally "grounded" her to my side. Except for when I was in the bathroom she had to be right beside me. Which meant again, she couldn't be in the room with the big kid toys because I stayed primarily in the main room. After a few days of this, she again apologized and promised to treat the little ones with kindness. She never had any problems again.

                  side note: I'm not a licensed provider... my state allows you to babysit/daycare up to 4 unrelated, so that's where I am.... just a mom, and I don't think my way of doing things always "right" but I try and I'm always open and honest with my families about whatever discipline I do.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by krissy_mo View Post
                    The whole idea of giving them baby toys and kind of..."demoting" them works. I'm not talking about for everything, but I had a really terrific daycare kid that I really grew to love so much and I loved her family too. Was a great relationship....
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