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Reason to be Concerned?

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  • Reason to be Concerned?

    DCG (almost 5 years old) arrived today sort of out of sorts. My son (age 2) loves her but easily sets her off. He might take a crayon from her box or something very minor like that & she'll blow up & today when he did just that she burst into tears. After dealing with her outbursts for almost an hour I asked her if something was wrong. Mom had said at drop off that it was a crazy morning. DCG told me "mommy gave me three spankings this morning so I am mad" Okay. I have nothing against spanking, I don't think she is abused or anything but it seems a bit excessive. Of course I know the girl also may be stretching the truth. Should I mention the girl's poor behavior when she picks up & hint at anything or just not say anything?

  • #2
    Id just tell mom that she seemed upset today, that maybe she was tired or starting to feel bad? Maybe mom will tell you what happened. ?? Id watch for signs of abuse though, keep your eyes and ears open, but try not to make judgement because you know how kids that age are. And,.. yes, there have been mornings when my own kids got 3 spankings, (all in private of course) In fact, my 16 yr old I still remember the day when she was 6 and missed the bus because she didnt want to use the blue brush,.. the purple one was the one she wanted,.. so not only did I spank her,.I think a total of 4 times that morning,.. . I made her walk beside my van the 6 blocks to school because I wasnt giving her a ride,.. (but I wasnt letting her walk alone) so I followed her.
    she only missed the bus ONE time her entire time in school,.. (she drives now so it doesnt matter anymore)


    • #3
      I wouldnt be concerned. There would have to be some major signs like bruises on a regular basis IMO to begin to question abuse. Getting three spankings in a morning sounds like they had a rough morning and her mom was handing out some much needed discipline. I would leave it alone. We should always be aware of continuing patterns that might be signs of a greater problem and at that time I would bring it up with the parents.


      • #4
        Originally posted by View Post
        Id just tell mom that she seemed upset today, that maybe she was tired or starting to feel bad? Maybe mom will tell you what happened. ?? Id watch for signs of abuse though, keep your eyes and ears open, but try not to make judgement because you know how kids that age are. And,.. yes, there have been mornings when my own kids got 3 spankings, (all in private of course) In fact, my 16 yr old I still remember the day when she was 6 and missed the bus because she didnt want to use the blue brush,.. the purple one was the one she wanted,.. so not only did I spank her,.I think a total of 4 times that morning,.. . I made her walk beside my van the 6 blocks to school because I wasnt giving her a ride,.. (but I wasnt letting her walk alone) so I followed her.
        she only missed the bus ONE time her entire time in school,.. (she drives now so it doesnt matter anymore)
        I LOVE IT! If more parents parented this way we would have a much better world!


        • #5
          Originally posted by View Post
          ) In fact, my 16 yr old I still remember the day when she was 6 and missed the bus because she didnt want to use the blue brush,.. the purple one was the one she wanted,.. so not only did I spank her,.I think a total of 4 times that morning,.. . I made her walk beside my van the 6 blocks to school because I wasnt giving her a ride,.. (but I wasnt letting her walk alone) so I followed her.
          she only missed the bus ONE time her entire time in school,.. (she drives now so it doesnt matter anymore)
          HAHA! Yes those memories do stick out! I think I could write a book about the stuff my mother did to me! ::

          Thanks for the laugh duchess!


          • #6
            Thanks ladies for your input! I don't think she is abused, but I will certainly look out for any signs.


            • #7

              I love it. My daughter and I have some similar stories.


              • #8
                In a society that frowns upon spanking, most of us want to think it's so bad...personally I don't think the spankings are bad if the child is out of control or excessively not's all in HOW you spank. If you're beating your child with spankings, that is WRONG...if it's just a "hey I'm talking to you and you need to listen" spank...I think sometimes they are needed.

                My youngest is very difficult and always doing things despite me...I don't really spank her much, but yes, at times she needs it. I would NEVER do that to any of my daycare children, but my own will give me a MUCH more harder time because that's just how kids are with their moms.

                She probably just had a bad morning...but it's always our job to keep a good eye on any bruises or neglect.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post
                  In a society that frowns upon spanking, most of us want to think it's so bad...personally I don't think the spankings are bad if the child is out of control or excessively not's all in HOW you spank. If you're beating your child with spankings, that is WRONG...if it's just a "hey I'm talking to you and you need to listen" spank...I think sometimes they are needed.

                  My youngest is very difficult and always doing things despite me...I don't really spank her much, but yes, at times she needs it. I would NEVER do that to any of my daycare children, but my own will give me a MUCH more harder time because that's just how kids are with their moms.

                  She probably just had a bad morning...but it's always our job to keep a good eye on any bruises or neglect.
                  I completely agree and can totally youngest is the same way.

