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Moms Are Overworked

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  • Moms Are Overworked

    Did anyone see the MSN article about moms being more stressed or something along that line. Seriously, they just, I mean they just figured that one out!!!!!

    I could have told you that back in the 70's when women were going into the workforce fulltime by the droves that it was even happening back then! Its not like this suddenly happened.

    Sometimes I wonder if they write these articles because they have nothing else to write!
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    I agree...nothing new!! Tired and stressed is an understatement.

    Nothing will ever change though...women have and always will carry the brunt of the workload: Kids, cooking, cleaning, and also working. Seriously, how many of us can carry on about how much free time we have? Unless, we squeeze it in to our busy schedules.


    • #3
      I wrote a college paper a few yeas ago on Mothers-Now and Then.....meaning mothers today and mothers from my Grandmothers era. My Grandma had 12 kids, she made clothing, cooked 3 meals a day, made bread, gardened, canned, did laundry the old fashioned way, etc. None of the conveniences we have today. I am sure she worked way harder working at home raising 12 kids without modern conveniences, than any of us do today. She also put her family first, something many mothers today don't know how to do. Don't know how many might be familiar with a wringer washing machine...but do you have any idea how long it would take to do laundry for a family of 14 with a wringer washer then hang the clothes out to dry?


      • #4
        And let's remember that the 3 meals a day she cooked, and the dozens or hundreds of jars of fruit, vegies, and meat that she canned were all done in kitchens with no air conditioning.


        • #5
          Yep, I think I would rather work a job, then come home to a dishwasher, washer and dryer, a grocery store, etc etc.

