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Interesting Article About Blocks

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  • Interesting Article About Blocks

    Hope that link works. I especially like this part:
    "...many educators were embracing blocks as an antidote to fine-motor-skill deficits and difficulty with unstructured activity, problems that they blame on too much time in front of screens and overly academic preschools."

  • #2
    Awesome!! Blocks are the go-to thing here. The younger ones enjoy dumping them from container to container, and the older ones count, sort, and build with them! I love how the simple toys are making a comeback.


    • #3
      We have blocks in all shapes, sizes and colors. I can honestly say that this is a toy that all ages play with every single day.


      • #4
        My kids LOVE the blocks! Use them for everything from hairspray in a beauty salon to snow cone flavor bottles to food from a fancy restaurant.


        • #5
          Yes, the block area is a huge hit here as well. They build some pretty elaborate can actually touch on every developmental domain during block play. happyface


          • #6
            Just today the 2.5yo was carrying around two blocks stacked on each other, licking was an ice cream cone. Then we had to talk about how when we have pretend food, we have to eat it with our pretend mouth.

            In our block bin (i only use wooden blocks), I have some regular, large blocks, Jenga blocks, and some flat natural wood ones that are 4"x 1/2"x1/2". Between those 3 shapes we have them set up like dominos (to create falling creations), build towers, pyramids, and apartment buildings...and garages for the little hot wheels cars. I have wood floors, so the blocks also get used in a manner close to shuffleboard.


            • #7
              I LOVE blocks! We have Lego, duplo, magnatiles, Lincoln logs, wooden unit blocks, trio, kid'next, and mega blocks. Magnatiles are my all time fave! I reeeeeelly want another 200 of them! ::


              • #8
                My kids set them up like bowling pins ( we have tiled floors) and they roll balls into them to knock them down!!!

                All the kids here even the young babies love blocks!!


                • #9
                  Ours love the blocks but I have one special rule - "don't build higher than your belly button!" :: It seems that if they go above that point, somebody inevitably gets clunked in the head!

                  Also.. "No, blocks are not baseball bats!" and sometimes we have to limit the Guitar Hero Blocks as well!


                  • #10
                    I have a big set of unit blocks, but they are now in my 11 yo sons room (he loves them still) because all my group did was clobber each other with them, it seems.

                    Duplos, also, are mostly just dumped. I can't remember the last time anyone built anything.

                    Well, most of my group is pretty young, and the older ones still struggle with "go play with toys" most days, so it's tough to teach the younger ones!


                    • #11
                      Does anyone else have a set of unit blocks? Those are on my wish list and I'm not sure what ones to get. How many should I get? I've got a grant to use but I'm not sure how much it is yet. I still know that I for sure want unit blocks and if they use up a chunk of the grant that is okay. Please tell me how many unit blocks I should have or many get two small sets or one big set? LOL. I've got a license for 7, but plan to expand to 12 next year. Mixed ages.


                      • #12
                        Hey, how'd you score an equipment grant? Those are so few and far between! Congratulations!

                        My set came from Lakeshore Learning, I think (14 years ago), and cost about $250. It was a nice sized set. I seem to remember it was called the "classroom size".


                        • #13
                          I have one set. It used to be my oldest child's and then went to DC and after a few two many "clunks" to the head It's now in my younger child's room. The Dc can use them onene or Two:Two if I know they can use them gently. I have smaller wooden blocks, legos, duplos, links, bristles, block people, and block cars. They are all great. The kids love 'em and get very creative with them. I switch them up a lot to keep it interesting, but honestly, I probably don't have to do that wtih blocks!

                          So, yes, the unit blocks are great, but can be a bit hazerdous in a dc setting with only one supervising adult (imho).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SunflowerMama View Post
                            My kids LOVE the blocks! Use them for everything from hairspray in a beauty salon to snow cone flavor bottles to food from a fancy restaurant.
                            Don't foget "guns". I have 6 boys here, so this is a daily thing. (which I don't allow and hate, but they do it every chance they get)

                            Blocks/legos are the best toys ever. It is what they play with the most, and I love to see them use their imaginations and come up with unique one of a kind things.

