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Issues With Parents and the Kids

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  • Issues With Parents and the Kids

    Hi! I'm new here but I found this forum about a week ago and have been reading thru all the posts. Its nice to see I'm not alone in some of these issues.

    A little about me... I'm 30, married for 3 1/2 years and have a 16 month old daughter. Last year after the baby came I realized I wasn't cut out to be the working mom. I left my job and stayed home with the baby. One of my good friends asked me if I would watch her 2 boys 3 days a week (5-6 hour days). I love these kids like they were my own so of course I said yes. Since I had them I decided I could take in a few more so they would have playmates. So now here I am, only 10 months later, with 6 children coming in & out of my apartment. They are all part time so I don't have any more than 4 children (besides mine) here at the same time (my understanding of laws here in TN). Its kind of nice because they have different playmates almost every day.

    I've been thinking about getting licensed but we are looking for a house before we do that. We definitely need more space (bonus room or play room) and a larger play area. I have a community play area here but it more for older kids so I end up hauling tons of toys in & out so that the kids can play outside. So my first question is, what do you think are the benefits to being license? Other than being able to have more children.

    The 2nd question is a little more complicated. I have a parent who I feel like is taking advantage of me. The first is that they increased my hours and are not paying me for them. They did not ask, they just said next week the kids will be here from 7:30 until 4pm (it was 10-3:30). They asked me to start potty training 2 yr old and brought me pull ups. It only took me a week to realize it was not happening at home. The child was being brought in a diaper every day, usually dirty from night time. I asked the older child if his little brother goes in the potty at home and he told me "no he is too little". So I stopped and told parents to bring me diapers. It took them a week to get me those diapers. In the mean time I ran out of pull ups and had to use my own child's diapers. The kids always come in asking for food. Doesnt matter if it is 7:30 or 10am, they have not had breakfast. And here is the big issue... They did not pay me for 2 weeks. The 1st time Mom said she put it on my counter, but it wasnt there. I asked my husband and he said he didnt see/take it. The other week is kind of confusing. They pay me on Tuesdays (payday) for the week before. I took one week vacation and the next Tuesday I ask here for babysitting money and she tells me she doesnt owe me for last week. Its not for last week (vacation), its for the week before. We are still having difference of opinion on this.

    So I know that I should cut them and not watch the kids but here is the problem: Its my friends. The kids that I love. That is why haven't pushed the money issue. I think she didn't pay me because they are having money issues, but I wish she would just say that. I am so frustrated and there is a definite strain on the the friendship. She is having a LOT of problems with her job so I know she is under a lot of stress. It is to the point that she may be getting fired soon and honestly I am thinking that will be the best thing for our friendship. Oh and she pays me less than anyone else. She pays me for 2 kids what I could charge for 1.

    I'm not sure any advice will help on the issue but I would like to hear it if you have any. I'm trying not to lose a friendship. It used to be a really good one before all of this. But at the same time I'm tired of feeling like I'm being taken advantage of.

  • #2
    Originally posted by pigletsmommy View Post
    Hi! I'm new here but I found this forum about a week ago and have been reading thru all the posts. Its nice to see I'm not alone in some of these issues.

    A little about me... I'm 30, married for 3 1/2 years and have a 16 month old daughter. Last year after the baby came I realized I wasn't cut out to be the working mom. I left my job and stayed home with the baby. One of my good friends asked me if I would watch her 2 boys 3 days a week (5-6 hour days). I love these kids like they were my own so of course I said yes. Since I had them I decided I could take in a few more so they would have playmates. So now here I am, only 10 months later, with 6 children coming in & out of my apartment. They are all part time so I don't have any more than 4 children (besides mine) here at the same time (my understanding of laws here in TN). Its kind of nice because they have different playmates almost every day.

    I've been thinking about getting licensed but we are looking for a house before we do that. We definitely need more space (bonus room or play room) and a larger play area. I have a community play area here but it more for older kids so I end up hauling tons of toys in & out so that the kids can play outside. So my first question is, what do you think are the benefits to being license? Other than being able to have more children.

    The 2nd question is a little more complicated. I have a parent who I feel like is taking advantage of me. The first is that they increased my hours and are not paying me for them. They did not ask, they just said next week the kids will be here from 7:30 until 4pm (it was 10-3:30). They asked me to start potty training 2 yr old and brought me pull ups. It only took me a week to realize it was not happening at home. The child was being brought in a diaper every day, usually dirty from night time. I asked the older child if his little brother goes in the potty at home and he told me "no he is too little". So I stopped and told parents to bring me diapers. It took them a week to get me those diapers. In the mean time I ran out of pull ups and had to use my own child's diapers. The kids always come in asking for food. Doesnt matter if it is 7:30 or 10am, they have not had breakfast. And here is the big issue... They did not pay me for 2 weeks. The 1st time Mom said she put it on my counter, but it wasnt there. I asked my husband and he said he didnt see/take it. The other week is kind of confusing. They pay me on Tuesdays (payday) for the week before. I took one week vacation and the next Tuesday I ask here for babysitting money and she tells me she doesnt owe me for last week. Its not for last week (vacation), its for the week before. We are still having difference of opinion on this.

    So I know that I should cut them and not watch the kids but here is the problem: Its my friends. The kids that I love. That is why haven't pushed the money issue. I think she didn't pay me because they are having money issues, but I wish she would just say that. I am so frustrated and there is a definite strain on the the friendship. She is having a LOT of problems with her job so I know she is under a lot of stress. It is to the point that she may be getting fired soon and honestly I am thinking that will be the best thing for our friendship. Oh and she pays me less than anyone else. She pays me for 2 kids what I could charge for 1.

    I'm not sure any advice will help on the issue but I would like to hear it if you have any. I'm trying not to lose a friendship. It used to be a really good one before all of this. But at the same time I'm tired of feeling like I'm being taken advantage of.
    First of all welcome!!! It's too bad that your friend is taking advantage of you
    Do you have a contract in place? If so, I'd advise you to update it. I would make everyone pay you in advance for the week of service. My parent pays me on Monday for that week, that way there is no "getting behind". You can also put in your contract that you will not provide service if payment is not rendered in advance. Also, she needs to actually hand you the $$$, not just put it on your counter. It's unfortunate that your friend is taking advantage of you but I guess you find out who your true firiends are when you work for them. Have you had a heart-to-heart talk with her & let her know your feelings?


    • #3
      I am sorry that your friend is taking advantage of you. It's also a shame that we as providers grow attach to these little people and sometimes our feelings (even our actions!) get in the way of how things need to be done. That being said, this is a great place to get many different opinions! So welcome aboard!

      That also being said, something else stuck at me when I read your post. You live in an apartment. According to our lease we are not allowed to run home based businesses from the apartment ie.childcare. You may want to look into that. I live in TX so it might be different to where you are

      Again welcome aboard!


      • #4
        Originally posted by pigletsmommy View Post
        Hi! I'm new here but I found this forum about a week ago and have been reading thru all the posts. Its nice to see I'm not alone in some of these issues.

        A little about me... I'm 30, married for 3 1/2 years and have a 16 month old daughter. Last year after the baby came I realized I wasn't cut out to be the working mom. I left my job and stayed home with the baby. One of my good friends asked me if I would watch her 2 boys 3 days a week (5-6 hour days). I love these kids like they were my own so of course I said yes. Since I had them I decided I could take in a few more so they would have playmates. So now here I am, only 10 months later, with 6 children coming in & out of my apartment. They are all part time so I don't have any more than 4 children (besides mine) here at the same time (my understanding of laws here in TN). Its kind of nice because they have different playmates almost every day.

        I've been thinking about getting licensed but we are looking for a house before we do that. We definitely need more space (bonus room or play room) and a larger play area. I have a community play area here but it more for older kids so I end up hauling tons of toys in & out so that the kids can play outside. So my first question is, what do you think are the benefits to being license? Other than being able to have more children.

        The 2nd question is a little more complicated. I have a parent who I feel like is taking advantage of me. The first is that they increased my hours and are not paying me for them. They did not ask, they just said next week the kids will be here from 7:30 until 4pm (it was 10-3:30). They asked me to start potty training 2 yr old and brought me pull ups. It only took me a week to realize it was not happening at home. The child was being brought in a diaper every day, usually dirty from night time. I asked the older child if his little brother goes in the potty at home and he told me "no he is too little". So I stopped and told parents to bring me diapers. It took them a week to get me those diapers. In the mean time I ran out of pull ups and had to use my own child's diapers. The kids always come in asking for food. Doesnt matter if it is 7:30 or 10am, they have not had breakfast. And here is the big issue... They did not pay me for 2 weeks. The 1st time Mom said she put it on my counter, but it wasnt there. I asked my husband and he said he didnt see/take it. The other week is kind of confusing. They pay me on Tuesdays (payday) for the week before. I took one week vacation and the next Tuesday I ask here for babysitting money and she tells me she doesnt owe me for last week. Its not for last week (vacation), its for the week before. We are still having difference of opinion on this.

        So I know that I should cut them and not watch the kids but here is the problem: Its my friends. The kids that I love. That is why haven't pushed the money issue. I think she didn't pay me because they are having money issues, but I wish she would just say that. I am so frustrated and there is a definite strain on the the friendship. She is having a LOT of problems with her job so I know she is under a lot of stress. It is to the point that she may be getting fired soon and honestly I am thinking that will be the best thing for our friendship. Oh and she pays me less than anyone else. She pays me for 2 kids what I could charge for 1.

        I'm not sure any advice will help on the issue but I would like to hear it if you have any. I'm trying not to lose a friendship. It used to be a really good one before all of this. But at the same time I'm tired of feeling like I'm being taken advantage of.
        Welcome to the forum. I am also sorry that your "friend" is taking advantage of you but she is only going to do what you let her do. Since it doesn't appear that you can have both, you are going to have to choose between your business or your friendship. Personally, I would tell her that you watching her boys is taking a toll on the relationship and since you value her friensdship (and the friendship between your children) she is going to have to find a new provider.

        I am assuming that she claims she paid you that day in cash, right? Otherwise you could just ask her to put a stop payment on the check. Why would anyone leave something on someone's counter (or anywhere) without telling them? In my contract I have:

        "It is required that you pay in advance of care, and tuition is due on Friday for care the following week. Do not leave payments in my mailbox, in your child’s diaper bag, on the table, etc. Please hand payments to me directly."


        • #5
          You are being taken advantage of. The question is, how long will you allow this to happen, and how will this damage your relationship with both your friend and the children.

          Clear it up now. Just tell her you need to talk aobut the payments. Print out a list of weeks, and money paid. Tell her from now on payment is in advance so you won't have this confusion.

          Business needs to be business.

          As for the apartment, check your local laws. If you are doing this illegally (even though you may not know it's illegal) and she gets mad at you, be prepared to be reported.



          • #6
            Originally posted by misol View Post
            I am also sorry that your "friend" is taking advantage of you but she is only going to do what you let her do. Since it doesn't appear that you can have both, you are going to have to choose between your business or your friendship. Personally, I would tell her that you watching her boys is taking a toll on the relationship and since you value her friensdship (and the friendship between your children) she is going to have to find a new provider.
            I think misol is right. If this were not your friend (or if she begs you to keep her children AND offers to change how she does things), she would need an updated contract including policies to cover every issue that you are having. Good luck!


            • #7

              Thanks for the responses.

              First I guess I should clarify... currently there is no contract and I dont really considered this a business (except for tax purposes). All but one parent pays me in cash. I'm know I'm walking a thin line right now, hence my research looking into licensing (and thats how I found this forum). I have looked into the licensing and called DHS for TN to clarify unlicensed childcare. I was told that I could have 4 plus my own child at one time. I did not think while I was on the phone to ask them about the apartment but I have printed out the manuals and can't find anything about the rules on the structure. I'll call as soon as I get a chance. However, my maintance has been up here while the kids are all here and no one has said anything to me. I am doing my best to stay completely legal about this. The lady at DHS even said to me that many people keep more children and get away with it. Most of the time no one there even cares. One, the guilt at doing something illegal would eat away at me and 2, I would lose my mind with any more children without another adult.

              That brings me to another question... we are looking at houses to move into this summer and go back and forth between buying and renting right now with this crazy housing market. Does anyone rent their house and have a licensed daycare? That would be a big factor in whether or not I get licensed if we decide not to buy.

              As for my friend, there is no contract so I have nothing to go back on. Its a long story.. I'm sorry. When we first started this arrangement she paid me on her pay day (every other friday) and payed me for the current week plus the next week. Then she and her husband decided to move into a (more expensive) house and that same week his hours changed. She told me that they wanted to pay me on Tuesdays once a week (his pay day) which meant they would get behind a week. Its my friend so I'm trying to be understanding.

              This is not the first time she forgot to pay me either. A few months ago it happened and I asked her and she immediately apologized and brought the money right over. It took me almost a week the courage to bring it up. Then the end of Feb we had the missing money issue but I continue to watch her kids. The next week I went on vacation and the following week she didnt pay me again. It happened again this week but I called her immediately and she came back to my house to pay me. I'm really just sick of having to ask for money she owes me. None of my other parents "make" me ask them for it.

              I'm sorry if this is so confusing. To be honest I HATE confrontation and she knows it. She is the exact opposite. She knows that I will just let her get away with it but I'm really getting fed up between this and then all the other little things (like diapers and potty training).

              I'm thinking about telling her that she will need to find other childcare if she does keep her job. If I'm honest and say that this is going to ruin our friendship then maybe she will understand...but honestly I dont think so. It feels like it is already lost anyway.


              • #8
                You may be able to rent a home and run a daycare. It depends on the laws in TN. I also rent my home here in IL. I made sure it was OK with my landlord and that she would sign the permission form that DCFS sends her. Of course, there are things that I would like to do for my daycare that I can't or won't do, such as putting up a gate outside. You also have to worry about having to move sooner than you would like. Try to sign a lease that is longer than 1 year. It is still worth it for me because buying a house here is way too expensive. Property taxes, if I were to buy this house or any other house are 1/3 of my rent. At my previous rental they were 1/2 the cost of my rent.


                • #9
                  I would get a receipt book of some sort so you can give her a receipt when she pays you. That way you will have a record of what she pays you also & for what days. If this is eating away at you though I think you need to talk with her & tell her your feelings. Whether she thinks she is or not she is takign advantage of you, especialy if she has failed to pay you. Good luck! You can do it!!!


                  • #10
                    I'm the type that hates confrontation and asking people for money too, so I went to giving bills to parents each week. I list their child's hours, the rate, any late fees or credit, and the grand total. I leave it in each child's cubby on their last day of care for the week and the parents see it first thing when they walk in. It's been sooo much easier with this system! There's no question at all any more with parents "forgetting". And I don't have to say a word :-) It works especially well for the "friends" I do daycare for. That, and I keep very detailed records of payments in case there's any disagreement. Any late fees are simply added to the grand total, and I issue a late payment notice each day they're overdue.

                    Bills may help in your situation -- I was nervous about it at first, but parents were pretty accepting. Maybe something like this would help your dc mom to "remember" when she's paid and when she hasn't ;-)


                    • #11
                      day care owner

                      Originally posted by pigletsmommy View Post
                      Hi! I'm new here but I found this forum about a week ago and have been reading thru all the posts. Its nice to see I'm not alone in some of these issues.

                      A little about me... I'm 30, married for 3 1/2 years and have a 16 month old daughter. Last year after the baby came I realized I wasn't cut out to be the working mom. I left my job and stayed home with the baby. One of my good friends asked me if I would watch her 2 boys 3 days a week (5-6 hour days). I love these kids like they were my own so of course I said yes. Since I had them I decided I could take in a few more so they would have playmates. So now here I am, only 10 months later, with 6 children coming in & out of my apartment. They are all part time so I don't have any more than 4 children (besides mine) here at the same time (my understanding of laws here in TN). Its kind of nice because they have different playmates almost every day.

                      I've been thinking about getting licensed but we are looking for a house before we do that. We definitely need more space (bonus room or play room) and a larger play area. I have a community play area here but it more for older kids so I end up hauling tons of toys in & out so that the kids can play outside. So my first question is, what do you think are the benefits to being license? Other than being able to have more children.

                      The 2nd question is a little more complicated. I have a parent who I feel like is taking advantage of me. The first is that they increased my hours and are not paying me for them. They did not ask, they just said next week the kids will be here from 7:30 until 4pm (it was 10-3:30). They asked me to start potty training 2 yr old and brought me pull ups. It only took me a week to realize it was not happening at home. The child was being brought in a diaper every day, usually dirty from night time. I asked the older child if his little brother goes in the potty at home and he told me "no he is too little". So I stopped and told parents to bring me diapers. It took them a week to get me those diapers. In the mean time I ran out of pull ups and had to use my own child's diapers. The kids always come in asking for food. Doesnt matter if it is 7:30 or 10am, they have not had breakfast. And here is the big issue... They did not pay me for 2 weeks. The 1st time Mom said she put it on my counter, but it wasnt there. I asked my husband and he said he didnt see/take it. The other week is kind of confusing. They pay me on Tuesdays (payday) for the week before. I took one week vacation and the next Tuesday I ask here for babysitting money and she tells me she doesnt owe me for last week. Its not for last week (vacation), its for the week before. We are still having difference of opinion on this.

                      So I know that I should cut them and not watch the kids but here is the problem: Its my friends. The kids that I love. That is why haven't pushed the money issue. I think she didn't pay me because they are having money issues, but I wish she would just say that. I am so frustrated and there is a definite strain on the the friendship. She is having a LOT of problems with her job so I know she is under a lot of stress. It is to the point that she may be getting fired soon and honestly I am thinking that will be the best thing for our friendship. Oh and she pays me less than anyone else. She pays me for 2 kids what I could charge for 1.

                      I'm not sure any advice will help on the issue but I would like to hear it if you have any. I'm trying not to lose a friendship. It used to be a really good one before all of this. But at the same time I'm tired of feeling like I'm being taken advantage of.

                      I have had parents like that, and the first thing I did was to sit with them and talk and tell them what are your rules, stay with the hours you agree in the contract, if they need any more hours, those are extra, if they can not follow tell them that you can not take care of them and give two weeks notice, alway as for money in advance, make an invoice for avery week and keep a copy for your records


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pigletsmommy View Post
                        Thanks for the responses.

                        First I guess I should clarify... currently there is no contract and I dont really considered this a business (except for tax purposes). All but one parent pays me in cash. I'm know I'm walking a thin line right now, hence my research looking into licensing (and thats how I found this forum). I have looked into the licensing and called DHS for TN to clarify unlicensed childcare. I was told that I could have 4 plus my own child at one time. I did not think while I was on the phone to ask them about the apartment but I have printed out the manuals and can't find anything about the rules on the structure. I'll call as soon as I get a chance. However, my maintance has been up here while the kids are all here and no one has said anything to me. I am doing my best to stay completely legal about this. The lady at DHS even said to me that many people keep more children and get away with it. Most of the time no one there even cares. One, the guilt at doing something illegal would eat away at me and 2, I would lose my mind with any more children without another adult.

                        That brings me to another question... we are looking at houses to move into this summer and go back and forth between buying and renting right now with this crazy housing market. Does anyone rent their house and have a licensed daycare? That would be a big factor in whether or not I get licensed if we decide not to buy.

                        As for my friend, there is no contract so I have nothing to go back on. Its a long story.. I'm sorry. When we first started this arrangement she paid me on her pay day (every other friday) and payed me for the current week plus the next week. Then she and her husband decided to move into a (more expensive) house and that same week his hours changed. She told me that they wanted to pay me on Tuesdays once a week (his pay day) which meant they would get behind a week. Its my friend so I'm trying to be understanding.

                        This is not the first time she forgot to pay me either. A few months ago it happened and I asked her and she immediately apologized and brought the money right over. It took me almost a week the courage to bring it up. Then the end of Feb we had the missing money issue but I continue to watch her kids. The next week I went on vacation and the following week she didnt pay me again. It happened again this week but I called her immediately and she came back to my house to pay me. I'm really just sick of having to ask for money she owes me. None of my other parents "make" me ask them for it.

                        I'm sorry if this is so confusing. To be honest I HATE confrontation and she knows it. She is the exact opposite. She knows that I will just let her get away with it but I'm really getting fed up between this and then all the other little things (like diapers and potty training).

                        I'm thinking about telling her that she will need to find other childcare if she does keep her job. If I'm honest and say that this is going to ruin our friendship then maybe she will understand...but honestly I dont think so. It feels like it is already lost anyway.
                        Originally posted by pigletsmommy View Post
                        Thanks for the responses.
                        First I guess I should clarify... currently there is no contract and I dont really considered this a business (except for tax purposes). ***************

                        Be careful. Just because you don't consider this a business, your local officials might say otherwise. Since you are in an apt. bdg.
                        Last edited by Michael; 04-04-2010, 07:11 PM.


                        • #13
                          I have always been told to watch out for watching your own friends kids...and it is so true! I watched my friends boy before/after school and I even gave her a specific contract that I give to all my other clients...and she still never paid me on time...said Oh I'll have to pay you on Tuesday...happened a few times..she pulled out after a few weeks because she said she couldn't afford it and I waited over 2 1/2 weeks for my last pay. It gets very frustrating.

                          It's tough getting wrapped up with friends and trying to find a way out without ruining the friendship. Maybe just tell her that you rely on this money as a weekly pay for bills just as she relys on her weekly (or biweekly in her case) check.

                          I had done unliscensed daycare for years and just got registered this past Sept. One thing that feels really good about being registered is it feels I can enforce my rules better...being unregistered felt like nobody respected my I was home anyway so be lucky I'm getting something. Being registered makes me officially feel like a business and lets me run it that way..I rely on this money for a paycheck. I relyed on in before getting registered but this makes it feel like a self employed business with rules to follow rather than a stay at home mom getting money to help with bills..there is a different feeling there for me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            You may be able to rent a home and run a daycare. It depends on the laws in TN. I also rent my home here in IL. I made sure it was OK with my landlord and that she would sign the permission form that DCFS sends her. Of course, there are things that I would like to do for my daycare that I can't or won't do, such as putting up a gate outside. You also have to worry about having to move sooner than you would like. Try to sign a lease that is longer than 1 year. It is still worth it for me because buying a house here is way too expensive. Property taxes, if I were to buy this house or any other house are 1/3 of my rent. At my previous rental they were 1/2 the cost of my rent.
                            Thanks! I'm going to call in the morning and see if there is any regulations regarding renting. The housing market is all over the place where I am at and I'm just still not that comfortable buying back into it. At least now I know its a possibility

                            Originally posted by janarae View Post
                            I would get a receipt book of some sort so you can give her a receipt when she pays you. That way you will have a record of what she pays you also & for what days. If this is eating away at you though I think you need to talk with her & tell her your feelings. Whether she thinks she is or not she is takign advantage of you, especialy if she has failed to pay you. Good luck! You can do it!!!
                            Originally posted by DBug View Post
                            I'm the type that hates confrontation and asking people for money too, so I went to giving bills to parents each week. I list their child's hours, the rate, any late fees or credit, and the grand total. I leave it in each child's cubby on their last day of care for the week and the parents see it first thing when they walk in. It's been sooo much easier with this system! There's no question at all any more with parents "forgetting". And I don't have to say a word :-) It works especially well for the "friends" I do daycare for. That, and I keep very detailed records of payments in case there's any disagreement. Any late fees are simply added to the grand total, and I issue a late payment notice each day they're overdue.

                            Bills may help in your situation -- I was nervous about it at first, but parents were pretty accepting. Maybe something like this would help your dc mom to "remember" when she's paid and when she hasn't ;-)
                            Ohhh... I love both of these ideas. These are definitely something I'm thinking about now. Thanks!

                            Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
                            Be careful. Just because you don't consider this a business, your local officials might say otherwise. Since you are in an apt. bdg.

                            Thanks for the warning. I guess if there is a law prohibiting unregistered childcare in an apartment and a local official shows up then I will have to shut my doors and find another job.
                            Last edited by Michael; 04-07-2010, 01:42 PM.


                            • #15
                              Oh I forgot to mention...

                              Yesterday was her pay day again. She came in got the kids and turned around to leave. I asked her for the money and....surprise surprise... she forgot to stop at the bank again. I told her to bring it over today and so far nothing. Its already 3:30 here and she hasn't called/text.

                              If I dont here from her I'm thinking about telling her tomorrow not to bring the kids back until she pays for last week, the current week and pre pays next week

