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Letting a DK Go

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  • Letting a DK Go

    I have a 9 month old in my care that cries 24/7 non-stop unless I hold her. She has been in my care for 5 weeks and we are currently on the 6th week. She has not improved and only gotten worse. I tried the cry it out method, and she would scream for hours. When I picked her up she'd stop crying immediately and start smiling. I always check to make sure she is fed and diapered, but it doesn't change her not wanting to be put down. She used to nap for me and now she won't even do that. I'm at my wits end and feel that I can not handle it any longer. I have decided to let her go, as I have no other options. How do I word this to the parents, so as not to have a bad reputation? I'm new at this and I'd hate to start off on such a wrong foot.

  • #2
    Originally posted by MissJulz View Post
    I have a 9 month old in my care that cries 24/7 non-stop unless I hold her. She has been in my care for 5 weeks and we are currently on the 6th week. She has not improved and only gotten worse. I tried the cry it out method, and she would scream for hours. When I picked her up she'd stop crying immediately and start smiling. I always check to make sure she is fed and diapered, but it doesn't change her not wanting to be put down. She used to nap for me and now she won't even do that. I'm at my wits end and feel that I can not handle it any longer. I have decided to let her go, as I have no other options. How do I word this to the parents, so as not to have a bad reputation? I'm new at this and I'd hate to start off on such a wrong foot.
    She definately has seperation anxiety going on- I have had to let go of 2 children before due to this. They both had never been away from Mommy before and where around 6-10 months old.


    • #3
      Daycare lady website has a lot of good forms that you can use. I have modified them to work for my daycare. They have afew termination letters that you can choose from.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
        Daycare lady website has a lot of good forms that you can use. I have modified them to work for my daycare. They have afew termination letters that you can choose from.
        I looooove the daycare lady!


        • #5
          Thanks! Found a good form to use on daycare lady. Great site! Still worried about my reputation since i've had such a slow start getting kids. Really stinks to be in this situation.


          • #6
            I know this is an older post, but I'm in the same situation. DCB (14 mths) has been here since the end of March and no progress has been made. I hate letting kids go (I've only had to do it once before, due to violent behavior). Last time I did it, i just told the mother, never gave written notice. Do I just give her the letter or sit and talk with her about it? She knows he cries daily here, but just chooses to ignore it.


            • #7
              Personally, I would try to gradually escalate my concerns to the parents at pick up for a little while so it doesnt come as a shock. (Especially if you havent said much about it lately other than "he has been crying". )

              I would discuss it in person at pick up and give a time I will give it another week...and then I would terminate with a letter.


              • #8
                I was coming to post about the same thing. My dck is 5 1/2 and for the past 2 months has been having violent outbursts. She is getting physical with the other kids, kicking, punching, spitting... She has done it to me as well. Today would be the fourth incident. I am going to tell her parents "I think she will be happier somewhere else". Truth is, we all would be. The other kids don't enjoy her anymore at all.

                I feel bad because they are neighbors and I have only been open for about 6 months. It is just too stressful for me to have to walk on eggshells around her--if you aren't careful she will just blow up. And it is stressful for the other kids, too. She is more of a liability than anything right now.

                I'm planning on talking to the dad tonight and following up with the mom. He is pretty much a slacker...

                (I hate posting negative things, because I am very positive in general. Since taking her on I have bee depressed and really irritable. I wake up dreading my day. ( So I promise the next time I post I will write something nice!)


                • #9
                  I have told her many, many times. Sometimes daily. She's at the point now where she doesn't even ask anymore when she picks him up.

                  This is the letter that I will be giving her:

                  Dear PARENT,

                  I am afraid that I will not be able to continue providing childcare for CHILD. This has been a very difficult decision on my part, as I enjoy having CHILD here, but I am not able to provide him with the level of care he needs, as well as the other children in my care concurrently.

                  I will continue to provide care for CHILD until June 11th so that you may have time to find a provider that will be a better fit for your family. As well I will understand if you find care for CHILD sooner than this date. Please let me know if this happens.

                  It is important to me, as a childcare provider, to provide the same level of care to each individual child that I would provide for my own children. I do not feel this is possible in the current situation. I apologize for any inconvenience, but take these steps out of consideration for what is best for your family as well as mine. I thank you for your time and wish your family all the best.

                  Respectfully Yours,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dice401 View Post
                    I have told her many, many times. Sometimes daily. She's at the point now where she doesn't even ask anymore when she picks him up.

                    This is the letter that I will be giving her:

                    Dear PARENT,

                    I am afraid that I will not be able to continue providing childcare for CHILD. This has been a very difficult decision on my part, as I enjoy having CHILD here, but I am not able to provide him with the level of care he needs, as well as the other children in my care concurrently.

                    I will continue to provide care for CHILD until June 11th so that you may have time to find a provider that will be a better fit for your family. As well I will understand if you find care for CHILD sooner than this date. Please let me know if this happens.

                    It is important to me, as a childcare provider, to provide the same level of care to each individual child that I would provide for my own children. I do not feel this is possible in the current situation. I apologize for any inconvenience, but take these steps out of consideration for what is best for your family as well as mine. I thank you for your time and wish your family all the best.

                    Respectfully Yours,
                    I may have to steal your letter. Good luck to you!

