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December 1st

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  • December 1st

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have my second dinner at the inlaws tonight (wish me luck ). I ended up with today off after all since I got a txt from mom of the only two girls I was going to watch saying dad took today off and was keeping them, YAY!!!

    So December 1st is nearing and I told all families they would have to give me their final decisions on whether they are staying or going due to new rates and I am happy to say I stood my ground and even though it looked grim for a little while I think at max I will only be losing one family, but I also heard they may have changed their minds happyface. I will ask everyone one last time next week and then be done with this. I am so happy I stuck to what I wanted and didn't give in when the parents tried to scare me with them maybe leaving. Thanks for all the help, kind words, and stand your ground responses to my numerous posts on this issue!! lovethis