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My Patience Is Wearing Thin.....

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  • My Patience Is Wearing Thin.....

    I have 9 kids total today 2 under 1. two 3 yr olds, one 4 yr old, one 5 yr old, two 6 yr olds, one 7 yr old. One of the 6 yr olds is a new girl she complains about everything, has an attitude and keeps raising a fist at the other kids if they make her angry, I am already in a not so good mood this week and she is testing me. She just complained that one of the other kids coughed on her and I had watched the other child in question cover their mouth, she just wants to complain so I told her if it bothers her to move away from the child and sit by her self. 7 more hours and I have a day off. Anyone else having a hard day?

  • #2
    I'm right there with you I have 7 today plus five of my own boys at home and I"m ready to lose my mind


    • #3
      That was my Monday. My 9 yo was here all day, complain, tattle, complain, tattle, complain, tattle. I earned every $ for the week that day.


      • #4
        I had that kind of week last week. was sooooooooooooooo ready for the weekend!!!


        • #5
          I hope your day gets better. I commend you for taking on SA children. I won't do it. I former family called the other day looking for drop in care while she went to a job interview. The five year old that I use to watch until she was 3 skipped school to come(she misses me and gets frustrated when her brother and sister come for her mom's weekly Dr. appointment). I quit taking SA children long ago. For me they are more work than the little ones. We don't watch tv here so they are constantly BORED. It was to hard for me to come up with two sets of activities for the preschool aged kids and the SA kids. They don't know how to play. Just way to much for me to handle.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nellie View Post
            For me they are more work than the little ones. We don't watch tv here so they are constantly BORED. It was to hard for me to come up with two sets of activities for the preschool aged kids and the SA kids. They don't know how to play.



            • #7
              The playing wasn't the issue today it was the tone of her voice she was taking with the other children, very bossy and not very nice at all, she sat down a few times to have me time and then I had to speak to her and remind her I was the adult and unless someone was going to get hurt or hurt someone else her assistance wasn't needed.

              Lunch was a hoot too. I made baked ziti the two oldest my 7 yr old and the other 6 yr old had two bowls the younger kids tried and ate some of their meal with out any complaints but the 6 yr old girl looked at it and wanted pb and j to which I said we all eat the same thing you don't have to eat it but will not be getting anything else until snack time. She tried a few bites and still wasn't thrilled oh well don't expect them to like everything and she is just a drop in for holidays and when moms other options aren't available. Her 4 yr old brother is very sweet and easy to handle. I also have to take into consideration this was her first 3 days in a new place and she was testing me.

              Oh well the days over time to start making pies and go to town to pick up some last minute items. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!


              • #8
                I think your all going to say I was crazy for what I did today...

                I agreed to watch a 3 week old, 5 mo old, and 2 2 yr olds. It's time to go to bed now...ZZZZZZZ

                All where 8 hrs today....

                On the positive side...

                The 3 wk old slept most the day in a rock n play swing thingy...every 3 hrs feed and change and back to 3pm wide away...

                5 mo old awake most of the day, was really good (giggling and playful) has a slight cold though, nose was super runny so I had to go in and such it out half a dozen times,...she did how ever sleep for 3 1/2 out of 8 hrs.

                my 2 2yr olds where the ones running me ragged...!! Asking me why every second, chasing the dog, trying to run over the dog w/toys, stepping on toys. I don't know how many toys I took away and they became mine. Also, one child tried to roll another under the rug and sit on top of him...another one would not sit on the couch properly...they got to sit on the ground for the rest of the day if I put cartoons on...which I've been now doing so I can feed the babies and can keep a safe eye on the 2's boys.

                It's been a day I tell ya!!


                • #9
                  Not crazy just brave christian mother.

                  I had to laugh at the rolling under the carpet and sitting on, the 6 yr old I have referred to in this post rolled her 4 yr old brother up in a blanket and sat on him, he didn't mind but I did, not safe for a 6 yr old to sit on a 4 yr old. Must have been something in the air.

                  My 9 month old was good for me all day but as soon as the 2 month old left he was crying nonstop his teeth started bothering him, thank goodness it was after most of the kids went home except the 6 yr old she kept saying omgosh that baby is annoying hes bothering me yada yada yada I just chose to ignore her at the end I couldn't deal with the drama anymore.

                  I am going to bed now to try to rest up for the big meal I have to cook tomorrow good night.


                  • #10
                    Something def. in the air...!! I'm with you on going to bed early...I'm pooped!!

                    Have a Wonderful Turkey Day!! Gobble Gobble!!


                    • #11
                      NONE of you ladies have had a rough day as I have had today. NONE OF YOU ::. I had to close my DC because my son has hand, foot and mouth disease .

                      I spen the entire day disinfecting, boiling, washing and throwing things away. It was probably from when we threw him a bday party at Chuck E Cheese. I should have known better .


                      • #12
                        Ohhh, That's awful!!!

                        Yup, you win!!

