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Might Be Gifted, Now What.........

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  • #16
    Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
    So what is gifted? A hall pass for bad behavior? That's a load of crap. Highly intelligent or a little delayed, I don't care, but you will be nice and use your manners or you can sit your gifted rear in a gifted chair until you behave.
    :: You've got it! ::

    One thing you have to be alert to is that there are a lot of gifted children/adults tend to be bipolar with huge mood swings. They need to learn how to deal with their anger in a different way, be it punching a pillow or screaming in one, or sitting in a corner and squeezing play doh. It's all in the re-direction.

    The parents are using a form of punishment that you cannot use. If it works, great but you can't spank.

    Not every child fits into group care as you know. Some need more one on one care.

    I haven't seen Michael post on this thread. I'm interested to see his view on this.

    Edit: Meyou's suggestion of a food diary is a great one. Food sensitivity can make them go bonkers - and here's a hint, it's often something they really love and crave!
    Last edited by Kaddidle Care; 11-23-2011, 05:13 AM. Reason: food diary


    • #17
      Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
      So I've posted about a child that is hard to manage especially at naptime!!! Well reading another poster with a child that is hard to manage and it was mentioned about the child being gifted. Well, I and the parents think that maybe the case here, yet to me it doesn't matter. You don't behave as bad as this. Had an older sibling that was like that at this age, very gifted but is the sweetest child ever!!!!

      This child will yell at me, other parents, and use not foul language but we'll just say potty talk. The child knows its wrong but thinks its funny. I have been slapped, kicked, hit by this child all with laughter following. Does not do this with parents though. Siblings saw child acting out yesterday and both looked at each other and then me and said "******* would never do that at home!!!! ******* would be in so much trouble if they did that. Parents do a time out and then if that doesn't work a spanking from what I can gather.

      I'm going to have to have child nap in pnp just so I can get some kind of break during the day. If the child is out its just a constant battle to keep them from running around, not screaming, etc. Child is in a pnp right now and finally fell asleep after 1 1/2 hours of screaming, yelling, etc.

      Had a call for CCR&R today and the lady actually said just keep the child up doing arts, crafts, games, quiet things but not to battle about naptime. She thought is was awful that I was working 10 1/2 hours straight but then suggests this!!!!

      So even if the child is gifted can they not learn how to behave? Is that the latest thing parents are going to get to use, instead of a child having ADD, Autism, or something like that they will be able to say "my child is gifted, they can't control themselves."

      Sorry this has turned into a vent but I'm curious how to you train a child that may be gifted how to behave?
      Doesnt gifted mean HIGHLY smart? Im assuming you arent talking about SPECIAL NEEDS where a child may have trouble with self control, angry, sensory issues, etc.. Why would a child who is gifted have behavior troubles im not understanding really if he doesnt have a mental disability that would require special ways to handle his behavior, therpay, maybe meds, etc. then why would he be acting this way unless he just thinks its fun. Also if he behaves at home and not at daycare I doubt he does have a special need most children with special needs will act out anywhere and everywhere as they dont have much self control. I wish you luck and hope you can get to the bottom of his behavior.


      • #18
        I'm sorry, but why is the child gifted, did he get tested or is it because he knows alot of things. My now 7 yr old dd is the youngest of 4, so she knew how to read at 4, knew her letters at 3, walked at 9month she did everything early and my odd (now 13) is super smart, the girl gets almost perfect on her report card. But they don't behave like that.

        just because your gifted doesn't mean he doesn't need a nap, maybe tell him its quiet time. I have kids who I tell them its quiet time and they are good with it, but the minute I tell them its nap time, omg they start crying.

        if he is gifted he needs to evaluated and sent to a proper program, I have a feeling that he's not gifted, that he's a kid who is the youngest sibling and has picked up quick and has learned to be a bad child. For his bad behavior he needs to be sent to time out thats where the gifted program starts.


        • #19
          I didn't read the other responses yet;didn't want to be influenced by their great answers!

          First of all, being gifted (IQ above 140*), or highly gifted (IQ above 160*), does not mean you get to spend your life going around hitting people, or ALWAYS marching to the beat of your own drummer. Some gifted children are compliant and sweet.

          I think it's about 1st of all, looking at your capacity for working with this, and then looking for resources. The 2nd one can be VERY frustrating. Here is a link that may lead you to some:

          At the very least, it will give you some insight.

          I know there are some here that will say they don't want to hear about gifted children (often putting the word in parenthesis "gifted"). But, gifted does not mean better. It means the child probably learns faster, may be more sensitive, may be less sensative, may be asynchronous (which mean they may be academically or intellectually advanced, but my lack social skills or be behind physically).

          He still needs to learn to live in the world. He still needs sleep, and discipline, and good meals. He may need some additional challenges (IE activites offered). You may be able to gain more compliance with some different strategies. But, some things are NOT up for debate, and he needs to learn that, too.

          Birth-to-3 will not consider him for testing if you call them and say he is gifted. MY suggestion is that you tell them you have some concerns about his behavior, and you'd like to have him tested. They will not do an IQ test, because IQ tests are designed for adults, then modified for older children, but NOT designed for preschoolers.

          How do I know so much? 2 of my sons have 140 IQ's, and we've been through it all. My 2nd son had may have been gifted, but he also had speech issues, fine and gross motor issues. He qualified for speech therapy, OT, PT, and TAG services. He had horrible grades, but awesome test scores and graduated a semester early. He is now a sniper in the army. His dream job, based mostly on the fact that he can do trig (the wrong way), in his head....

          *IQ scores vary slightly by test


          • #20
            When you DO get an intellectually gifted kid you will KNOW it in your heart. You will feel that blessing and it will knock your socks off. When you sit side by side with greatness you are humbled by it even if it comes to you in a three foot tall three year old. I wouldn't spend a minute trying to figure out if this one is gifted. I would terminate that kid the FIRST time he raised his hands to me. I don't play that no matter why the kid is doing it.[/QUOTE]

            I like the way you worded that!


            • #21
              Over the holiday weekend I'm going to make some changes to my childcare. We are pretty routine but there can always be a few tweaks here and there.

              I'm setting up a whole seperate area for this child for the melt down times-mainly nap. The pnp will be in a seperate room and as soon as its naptime the child will go in there. I won't give them the chance to lay with the other children and disrupt the routine there. This is the child who is the hardest!

              Another child that has been hitting quiet a bit lately (another thread) will start being placed in a hula hoop and only have that area to play in when they hit. They can be seperated from the group for awhile and play by themselves.

              Third child who instigates alot, tattles about kids when they haven't done a thing, and needs to quit mother henning will have the hula hoop area also.

              Last but not least I am going to see how the week goes next week and if things don't improve I am going to have some parent meetings. I meet everyday with the one child that may be gifted but the other two have different parents picking up each day from the drop off parent. So I want to meet with the parents and have a fresh start with communication.

              I'm tired of being worn down by children, my husband is sadden by the way I feel everyday, and I know with the support of him and all you ladies I will divide and concoure these children-
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                Over the holiday weekend I'm going to make some changes to my childcare. We are pretty routine but there can always be a few tweaks here and there.

                I'm setting up a whole seperate area for this child for the melt down times-mainly nap. The pnp will be in a seperate room and as soon as its naptime the child will go in there. I won't give them the chance to lay with the other children and disrupt the routine there. This is the child who is the hardest!

                Another child that has been hitting quiet a bit lately (another thread) will start being placed in a hula hoop and only have that area to play in when they hit. They can be seperated from the group for awhile and play by themselves.

                Third child who instigates alot, tattles about kids when they haven't done a thing, and needs to quit mother henning will have the hula hoop area also.

                Last but not least I am going to see how the week goes next week and if things don't improve I am going to have some parent meetings. I meet everyday with the one child that may be gifted but the other two have different parents picking up each day from the drop off parent. So I want to meet with the parents and have a fresh start with communication.

                I'm tired of being worn down by children, my husband is sadden by the way I feel everyday, and I know with the support of him and all you ladies I will divide and concoure these children-
                Good luck with all of this . Keep us posted as to how it's going.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bbo View Post
                  When you DO get an intellectually gifted kid you will KNOW it in your heart. You will feel that blessing and it will knock your socks off. When you sit side by side with greatness you are humbled by it even if it comes to you in a three foot tall three year old. I wouldn't spend a minute trying to figure out if this one is gifted. I would terminate that kid the FIRST time he raised his hands to me. I don't play that no matter why the kid is doing it.
                  I like the way you worded that![/QUOTE]

                  I've been "bessed" a few times and believe me.. you KNOW it when you see it.

