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Extra Space

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  • Extra Space

    Ok...I have a 4 bedroom home. I've recently had my garage converted to my daycare room because I was so ready for it to be out of my house. The playroom used to be in my master bedroom which is right beside my garage. I'm relieved to have everything out of my house but now I have an empty master bedroom. Its probably about 250sq ft. I was so anxious to get my master back and just figured I would use it for my own bedroom...not gonna work for me. I'm a single mom and we have 3 bedrooms on the other end and I feel more comfortable if I'm on that end of the house with them. And also, they are scared to sleep in their own beds when I'm that far away, or so they say. So now I have a master bedroom, empty and don't know what to do with it. If you were me, what would you use it for? Daycare or personal, any ideas appreciated. I've considered different things like an activity room for when the weather doesn't allow outside play. I've considered having it as an infant only room and bringing in a helper and putting about 3/4 babies in there with her. So many possibilities and I need some ideas.

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Office/library or craft room for you?
    Nap room?
    Art/craft room for the kids?
    Small playroom for just your own kids?
    Personal "getaway" room for you (TV, comfy chair, books etc)
    Storage room?
    Huge pantry for bulk food storage?
    Walk in closet/dressing room?
    Guest room?

    Have fun deciding what to do with the extra space!


    • #3
      Where you live, does the weather affects you much? I would use the space for an indoor playground. I'm not sure what your set up is like in your daycare space, maybe you already have big movement area for the kids indoors. It also depends on the ages of the kids you have too. I have a couple of elementary aged boys that I wouldn't want anywhere near my toddler/preschool play equipment...
      Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


      • #4
        If I was in your situation I would opt for a seperate nap room. I would LOVE that!! lovethis. As it is right now I pull all of the sleep mats out everyday, lay all of their sheets out, then their blankets and then after nap they all get put back. I would love to have a room for cribs and cots (don't have storage space for cots, I have fold-up mats to save space) and not have to do this everyday. SO JELOUS!!


        • #5
          I did the seperate nap room for a couple of years. Way to tough for this dc mom
          I converted the nap room into an infant play/nap room---until they kept waking each other up . Now, I use it for my kids' playroom and it works great.
          I like the indoor playground area idea. I have that in my basement, but there's lots of space downstair for it. Maybe feel it out and see if the garage is going to be enough space overall? You may want an area for the older kiddos to hang out that can be in there within hearing range and such or the school agers?
          I find that I need to change things up every few months with the growth of the group.


          • #6
            I'm kinda leaning toward a game room for my own children. They are twins age 8, and a 2 year old. I don't have any other school agers and don't plan on taking any in.
            A separate nap room would be nice but seems like it would waste a lot of space that could be used as something else, if only I can figure out what that is .
            I have my kiddos lay out their own mats. My 3 years and up do that. I lay out the babies nap things myself. They also put them up on their own.


            • #7
              I think a game room for your kids would be great! I know mine would LOVE that! If I rememeber right you said you have all boys? You could do some pretty cool stuff in there for them


              • #8
                I would set it up as a VERY organized space for my supplies, equipment and materials, as well as an office and prep space. As a bonus, It would then be 100% tax write off for that space happyface

