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Not Sure What To Do...

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  • Not Sure What To Do...

    A couple of months ago I connected with another home based daycare. I helped her with increasing her enrollment and she helped me with establishing a schedule and running a more professional daycare. She has been doing childcare for over 30 years, but after hurricane katrina things just never picked up the way she needed. So she got a 9 month old girl a while ago.

    Just recently her son has been charged with rape charges and she was upset but continued to run her daycare...I assumed. This supposedly happened three years ago, but they came to arrest him this month. Weird but whatever...

    So one of her clients that I was actually there to witness their interview just called me tonight about open spaces!! I called her but she did not answer her phone. I have not talked to her in about 4 days so I do not know what is going on...

    SHOULD I TAKE HER?! I am in need of a new client because I had to let a kiddo go due to non payment!

  • #2
    To be fair, I would wait it out and talk to her. Maybe shoot her an email. Ask her to give you a call, or text or voicemail..

    I would not do it without talking to the friend first, but thats just me


    • #3
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      To be fair, I would wait it out and talk to her. Maybe shoot her an email. Ask her to give you a call, or text or voicemail..

      I would not do it without talking to the friend first, but thats just me
      Agree. The quote "when it rains it pours" comes to mind for this poor woman. She must have a lot on her mind at the moment.


      • #4
        I to her first. Maybe she referred them to you?


        • #5
          She finally called me back and I asked about this particular client..


          The girl called her and told her that she would be off from work today and tomorrow and since she was closed on thursday and friday, she just wanted to pay for one day. Her provider said that she still had to pay because it was her choice to choose not to bring her child the first couple of days and it is a paid holiday. She told her that she could pay half the rate but she is upset that she has to pay $60 for one day...and not only that, she still owes her for last week. She was planning on skipping out, but did not know that we knew each other!

          Well I am going to interview her and request the information about a previous provider and say that I would like to get a reference and such and tell her that I cannot start until next week. She said that she did not mind if I took her, but that she wants her money. She has to work and Wednesday and I will not let her start this week at all!

          I am a better fit for this woman with my flexibility and I discussed that with my friend so she is okay, but it is crazy that she just didn't tell her how she signed a contract!

          I do not really want to take her...I hope I get calls from others!


          • #6
            You would be crazy to take her IMO. She has an outstanding childcare bill. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.


            • #7
              I would not take her and would not even bother interviewing. I would call her and let her know that I know about her outstanding bill and do not take clients that leave their previous daycare under those circumstances and further, will not waste either of our time by interviewing.

              Don't forget "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". You already know that she is comfortable asking for extras ad sneaking around to a new provider when she doesn't get what she wants and trying to leave (probably will give no notice either). WHYYYYYY would you take this woman???


              • #8
                I agree with the others, that would really bother me to know that she was going to bail on the other provider and leave there owing, I would let her know I was aware of the outstanding bill and that it would really be a waste of time unless she plans to pay the other provider in full and only take her on a drop in basis so she isnt owing anything, no pay no way to do it! I still think it's prolly not good to take her on but I also know how slow it's going for me to get enrollment up too


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                  You already know that she is comfortable asking for extras ad sneaking around to a new provider when she doesn't get what she wants and trying to leave (probably will give no notice either). WHYYYYYY would you take this woman???
                  Took my thoughts right out of my brain. This is what I would be concerned about. This client was going to SKIP OUT ON THE OTHER PROVIDER'S PAYMENT and is having difficulties staying paid up AND is trying to negotiate the payment plan that has already been signed. Sounds like a bad idea to me.

                  But ... and I don't say this lightly ... if you are in need of income, some money is better than no money and you can continue to advertise for new clients. Once you get another client if you have space for both you can play it by ear and if she starts giving you problems you can always let her go.

                  BUT ... I wouldn't do it.


                  • #10
                    I ask for a deposit of one week's pay at contract signing (to be used for the last week of care, whenever that may be), and they pay at the begining of each week. I have never had anyone turn me down because of that!


                    • #11
                      UPDATE: Overly medicated child

                      I posted a month or so ago about terming a child due to his mother overly medicating him. It was reported to CPS, and I've wondered how things have gone for him, but had no way of finding out due to confidentiality.

                      I know the daycare provider he is going to now, and I talked to her today. Before she started watching him, I told her how DCM constantly wanted him on meds and that I was not comfortable with that. She said that she would give it a try-she was desperate for enrollment.

                      Today she told me that he was sick with a fever for a while and just wasn't himself, but mom kept saying it was teething (what she always told me, too.) He was in the hospital here with a fever of 103, and doctors couldn't figure anything out. They sent him to a children's hospital 2 hours away, where his fever went up to 106 for a few days. Doctors figured out there that his kidneys were severely infected.

                      Can that be from her over-medicating him? That was my first thought. The boy is rather small for his age, very picky eater, very whiny/clingy, and either slept all day long or not at all. Not sure if those can be from the infection or not.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
                        I posted a month or so ago about terming a child due to his mother overly medicating him. It was reported to CPS, and I've wondered how things have gone for him, but had no way of finding out due to confidentiality.

                        I know the daycare provider he is going to now, and I talked to her today. Before she started watching him, I told her how DCM constantly wanted him on meds and that I was not comfortable with that. She said that she would give it a try-she was desperate for enrollment.

                        Today she told me that he was sick with a fever for a while and just wasn't himself, but mom kept saying it was teething (what she always told me, too.) He was in the hospital here with a fever of 103, and doctors couldn't figure anything out. They sent him to a children's hospital 2 hours away, where his fever went up to 106 for a few days. Doctors figured out there that his kidneys were severely infected.

                        Can that be from her over-medicating him? That was my first thought. The boy is rather small for his age, very picky eater, very whiny/clingy, and either slept all day long or not at all. Not sure if those can be from the infection or not.
                        This was meant to be a completely new thread...I can't figure out how to delete it from this one. Sorry


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                          You would be crazy to take her IMO. She has an outstanding childcare bill. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.
                          This is my thought as well. What she'll do to one she'll do to you


                          • #14
                            Turns out they were looking for back up. They needed to have someone who could take their daughter simply for holidays and weekends!

