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  • Painting/Upgrading

    Okay, I have been wanting to do this since the day my grandmother retired, but haven't gotten a chance to do it yet. The house was my great-grandparents' house before they passed away. Then, my grandmother opened the daycare in it. Actually I am pretty sure my grandfather, who is close to 70 years old, grew up in this house. In other words, it needs some upgrading. I've done some things gradually, but since we are closed on Friday for Good Friday, I thought I might try to get some painting done, at least in the playroom. I want to make it more colorful (all walls in every room are white or paneling...) and inviting for the kids, but also relaxing...What are some things you all would suggest to create a relaxing, calm, inviting, fun atmosphere for the kids? I'm thinking about blue...but I wanted to get everyone's opinion first!

  • #2
    I have a lime green room with black and white checkered laminate flooring. Blue would be good since spring is here though....Or yellow - yellow is nice. If you have some older kids, you could ask their opinions...haha (and let us know what they said - "kids say the darndest things")


    • #3
      haha I think I will ask them! Here lately, everything has been all about tractors, "super girls," Spiderman, and bugs. I was thinking about doing light blue on the walls. We have green carpet so I thought about painting grass up the wall and then drawing bugs or something. A little time consuming for one weekend, especially since I have engagement pictures on Saturday, but maybe I could get the blue done anyway...Til the next long weekend! I am going to ask them what they think as soon as they get up from nap! (Oh, and I love the lime green room with black and white floor. That's awesome.)


      • #4
        Our toy room is yellow and green. We wanted fun colors for the kids! We are going to do either blue or a light orange in the actual daycare room next.

        Last edited by Michael; 03-29-2010, 02:44 PM.


        • #5
          My playroom is also yellow and green, kind of pastel-shades. I find it very cozy. My entry way is pale blue.


          • #6
            Originally posted by emosks View Post
            Our toy room is yellow and green. We wanted fun colors for the kids! We are going to do either blue or a light orange in the actual daycare room next.

            These are all great pictures!!!
            Last edited by Michael; 03-29-2010, 02:44 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
              These are all great pictures!!!
              Thanks! We have worked hard on making it fun for the kids! My partner did the painting...I observed since I hate painting! So props to her for doing such a great job!!


              • #8
                Color is important, because it's been proven that particular colors evoke particular moods in a room. For instance, a pale blue or green would be a calming color, and would make the walls seem to recede. Yellow is a warm color and evokes a happy, warm, cozy feeling (think sunshine!), but depending on the shade of yellow, would either make the walls seem to recede (pale buttery yellow) or advance (bright lemon or sunflower yellow). Red and orange are warm and high energy colors, and will make your room seem smaller (but are great if you have a very large room to work with).

                If you're going the mural route, I'd do a pale blue or yellow as the backdrop. I LOVE the idea of painting grass around the bottom when you have green carpet!

                Emosks, I LOVE your room!


                • #9
                  Great daycare rooms.


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone!! Emosks, I LOVE those colors, the floor, and the blue and green bins for the toys! Looks very relaxing.
                    I asked some of the older kids what they would like to see, and I got "blue with race cars," "one wall green and one wall blue because that's my favorite colors," and "Red with trains." Can you tell I have a bunch of boys??


                    • #11
                      I have light yellow and LOVE it!

