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  • Heartbreaking....

    So to make a long story short...the other night my 4 year old daughter tells me that at her previous daycare a male teacher touched her private with his finger.....she came out of no where and tells me this...

    I didn't know how to react or what questions to ask her to see if this is actually true, but i decided to give her benefit of the doubt....

    I just asked questions like who was there, show me what he did and did he look (fat or skinny dark or light skinned...) and she pretty much described him....

    I decided to call my lisencer or ask where to turn, they told me to call CPS, I did, they contacted police and they came to talk to me today...

    They told me since there is not much evidence it may be hard to prosecute or find out what actually went down....they will investigate it further

    I am just so sad to think that this actually occured to my little girl, and on the other hand i would feel bad for the guy if it didn't....but if is doing this then i wouldnt want him to continue

    has anyone else been in this situation, any advice or whatever is appreciated

  • #2
    It's hard to know what to do in this kind of situation but I think you did the right thing in reporting it. The police will investigate and hopefully, the truth will be determined. If the worker did touch your dd but can't be prosecuted for lack of evidence, he and the day care he works at are at least on notice that there has been one report and the police are aware of what might be going on. A second accusation wouldn't be good for either of them.

    Be supportive of your dd. Let her talk openly about what happened and how she felt about it. Let her know she didn't do anything wrong, that you're proud of her for talking to you about what happened and that she should always tell you about anything that makes her feel uncomfortable. If she seems truly bothered by the situation, maybe contact a counselor to ask for ways to help her deal with it or ask to set up an appointment. Good luck; I know it's not easy dealing with this kind of situation but you did what you needed to do as your child's protector.


    • #3
      I think you totally did the right thing and think that ej gave you great advice. I'm so sorry ((((hugs)))) ~Joy


      • #4
        Im so sorry! I am in tears for you and your dd.


        • #5
          My heart and prayers go out to you and your little girl. I'm hoping that it was not anything more than possibly help with toileting.

          I think you have absolutely done the right thing. Please update us on whether or not the police have gained any more info.

          ((((hugs))) to you both.


          • #6
            im sorry
            horrible guys like that make it a lot harder for the rest. My prayers are with you.
            "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
            Acts 13:22


            • #7
              I don't know ladies, this post doesn't feel right.......


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I don't know ladies, this post doesn't feel right.......
                Lol! Board cycle=troll activity ::


                • #9

                  Seriously blackcat? I am a bit dissapointed, I am an avid reader and poster to this website, I chose to go unregistered for the privacy of my child. But thank you everyone else for your prayers and concerns, I will keep u guys updated. An Dave yes I know unfortunately this is one of the reasons so many men are frowned upon when entering this field :/


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I don't know ladies, this post doesn't feel right.......
                    Wow!!!!!! I would deff do UNREGISTER if this happen to my child. Why would she want the whole public to know her identity. Shame on you and the other women for calling her a troll. This is real life and this stuff happens everyday.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                      I don't know ladies, this post doesn't feel right.......
                      I agree Blackcat....that is why I REFUSE to even respond to those unregistered.


                      • #12
                        Just curious ladies, why would unregistered seem suspicious?? It's so sad that this happened to her daughter and I bet if it happened to one of ur kids would u be so open to having your information at there???

                        I hope this doesn't hinder you posting on here


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Seriously blackcat? I am a bit dissapointed, I am an avid reader and poster to this website, I chose to go unregistered for the privacy of my child. But thank you everyone else for your prayers and concerns, I will keep u guys updated. An Dave yes I know unfortunately this is one of the reasons so many men are frowned upon when entering this field :/
                          Yes, seriously. In what way did you identify yourself as a regular reader/poster on this forum?

                          As an avid reader and poster, you would know that most members who choose to post as an unregistered say words like "I am a regular here." or "I'm posting unregister due to the nature of this post" etc etc. in order to avoid being called out as a someone looking to start something. You did not do that so how is anyone suppose to know that you are a regular reader/poster?

                          I NEVER called you a troll or said anything rude or disrespectful. All I said, was this post doesn't sound right. You failed to identify yourself as a legit poster in anyway.

                          So with that being said, I sincerely apologize if I offended you. I can understand how this would be a horrible situation to be in. I hope you are able to resolve this for you and your daughter's sake.
                          Last edited by Blackcat31; 11-20-2011, 07:27 AM.

