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Just Curious :)

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  • Just Curious :)

    My dh and I are on different pages with this. Wanted to know if I could get some opinions. Not dc related. Hope that's ok?

    I think we should cover the cost of a class ring for our child. He thinks not. We compromised at a limit and anything over that limit was child's responsibility.

    The lowest cost of any ring we saw was 210.00. Our limit was 200.00 and the ring was 280.00.

    Does this sound fair? I still feel funny about it. We just grew up so differently.

  • #2
    I would cover it but have him do extra chores to earn the extra.


    • #3
      I would say I agree with your husband. Trust me, there are so many kids will not wear class rings. When I was younger, I want to have a class ring after I found out how much it was and I thought it was not worth it. I thank god that I never bought a class ring that I am not interested to wear that. My husband have a class ring and he never wore it. He said he hates to wear ring. He does have a wedding ring and he wore maybe 4 or 5 times in 10 years. I never complained about that.


      • #4
        I would cover it. BUT if he's gainfully employed, I don't see any reason why you guys couldn't set a limit and he could cover the rest. Sounds fair IMHO.


        • #5
          Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
          I would cover it but have him do extra chores to earn the extra.
          This is my thought also.
          Last edited by Michael; 11-17-2011, 04:23 PM.


          • #6
            I loved my class ring and would still wear it but after all my babies it doesn't fit anymore and I do enjoy wearing the jewelry my husband has bought me.

            You might seriously look at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears or anywhere that sells jewelry. Our Wal-Mart actually sells class rings and they maybe cheaper than the school representatives prices!
            Each day is a fresh start
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            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              I never had one, my son never had one. Not a necessity and it's a rip off.

              If I had a daughter that just had to have one she'd have to buy it with her own money. I might contribute some towards it - maybe $50.00.

              You will find with kids that they really, really want - must have something UNTIL they have to earn their own money for it. Then it's not quite so important. You'll see.


              • #8
                A class ring is an "extra". I just would not shell out $200 plus for something like that. I'd maybe chip in half, if that, for a graduation present but by almost college age, they can get a job to pay for stuff like that. Of course my kids are younger but still. Thats a lot of money and I would rather give money towards something that wasn't so frivolous. Its just jewelry.


                • #9
                  I agree that a class ring is an extra.

                  I don't recall any of my dds' friends having them.

                  I might be willing to pay 1/2 IF it was in the budget, otherwise nothing.


                  • #10
                    Id cover it if I could afford it, but I also want to be able to cover my daughters prom dress, hair, etc and sons tux and flowers, etc. If I couldnt afford it I would offer to give something toward it, but also shop around.

                    If my kids had jobs, they might want to pay for it on their own, how does your child feel about it?!


                    • #11
                      She's bummed that she can't have the $600.00 one

                      I will talk to my dh about working off the extra. Maybe we will just have to compromise with what we discussed. Wow, there were a lot of great responses!
                      Thank you so much! I can be very one-sided sometimes with my own idea and I really wanted to see if it was just me or if his ideas were on track as well (hehe) I guess I will cut him some slack (my dh).


