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Do You Use Them?? Exersaucer, Bouncy Seats, Swings??

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  • Do You Use Them?? Exersaucer, Bouncy Seats, Swings??

    Someone's post on another thread made me think about this. All of my dck are toddler age but in preparing for my daycare initially purchased one of each of these and am just wondering if I really need them (if and when I get a younger infant) or if I should just sell them on craigslist, free up the space, and use the $$ for more useful items for the kiddos.

  • #2
    I would say it all depends on the ages of the children you care for. I care for infant thru schoolage, so I have walker, bouncy seats and swing. I use them as needed then fold them up and put away when done.


    • #3
      I am currently using an exersaucer. When it wasn't needed, I just stored it in the basement playroom. I had a swing but sold it at a yard sale like 3 months before dcmom said she was pregnant or I would have kept it.


      • #4
        i think used in moderation, they are great and actually a my day care area, i can't imagine doing craft time or any messy/organized/or running around activity with the older kids without them...unless, of course, i plopped the infant in a playard...i think having these items allows the baby to experience more things and even participate more with the older kids, as you can position them so they can see everything and be involved. i also liked to use a swing in the kitchen during breakfast time when the infants were too young for highchairs and i was feeding the older toddlers/kids. i think the important thing is just to make sure they still get lots of tummy time and time to play on the floor, etc, and that they aren't just placed in one of the items mentioned and left to entertain themselves.


        • #5
          there is no way I would have made it through the last year without my exersaucers. With all my babies I had to use them (I had 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs) just to make sure they were safe for potty breaks, lunch prep, craft time, and even outside once in a while. I think I read somewhere that it's bad for thier legs to be in one for longer than 20 minutes at a time, so I used them short term only. Besides I love babies on my lap whenever possible anyhow A bouncy is great before they can sit in an exersaucer. I only have a small portable swing, didn't use that is much. I only use my pack-n-plays for sleeping. If you're thinking about taking babies at all you might want to keep them--or keep them for the one you're trying for!


          • #6
            I always have an infant in care. I could not imagine the day without these items. The babies get frusterated when they are not mobile & these items help them with there motor skills until they able to scoot or crawl.


            • #7
              IMHO, I bought or was given all of those things. The ONLY times I have used them is when 2 friends of mine (not dck's) come over with their infants. They are seriously in the way allll the time. Granted, the youngest I've cared for so far is 9 months but she wouldn't allow me to put her in any of them so I guess it just depends on how young you are going to care for.


              • #8
                I couldn't live without my excersaucer, swing, bouncy, and floor mats for my babies. When they are too little to crawl or scoot around, they are going back and forth from me to all of the other things I have. Yes, they are room consuming, but well worth it.


                • #9
                  I have a little guy in my care who's 5mo old. He's been with me since 4 weeks. He has ALWAYS liked to see what was going on. The exersaucer now is a saving grace, when he's in a mood. He sometimes sits in the bouncy seat on the kitchen table while I'm cooking dinner. That way he can see me, talk to me, and not feel left out while the older kids are doing their own thing. I have a swing, but didn't use it much with him. My own son however, loved it. I'm due in a few weeks, we'll see what this baby'll be like, but I think the swing may come back out of the basement.
                  Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                  • #10
                    I would have been lost if I didn't have my swing or exersaucer! DD only slept in the swing the first 6 months! The older kids liked to play with the toys on the saucer when the babies were in it. It was a nice safe way for them to interact. The bouncy seat was ok.


                    • #11
                      The Shameless Plug


                      • #12
                        We are not allowed to use walkers, exersaucers, doorway bouncers/swings here. I wish we could, because there are times when the little ones need to be put down away from the older children, and I don't like using a playpen, but regs say NO! I have created a "cozy corner" for the little ones that is surrounded by shelving with infant/toddler toys and books and is for them only.


                        • #13
                          We aren't allowed those things either. People were leaving the kids in them at home and then they were spending some time in them in daycare and they were getting floppy-baby syndrome. I live in CA. I've never had a use for them anyhow but when my daughter was young I did have swing that I used to put her to sleep and a jumper (like a walker but with bungee's instead of casters) and she would jump in it and she loved it. I've never owned a walker or excersaucer.

                          They're strict on us here. This is what they say: A highchair is for eating, a carseat is for riding, and a crib/pack-n-play is for sleeping. Only. Anything else that restrains a child has no place in daycare.


                          • #14
                            They're strict on us here. This is what they say: A highchair is for eating, a carseat is for riding, and a crib/pack-n-play is for sleeping. Only. Anything else that restrains a child has no place in daycare.

                            Wow--to me that's pretty harsh. I don't really use them to restrain a baby so I don't have to watch it, but they sure come on handy for potty breaks, making lunch...and just certain times that it's busy and I need to make sure a baby is going to stay safe!


                            • #15
                              I dont have infants right now...but when I did I used all of the above on a regular basis. The young infants just want a different position sometimes. In daycare we cant hold them all the time.

                              As far as floppy baby syndrome--- When I got one 5 month old a few years back, he was definetly floppy. He could not hold anything up on his own. He had been at home with mom and I know she transfered him from "gadget to gadget". Within 3 weeks of being here he started to be able support himself while sitting. Swings, exersaucers, highchairs etc can be used right and wrong. When I had my babies they had plenty of floor time. But when they needed a break or wanted to see things from a different view, or wanted to swing and relax then I had options (and so did they).

                              I think if babies are getting "floppy" from using these types of equipment on a regular basis then the equipment is not being used with moderation and balance in mind.

