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17 Lb Baby vs Swing/Bouncer

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  • 17 Lb Baby vs Swing/Bouncer

    I have a 5 month old baby in care who was 17 lbs at her 4 month well check. Her parents let her swing/bounce in bouncer all the time. I just returned from maternity and am considering cutting her off cold turkey from both. I assume she exceeds the weight limit for both. Has anyone had to do this b/c of a child's size? I am not even going to mention it to mom and dad as it really would serve no purpose to bring it up. Just wondered if other people have ever thought a child would actually break a swing/bouncer or ruin the motor on it.

    This whole post cracks me up really.

  • #2
    Im not a fan of "contraptions" to begin with, so I vote get rid of it!

    I used to have an excersaucer to park a child in for a few minutes when I need to keep them safe from others and couldn't be right there. Now I have a baby zone instead....


    • #3
      swings are usually only good til they are 6 months old ( If I'm correct??). That's what my paperwork says anyway. I think exersaucers are ok until they reach 20 pounds or so. I use them until they reach a year. More or less just on certain times of the day and for short periods (a quick diaper change or making lunch or having to sooth three upset little ones at one time ). I don't make a habit out of using them allllll day--don't worry
      SHould't be hard to wean them off of it. My 1 yr olds are just fine to use or not use the equipment. Swings, same thing. If it's really tough, maybe a sling or a wrap to hold them close if it helps (if you wrap it right it should balance the weight for you not to get a sore back).

      Good Luck . I suppose if that's all she's used to, it might be a tough habit to break


      • #4
        Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
        I have a 5 month old baby in care who was 17 lbs at her 4 month well check. Her parents let her swing/bounce in bouncer all the time. I just returned from maternity and am considering cutting her off cold turkey from both. I assume she exceeds the weight limit for both. Has anyone had to do this b/c of a child's size? I am not even going to mention it to mom and dad as it really would serve no purpose to bring it up. Just wondered if other people have ever thought a child would actually break a swing/bouncer or ruin the motor on it.

        This whole post cracks me up really.
        My middle child was 19 pounds when he was 4 months old he still fit in the swing fine the weight limit on swings is 25 to 30 pounds. He also satin his bouncer even thou it almost touch the ground the weight limit was like 20 pounds. I dont think she is to big and dont see the problem with it.


        • #5
          Can you check your equipment for weight limit? Either way, floor time is a must. There's no reason she can't play on a blanket, have tummy time, start practicing sitting up.


          • #6
            I would say that the best thing to do is

            A) check the owner's manual of your swing/bouncer. Look it up online if you no longer have the booklet.

            B) If you do want to use! If you don't want to use it...don't!

            I have a 5 month old who's ~17 lbs (haven't weighed him yet but he's kind of in between 3-6 and 6-9 month clothing) and he still loves his swing. He swings to sleep at least a couple times a week and loves the motion. He sits in his bouncer more rarely (would like it more but I need to replace the batteries) but loves it. He LOVES his Jumperoo and is in it as we, type.
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #7
              I should add...he gets more floor time than contraption time, is very active and strong, and is crawling.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                All of my own four children were 20+lbs at 4months old (that's what you get when they're 10lb+ at birth) and did just fine in the swing at that weight. But my swing was rated to 25lbs and my bouncer to 30lbs.

                My personal preference is to wean off these furniture pieces by 6 months.

                If it's what you want to do, then do it.

