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I Don’t Like This Woman

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  • #16
    If I worked for such an insensitive parent and a lying one to boot...

    Well, lets just say I wouldn't be anymore!


    • #17
      Thank you and your husband for your service to our country...we appreciate you!

      And about your insensitive parent.....not that it's your fault but some parents "smell" that they can make all kinds of comments to certain providers. I don't even give the 'aura' that they can talk to me like that. I'm friendly but they know this is my business.

      BUT...if they did lose their minds and started making snarky comments, I would say something like "Oh, I'm sorry Nasty Mom...did you need another copy of the handbook and the Time Off Addendum that goes along with it??? You know...the one that you signed off on??? Let me get it out of DCK's file for you."

      I think it's a travesty to even have to explain what you're doing. It is what it're a business & your business is closed on Veteran's Day and the week of Thanksgiving.


      • #18
        Gosh some people- I just will never understand it!!!

        I hope you had a chance to speak your mind yesterday and she was respectful of your emotions. Also, a big thank you to your DH and you for all that you do- you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a safe deployment.


        • #19
          i would just say " I happened to run into the website your other son goes to! you know their closed those days too, right? Imagine if you brought them there and they were closed!" act like you are doing her a favor reminding her of something that doesnt even concern you! what a consciencious provider you are!


          • #20
            Thank you everyone for your very nice comments and advice. It really made me feel a lot better and gave me great advice on what to say to her.

            Turns out she sent her husband to pick up yesterday so now I wont see her till Monday. I was so pumped up and ready to say something and then he was at the door instead. Oh well. I've decided shes really not worth stressing over & not worth the energy - and so I'm not stressing about it anymore. BUT I am still going to say something when I do see her. I might have gotten over it, but she still cant get away with lying to me and being so rude and think its okay. It's like that saying "I forgive but I dont forget" Yeahhhh that. I did send her son home with a Veteran's Day project that all the kids made yesterday. Hopefully that makes her think... even a little.

            Other than that... I'm devoting all of my thoughts & energy today to honoring my husband and all our Veterans who have served our country... who have risked their lives and sacrificed their time away from their families to keep us all safe and free. Its amazing how good it feels to our Veterans when just ONE person comes up to them and says "Thank You so much" to them. When someone says that to my husband it really does something good to him. Just a simple Thanks goes a long way.

            Anyway - thank you guys! I really appreciate all your sweet words and encouragement!!!

