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Just a VENT

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  • Just a VENT

    I started with a new family at the end of October. They needed childcare because their kids were always getting sick in the center they were in and I was closer to their home (about 2 minutes away) and dads new job. They started out 3 days a week from 9:30-7:30 and I knew their schedule would be changing soon because dad got a new job and was starting new job this week.

    All was fine, we had a few issues like me being allergic to their little girl (see my other thread ). But, kids were sick when they started with colds. Awful cough, clear runny nose, etc. I kept up on sanitizing every single night and throughout the day as necessary and I attempted to keep my son away as he is 8 months old and never been sick. They were my only DCKs and I NEEDED them financially. I HATE being put in a position where financially I NEED a family because it basically puts the power in their hands as I fold to keep them. Which I did on their rate (was charging $125/week for TWO children and supplying snack, lunch, snack, dinner).

    Anyway, their first week was fine. The parents were courteous. The children were pretty easy. The days went by very well and I was getting excited about crafts and activities I could try with the older kid based on the things I was learning about him.

    On Friday of the first week I was starting to feel under the weather and my son was already sick with what they had. In the wee hours of Sunday morning I had a stomach virus as well.

    Monday (Halloween) I took the kids and didn't even mention anything about my stomach really as I had been feeling better that morning and figured maybe it was food poisoning. About 2 hours before pick up I was feeling really bad again and I was in and out of the bathroom. DCD was already home and I sent a text giving him the heads up and he came right away to pick the kids up stating that he was home anyhow and was changing and then was going to pick them up so he could go trick or treating with them. No problem!

    Tuesday I said they could come, I was feeling a lot better. DCM said DCD was going to stay home again and I should get better and they would see me on Friday.

    Wednesday-Day off, they don't come Wed. I was finally eating normal foods but my DS was getting sicker and had the same symptoms as the DCKs did while they were here. I wasn't upset or anything, I knew that he would get sick eventually and I was expecting it.

    Thursday-Day off, they don't come. Took DS to the doctor as he would not stop crying and had a temp of 101 and turns out he had a double ear infection.

    Friday- DCM says that her daughter has a fever from the shots she had the day before and would not be coming because she wanted her home getting daddy love.

    Saturday evening they paid for last week as they weren't really here and pay day is Tuesdays. That was fine. I understood that they weren't here so they dropped it off as soon as they could.

    Over the weekend my husband gets sick with the same stomach virus I have and is throwing up constantly and can not keep a thing down. So, I know this virus that I gave him is still here and I get the bleach out and go crazy over everything. But, I also gave DCM a heads up on Sunday night that he would be home (we have a tiny house so no way DH could stay hidden) and that he still hasn't been able to keep anything down (DCD has a serious vomiting phobia- as do i- and so that's another reason I gave the heads up).
    I said I would take the kids no problem and have bleached everything like crazy but I just wanted her to know. I would want to know too if someone was sick like that somewhere I was bringing my kids. She e-mails Monday morning and says "I am going to stay home with the kids today! And besides, the weather is awful!!"

    So, I think ok all is well, she decided to stay home. I told her they could come. DH kept two meals down by the end of Monday and was going to work today and I let her know that all is well here. Everyone is good healthwise and the house smells of clean. (Keep in mind, it was the kids that got us all sick).

    WELLLLLL, I get an e-mail last night from DCD that says:

    "Dear Breezy,

    DCB and DCG will no longer be coming to you for care. DCM and I can not take any more time off work and we had to bring them to a different babysitter today as you weren't available. Thank you for the time you spent with the kids. My parents are flying in at the end of the week to take the kids for the rest of the year"

    REALLY!? Really? I gave you the option EVERYTIME to bring your kids here. I told you it was fine! YOU made the decision Tuesday not to bring them after I said I could and would take them. YOU made the decision Friday not to bring them because DCG had a fever from shots! AND YOU made the decision Monday to not bring them and even said THE WEATHER IS AWFUL ANYWAY! Yet he says "we had to bring them to a different babysitter today as you weren't available".

    We are still in our 14 days of care period so all they need is something in writing stating that they aren't coming and that's that. So, now DH and I have no idea where our next meal is coming from pretty much because ever since he got back from his deployment we have been playing catch up since he makes so much less money when he is here in the states, etc. Which that is not their fault but its not like I have people banging down my door for childcare! I am competing with the "I will watch your kids for $80/week" people and the "$12/day" people! UGH..

    People here don't want to pay even close to $100/week for childcare. The average rates are $130-$150 here and it takes FOREVER to find anything.

    Sigh, well if you made it this far I thank you kindly. So sorry this is so long but I am just devastated.

  • #2
    I am sorry this happened to you. I am always suspicious of a parent saying "the kids keep getting sick at their old daycare". 99% of the time means that it is actually their child who is sick constantly and the daycare is sending them home over and over. The fact that they were understanding of all the missed days within the first week or two shows to me that they didn't plan on staying long with you anyway. I know that sounds like I am paranoid all the time but what you experienced is super common.Please don't get lax on your sick policy because if you and your hubby and your son are sick constantly because of the daycare kids, you are going to spending more money in doctor's appts, medicine, etc than you are making.


    • #3
      Thank you! I was even telling DH that I was curious if they were here while they were sick and then if their parents decided to maybe send them back to the center when they were no longer sick! But, I thought that was being paranoid, haha.


      • #4
        I don't understand how the kids runny noses gave you and your dh stomach issues.

        I understand your financial dilemma, but the parents are concerned about their kids being sick all the time. It's probably in the kids' best interest to be kept home for awhile so that they can get well.

        Hopefully some more kids will come along soon.


        • #5
          I apologize, i should have given more info about their illness. During the interview the dad had said that a few days prior they both had a stomach bug as well which is why it came up about the dad having a vomit phobia like I do.
          Last edited by Michael; 11-09-2011, 12:16 AM.


          • #6
            Parents flying in to take them for the rest of the year?

            I doubt that arrangement had anything to do with you and has probably been in the plan for quite a while.

            Grandparents or not, the "rest of the year" is technically a change of address. Odd for a non-emergency situation.

            These grandparents probably live in a snow state - and are free childcare while they escape the cold and visit for a bit.

            She probably only needed you temporarily because she had sick policy issues at the center - plus you were way cheaper.

            Sorry they did this to you. Karma will find them.

