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Licensing and Where the Children Sleep

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  • Licensing and Where the Children Sleep

    Okay, so I've set up my entire basement to be a daycare as it has everything I need. However, I sleep the real little ones upstairs in my daughter's room and my master bedroom so they aren't disturbed by the older ones making so much noise. Any of my dks that are too old for cribs or playpens have nap mats and stay in the basement where it is childproofed. When getting ready to license my daycare, I was wondering if I have to childproof even the bedrooms that the kids sleep in. They are too young to get out of their playpens and it is used for ONLY sleeping and nothing more. If they can climb out of their cribs, they stay downstairs for naptime on mats. Thanks for anyone who can help me out on this one.

  • #2
    Originally posted by MissJulz View Post
    Okay, so I've set up my entire basement to be a daycare as it has everything I need. However, I sleep the real little ones upstairs in my daughter's room and my master bedroom so they aren't disturbed by the older ones making so much noise. Any of my dks that are too old for cribs or playpens have nap mats and stay in the basement where it is childproofed. When getting ready to license my daycare, I was wondering if I have to childproof even the bedrooms that the kids sleep in. They are too young to get out of their playpens and it is used for ONLY sleeping and nothing more. If they can climb out of their cribs, they stay downstairs for naptime on mats. Thanks for anyone who can help me out on this one.

    It depends on the state you are in. Our daycare is set up in the basement as well. We have 2 spare bedrooms that the kids sleep in. The toddlers are in one room using their cots and the other room we have the babies in the PNPs. If we were to put them upstairs where my children sleep I would not be able to be in the basement at all because that would have more than 1 level between us. You'd be surprised at how much the kids can sleep through. We have a 9 month old that sleeps through a 20 month old fighting his naps.


    • #3
      In my state(TN) we can not do anything upstairs, everything should be on one level. No more then 3 steps up or down.
      I can not imagine taking little ones upstairs everyday. Plus,how would you supervise all kids? and in case of emergency? How it will work?
      I do not think state will let you do it upstairs,even if you childproof your rooms.
      You will have to check with Licensing.


      • #4
        In NY we have to remain on the same level as sleeping children. The only reason a child may go to another level is to use the bathroom but they must be at an age to do this independently.


        • #5
          Depends on your license and state. WA would say no. You must be in visual and auditory proximity at all times on infants.

          My infants sleep in the same room as the activities. They get used to the noise so quickly it's not an issue. I don't let older kids put toys in their play pen/sleeper or shake the play pen when someone's sleeping, we don't dance, etc. But IMO it's such a non issue. They sleep wherever you put them.


          • #6
            In MI even sleeping only rooms need to be approved. I can have kids sleeping in the basement if I am with them. When I asked if I could have kids sleeping on the main floor also, my consultant wasn't sure--thought so but was going to double check and get back to me. (she never did)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Liliya View Post
              In my state(TN) we can not do anything upstairs, everything should be on one level. No more then 3 steps up or down.
              I can not imagine taking little ones upstairs everyday. Plus,how would you supervise all kids? and in case of emergency? How it will work?
              I do not think state will let you do it upstairs,even if you childproof your rooms.
              You will have to check with Licensing.
              I am also in TN and I have also been told we must stay in the room with the kids the entire time they are napping, so I have to make sure there is always room for all 12 of them...thank goodness for a huge playroom.


              • #8
                How do you get the real little ones who nap two times a day to not be disturbed if they are in the room with the others?? I don't have a separate sleeping area downstairs and some of my parents would be very upset if their children had to nap in all that noise.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  How do you get the real little ones who nap two times a day to not be disturbed if they are in the room with the others?? I don't have a separate sleeping area downstairs and some of my parents would be very upset if their children had to nap in all that noise.
                  I have two rooms for daycare,they are across from one another,I do not have infants now,but when I did, he was sleeping in one room and also while he had his morning nap it was our art time,not much noise.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gkids09 View Post
                    I am also in TN and I have also been told we must stay in the room with the kids the entire time they are napping, so I have to make sure there is always room for all 12 of them...thank goodness for a huge playroom.
                    What city are you in? Looks like you are a group childcare,I wish I can become a group,but in my county we have to have a sprinkle system.


                    • #11
                      In my area, we are required to be on the same floor as the children in a family child care setting (home daycare). I'm lucky enough to have a spare room to use, but I used to just have them sleep in the playroom. If I have a baby or a screamer I put them down a little earlier than everyone else, but all the daycare kids are on the same floor.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by momofsix View Post
                        In MI even sleeping only rooms need to be approved. I can have kids sleeping in the basement if I am with them. When I asked if I could have kids sleeping on the main floor also, my consultant wasn't sure--thought so but was going to double check and get back to me. (she never did)
                        We had the same consultant. She told me that we could be on the main level when kids were sleeping in the bedrooms in the basement but never on the top level. But there are 2 of us so one of us can go to the upper level and still be compliant.


                        • #13
                          I live in CA and I don't know about being on the same level but I know that if any child is leeping in another room they have to be checked on at least every 15 minutes.

                          As for the baby-proofing. I would do it just for good measure. I have every room in my house child-proofed even if we don't really use it for activities. Well there is one room that isn't baby-proofed and thats my BIL room but his door is kept locked with lock and key. Even our garage is baby-proofed and we never go in there during daycare hours. I just like to cover my bases.


                          • #14
                            Nap locations

                            I have 3 different rooms to use for nap time. I have the main daycare room which is for the kids that nap on cots. I have my daughter's room which is for kids in pack n plays that require being alone when they sleep. I also have my other playroom that is for kids that require solitude when they sleep. My main goal is to have everyone learn to sleep on the cots in the main daycare room. I play soothing music throughout naptime and I make sure that position the cots in ways that put the most distance between kids and assure that the kids can't make eye contact with each other and can't reach toys. It's a really effective arrangement! All of the rooms are on the upper level which is all licensed.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Liliya View Post
                              What city are you in? Looks like you are a group childcare,I wish I can become a group,but in my county we have to have a sprinkle system.
                              I am in northwest TN, very small town..
                              I do have a group home. And I love it! We have to have a sprinkle system too, IF it's a new facility. However, since mine's been open over 20 years, it's not new..
                              I took over from my grandmother, but they still said it wasn't considered new since it was just changing ownership.

