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Is This Wrong...

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  • Is This Wrong...

    I don't usually have the T.V. on but I only had three little children here today so I had the PBS channel on. Well one of the little ones was playing with an old cordless phone, thinking it was the remote. So everytime she pointed it towards the T.V. I changed the channel. She thought she was doing it. So she (me) switches the channel until she comes to the church channel. They are signing during the ceremony and she stops. Starts dancing. The funny part is the other two little ones stopped what they were doing and started watching and dancing. So do you think I could advertise as using a religous structure? Lol::::::

  • #2
    That is hillarious! Hey, why not if you are giving them a little dose!


    • #3
      Originally posted by B Lou View Post
      I don't usually have the T.V. on but I only had three little children here today so I had the PBS channel on. Well one of the little ones was playing with an old cordless phone, thinking it was the remote. So everytime she pointed it towards the T.V. I changed the channel. She thought she was doing it. So she (me) switches the channel until she comes to the church channel. They are signing during the ceremony and she stops. Starts dancing. The funny part is the other two little ones stopped what they were doing and started watching and dancing. So do you think I could advertise as using a religous structure? Lol::::::
      We used to have our son stomp on the floor to "change the channel"....and my daughter was so mad that it didn't work with her.

      We also used to have him stomp to open the gas door on the van.

      I love playing with their minds.


      • #4
        thats funny, I play with my kids minds all the time. The best is telling them that mcdonalds is closed and the people inside are cleaning or that chuckie cheese is closed because someone peed all over the floor, worked really well till they learned to read "open 24 hours"


        • #5
          LOL too funny!!!

          One time I hooked the video camera up to the tv, and stuck it in a shelf so the kids didnt see it. When I turned on the tv later, we put in a elmo vhs to watch. The kids got all comfortable to watch, I sat back in chair and put on the video camera. It was live rolling, the kids just sat and stared at the tv for about 5 minutes. They had no idea what they were watching, I got up and left the room and let them figure it out. Probably took a total of 30 minutes to figure out it was them at that moment and i had to show them where it was. LOL.


          • #6
            Originally posted by lilrugrats View Post
            LOL too funny!!!

            One time I hooked the video camera up to the tv, and stuck it in a shelf so the kids didnt see it. When I turned on the tv later, we put in a elmo vhs to watch. The kids got all comfortable to watch, I sat back in chair and put on the video camera. It was live rolling, the kids just sat and stared at the tv for about 5 minutes. They had no idea what they were watching, I got up and left the room and let them figure it out. Probably took a total of 30 minutes to figure out it was them at that moment and i had to show them where it was. LOL.
            now THAT is classic. I hope you kept the tape of it!!
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #7
              LOL!!!! That's funny! Cute! And no, not at all wrong!

