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Uhhh...So Now What Do I Do?

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  • Uhhh...So Now What Do I Do?

    The 15mo twins have been having a really hard time with one nap per day. Groughy, whiney, fighting, and ready for bed at 7:00 at home.

    So yesterday, when they started fussing at 9:45 or so, I laid them down and they both went to sleep. yeah...then, when I laid everyone down at 2:00, they all went to sleep. I had to wake everyone up at 4:30 for diapers, snack, and pick up. My own kids loved it, because when they came home from school at 3:45, they had me to themselves for a few minutes. I thought, Bingo! I will just do the whole thing 1/2 hour earlier today, to have a little more time to get everyone ready for pickup, and so I won't have to wake the sleeping ones.


    Put the twins down at 9, they slept until 10, when I made enough noise to wake them up.

    Put the twins down at 1:30. It is now 2:20, and they have both trashed their beds (throwing out their blankets and pillows), and aren't sleeping.

    I have no more rooms available, so I cannot seperate them. If I get them up, it gives them the wrong message. Technically, I am supposed to get them up after 1/2 hour! If I do that, there will be no time left for nap again!

  • #2
    Do the twins sleep together in the same bed? I have twins (my own). If they sleep together or even in the same room maybe one could be waking the other up? Although if you're out of room I'm not sure where you'd put them either.
    Also, it's probably against state regs but my twins always slept in the same bed better than being seperated but I'm sure they aren't all the same.


    • #3
      Originally posted by small_steps View Post
      Do the twins sleep together in the same bed? I have twins (my own). If they sleep together or even in the same room maybe one could be waking the other up? Although if you're out of room I'm not sure where you'd put them either.
      Also, it's probably against state regs but my twins always slept in the same bed better than being seperated but I'm sure they aren't all the same.
      Same bed? !!!!! They would rip each other's hair out (in the name of love).

      So, right after i posted this, they went to sleep...::


      • #4
        Keep the room as dark as possible. White noise (radio, humidifier, dehumidifier, fan, etc.) and keep them as far away from each other as possible.

        I'd cut morning nap all together or down to 45 minutes from the point you lay them down so they will take an afternoon nap.


        • #5
          Mean twins huh? j/k. Maybe they would tire themselves out fighting.::

          I play lullabies and keep our naproom pretty dark too.


          • #6
            It's 3:05 and they're still awake!

            Twins were quiet, I assumed that meant they gave up and went to sleep but NOOOOOO...

            Trashed their beds and still wide awake! I called mom and warned her she is in for a fun night. They've been up since 6 am, and they had an hours sleep from 9-10am. Guess I'll go get them up now...arggg!


            • #7
              I take it they are still in play pens? I say take out the pillow and give blanket once they are asleep, unless they need it to go to sleep. Less things for them to "do". I have all my kids 12 months and up on a cot, with cot sheet, and small fleece blanket. I give them the "mean" look if they start playing around. Hope they get better falling asleep in afternoon. That is a late nap in my opinion, all the kids from 2-430?


              • #8
                Originally posted by lilrugrats View Post
                I take it they are still in play pens? I say take out the pillow and give blanket once they are asleep, unless they need it to go to sleep. Less things for them to "do". I have all my kids 12 months and up on a cot, with cot sheet, and small fleece blanket. I give them the "mean" look if they start playing around. Hope they get better falling asleep in afternoon. That is a late nap in my opinion, all the kids from 2-430?
                I HAD everyone on a nap from 12:30-3:30 (a little earlier wake up some days). But the twins were melting down regularly in the am because they were just so tired. So, I let them take a short am nap (9-10), and moved afternoon nap to 1:30.

                That doesn't work either!

                Before they went to one nap, I had them nap for 45 minutes or so in the am, but they are such bears to wake up, and fussed so going down, that I was glad to get them to one nap about 2 months ago.

                The rooms are dark, there is white noise, and the house is relatively quiet.


                • #9
                  Get a inexpensive camera system or be near by. Every time they stand up, tell them "Lay down!" "Night Night!"

                  Or manually place them on their back every time they get up.

