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How Do You Charge For Teacher's Kids With Summers Off

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  • How Do You Charge For Teacher's Kids With Summers Off

    I have an interview today with a teacher and I have never dealt with this situation before with having summers off. I REALLY want this family so I don't want to offer anything that will make her check out another provider. I feel I need to charge something during the summer while they are off (one full time toddler and one preschooler that will be coming only 1 day a week). But I don't want to over charge for the fear they will be like "whoa" and choose provider #2. I know some of you still require them to pay thru the summer but this is a single mom and I don't expect her to want to do that. Any alternative ideas?

  • #2
    I personally have never discounted for time off. Even for teachers.

    Maybe charge her 20 more per week thru the year but only 1/2 your rate to hold her spot in the summer?


    • #3
      I have 1 teachers kid and I refuse to take on anymore.

      I have it that she pays me a full time rate August 1 to June 1 and 2 months unpaid. She pays me through Thanksgiving break, Christmas break and Spring break.

      I also have a $300 deposit on file that rolls over the summer months to keep the spot come August.

      No deposit, no guaranteed spot.


      • #4
        I have 3 families with moms that teach. The 2 f/t families pay me year round even during vacations and p/t family only pays me on days they use me.


        • #5
          I have a couple of teacher's kids, they pay a higher holding fee that parents just taking a vacation week off. My usual holding fee is $60.00 per child per week, the teachers pay $80.00 per week and they schedule their child in for two days to keep them in the loop. I have had no problem "selling " this to the teachers and they appreciate a couple of days off to do their thing.


          • #6
            I don't do anything differently for them at all; Full-time rate is paid or the slot is filled. Enrolled or Not-Enrolled, their choice.

            I used to work with them but my experience was never a good one. I was always the one going without so I just stopped altogether.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              I wish that I coud find more teachers kids I would love to take most of my summer off. I have a few that don't need Friday care in the summer so I have lots of 3 day weekends that I can enjoy with my oun family at the lake. I normally tell everyone two days a week during the summer and I charge them their normal rate divided by the days in care normally. And I tell them I get to pick the days.


              • #8
                I watch one child who's mom is a teacher. I charge her half the weekly rate and she can bring her child half the days (so instead of 5 full days.....she brings him 2 1/2 days). Works perfect


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                  I don't do anything differently for them at all; Full-time rate is paid or the slot is filled. Enrolled or Not-Enrolled, their choice.

                  I used to work with them but my experience was never a good one. I was always the one going without so I just stopped altogether.
                  I think like Catherder!


                  • #10
                    I loved having teacher's kids. I LOVE, LOVE having a light load during the summer.

                    I just charged them normal rates Sept - June. During the summer months I charged them by the day. I knew they would be back in Sept, so I didn't worry.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                      I loved having teacher's kids. I LOVE, LOVE having a light load during the summer.

                      I just charged them normal rates Sept - June. During the summer months I charged them by the day. I knew they would be back in Sept, so I didn't worry.
                      Me too! All mine have always returned in August and I love having a 2 month vacation. Makes me want to start the preschool again because I get to plan during the summer!
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                        I loved having teacher's kids. I LOVE, LOVE having a light load during the summer.

                        I just charged them normal rates Sept - June. During the summer months I charged them by the day. I knew they would be back in Sept, so I didn't worry.
                        This. I get a $100 non-refundable deposit in June for September. I only take on one teacher family at a time right now, but as my kids become school age, I may want ALL teachers children so I can have summers and school breaks off.

                        The lighter load in the summer works well since we camp a lot. My dc families vacation a LOT in the summer and I get a lot of paid days off.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by iheartkids View Post
                          I have an interview today with a teacher and I have never dealt with this situation before with having summers off. I REALLY want this family so I don't want to offer anything that will make her check out another provider. I feel I need to charge something during the summer while they are off (one full time toddler and one preschooler that will be coming only 1 day a week). But I don't want to over charge for the fear they will be like "whoa" and choose provider #2. I know some of you still require them to pay thru the summer but this is a single mom and I don't expect her to want to do that. Any alternative ideas?
                          I run a small daycare of only 2 children. I had a teachers child when I first started when moving to new state and he was the only one for awhile I loved it I didnt have him all Summer break, Christmas Break, or Spring Break I didnt charge her for the Summer Break but charged for Christmas Break and Spring Break I figured they deserved a break from pay in the Summer since they are on a teachers salary I did have them pay a depoist to hold the spot which was 2 weeks pay that was non refundable if they decided not to come back and it went towards childs first 2 weeks back when they came back it worked out well.

