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New Mudroom

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  • New Mudroom

    I just had a $4000 mudroom built which was our old front porch we had completely enclosed. It is gorgeous and I had put in my monthly newsletter that once it was done my home beyond the mudroom would be a NO SHOE ZONE. I posted a reminder of this policy on my private daycare facebook page and one of the parents responded. She said, "Could we do a trial run with the parents wearing shoes and just wiping their feet"? I said NO that this is my home and this is what I want for my home and I would just meet her at the door to take her daughter in and the same at pick up. I am so MAD that she even said this. I watch her daughter for 50 hours a week and do field trips, arts and crafts, sign language and NO t.v. at all and she can't slip her shoes on and off??? AGGGHH I am so offended, I can't believe this. I posted a link on my page about what shoes bring into the home from the outside including urine, lead, pesticides, and feces. It is recommended for those with small children and those with weak immune systems NOT have shoes worn in the home. Her daughter is 2 and so are my daughters and my one daughter was small lungs and has a weak immune system. I am just so offended that she even questioned one of my (easy) policies.
    Proud Mommy of Six...

  • #2
    Just be firm and start it from the beginning - NO SHOES.

    I've posted before about the Asian family across the street. I see the parents change from shoes into slippers at their car, then when they get to the door, they slip the slippers off before going into the house. Once back to the car, they put their regular shoes back on.


    • #3
      I would be offended too, then I would stick to no shoes past the mudroom. By the way I"m jealous I want a mudroom!!!


      • #4
        Sorry, hun. That was very rude of her.

        I most likely would have deleted her post and not even bothered to have responded.

        Stick to your guns.
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          The DCM was rude and inconsiderate. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

          That issue aside though, I LOVE the idea of turning your front porch into an enclosed mudroom! We have a tiny little entry way and and big covered front porch...I'm thinking about this now. I wonder what it would take to make the porch a mudroom extension of the house? OH that would be so great!!
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            I think so people are just stupid. I really never thought I'd have to write "no shoes to be worn in the house" in my handbook, but it is something that needs to be done. Thankfully mom takes off her shoes if she comes beyond the rug, but she will let her son where his shoes in my house. She knows that we don't, but because he throws a fit when she takes them off she puts them back on. I have had him sense he was a baby and I really didn't care when he just started walking. He was being carried from the car to the house and he had tennis shoes for play outside. Now he is wearing his street shoes all the time. One day after she took them off and proceeded to rub them on the rug to get the chicken poop off before putting them back on. I take him from her and take the shoes off every day after she shuts the door. I have white carpet. I have little kids that crawl. Yuck. I do believe in some areas it is common to wear shoes in the home, but we live in rural WI. I have never been to one family, friend, or even acquaintance where they where their shoes in the house. I have a few elderly family members that where house shoes to prevent falls, but those shoes are never worn outside. If we wore shoes in the house the carpet would be black in no time.
            Sorry for the long rant.


            • #7
              Thanks All :0) I am working on my November newsletter now and putting another reminder. So far most have been compliant.

              One person wanted to do a mudroom...I went to the town with my idea paid $15 for the permit and hired a contractor to do the work. The town came by for inspections and all passed. It is unheated so no taxes YEAH!!!!

