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More Issues

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  • More Issues

    Okay, many of you know of my issues with my dcfamily. Well, grandpa has been late, after closing almost everyday for the past couple of weeks. I will have to put in writing about late pick-up fees, hate to do it, but what else can I do? 2nd, he got on child care subsidy in Dec. but was still bringing boy in about 3 days/week as that is my min rate. Well, he was told child needed to be here everyday as that is what he said boy was here, or he would be taken off. That was the begining of Feb and boy was here everyday. First, I don't know why he is on this because he is paying more now on subsidy since boy is here everyday, but anyway. March 2 boy was not here, and on March 12 and he won't be here this Friday either. Grandpa wants me to mark it when I get the form from subsidy that is was here on these days. First, why should taxpayers pay for care that was not given? 2nd, this is lying and is not something I am comfortable with. I do not want to get in trouble. Maybe some people wouldn't have a problem since they would get paid but I do. Grandpa knows that we go to Church. How could he even suggest this? I will not mark that boy was here when he was not. Anyone else ever have this come up?

  • #2
    Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
    Okay, many of you know of my issues with my dcfamily. Well, grandpa has been late, after closing almost everyday for the past couple of weeks. I will have to put in writing about late pick-up fees, hate to do it, but what else can I do? 2nd, he got on child care subsidy in Dec. but was still bringing boy in about 3 days/week as that is my min rate. Well, he was told child needed to be here everyday as that is what he said boy was here, or he would be taken off. That was the begining of Feb and boy was here everyday. First, I don't know why he is on this because he is paying more now on subsidy since boy is here everyday, but anyway. March 2 boy was not here, and on March 12 and he won't be here this Friday either. Grandpa wants me to mark it when I get the form from subsidy that is was here on these days. First, why should taxpayers pay for care that was not given? 2nd, this is lying and is not something I am comfortable with. I do not want to get in trouble. Maybe some people wouldn't have a problem since they would get paid but I do. Grandpa knows that we go to Church. How could he even suggest this? I will not mark that boy was here when he was not. Anyone else ever have this come up?
    Oh yes Melissa, I could write a novel about the number of parents on state aid that take advantage of it.

    However in IMO, please go with your feelings. This family has been nothing but problems for you. Say you be the nice guy this once and do it. A few months from the grandfather will want you to do again. And again and again. It won't stop. Who knows? This grandfather doesn't sound like a moral character to begin with, he might in the end report you for reporting untruths.

    Stick to your feelings and stick to your guns. We are all behind you!


    • #3
      Do not do it! Look at what could happen if you get caught.


      • #4
        I wouldn't do it either. The thought of how morally wrong it is alone should be good enough to dissuade you. I've never had this happen before with my kids but before I had my own DC I took my daughter to a provider that did shady things. She told me that on days that I didn't take my daughter that I had to leave it blank and that I only had to fill the sections when she did come in. For those that accept subsidy you know that's not true. I had a call from subsidy one day asking me why all of a sudden I was working more hours (I usually only took her in 3 days a week). When I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about she told me that my time-sheet said that my daughter had attended every day the previous month. I had to tell that I was sorry but it wasn't true. When they reviewed my time sheet they figured that she had filled in the times and signed my name. That provider was the reason that I decided to go ahead and do daycare myself.

        Don't do it!! It doesn't feel right because it isn't. The provider was found to be doing fraud with other families too and was charged for it. She lost subsidy and subsequently her licence (because she was charged for a felony and had to do jail time or something). It really isn't worth it.


        • #5
          I've had state assistant clients ask me to do this and i always refuse, one its lying and two why the heck would you lie and claim money that you didn't get? Or is he wanting you to give him whatever the state pays you for the days dck wasn't actually there? That's what one dcm wanted me to do, again i refused, it could and will eventually come back and get ya, the fact that grandpa asks you to do this shows his character, if he signed a contract and already knows the late fee policy i wouldn't bother giving him another notice id simply charge him the late fees, id also make it very clear to him that you will not do anything illegal and that falsifying state records (that's what the forms are the state sends you) could cause you a lot of trouble and you don't think it right or worth it. Good Luck
          Kiddie Care


          • #6
            In my state, subsidy kids are allowed 5 absent days before I must start deducting. So are you saying you get no absent days? You loose money if they don't come?

            Don't claim days you are not entitled to. That's a slippery slope you don't want to be caught on.


            • #7
              They are allowed 10 absentences. But, his enrollment date for subsidy was like Dec 6 or something. I had no idea until like 2 weeks later and he was bringing the boy in for just 3 days/week for most weeks until in January when I called subsidy agency to find out how to mark the form. They called grandpa and questioned his daycare days so then he went to 5 days. But like in my other post,he is paying more now on subsidy then when he wasn't. Doesn't make sense to me.
              I will not mark boy here when he is not. You are right, former teacher, he may report me. Maybe it's a trap or something, who knows?


              • #8
                Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
                They are allowed 10 absentences. But, his enrollment date for subsidy was like Dec 6 or something. I had no idea until like 2 weeks later and he was bringing the boy in for just 3 days/week for most weeks until in January when I called subsidy agency to find out how to mark the form. They called grandpa and questioned his daycare days so then he went to 5 days. But like in my other post,he is paying more now on subsidy then when he wasn't. Doesn't make sense to me.
                I will not mark boy here when he is not. You are right, former teacher, he may report me. Maybe it's a trap or something, who knows?
                Good for you Melissa! Remember you have your online sisters and a brother (chickenhauler ) backing you up!!!


                • #9
                  I just got the form to fill out for March and have marked absent for Mar 2, 12, and 19. I'm sure grandpa won't be to thrilled about it as I"m sure the subsidy agency will call him again.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
                    I just got the form to fill out for March and have marked absent for Mar 2, 12, and 19. I'm sure grandpa won't be to thrilled about it as I"m sure the subsidy agency will call him again.
                    Yippy! Good for you! I speak only for myself but I am proud of you!

                    On a side note: we once had a parent. I may have mentioned her before, the one who couldn't afford the 5 dollars a month because she was in between jobs. Well anyway when she was enrolled she BEGGED the director to please make the baby present on the days she didn't bring him because she just LOVED spending time with him etc..

                    Now the director as I have said before was a sucker for sob stories. However this was one to many parents who have taken advantage of the system. The director told her that she could not do that however she could bring the baby in whatever time (before 12:00 p.m. I will explain) and leave him there for at least 30 mins. Then after the 30 mins she can pick up him anytime she wanted to. Of course she never did that. She always left him until at least 6:00 or later.

                    On the flip side for the state help. Same mother. It was a Friday and there were hardly any infants so I was going to combine classes after nap which was 2:30. This mother called at 2:00 and wanted to bring him because she had a job interview but she was asking what time the kids woke up because she would wait until then. I told her that I had to call the director because we were low in staff etc. Mother was very upset. "I am already paying for this..I can bring him ANYTIME I want to!" And..." Look I gave you the decency of a call, you could at least take him for an hour or two!!" Umm first of you are NOT paying for his care, I AM. Second of all, when the day is almost over I don't have to anything!

                    Well I called the director and I explained to her what happened. She said no, that it was that late in the day and the state will not cover for the day. Drop off time for the state aided children was before 12:00. I called the mother back and I explained to her that the baby was already marked absent, and we wouldn't get paid for it by the state etc... I then suggested that if she wanted she could pay for the drop in rate which was, at that time, $10.00 an hour. Naturally she refused. I told her that I needed her to be sure so I could keep staff on. She said no that the grandmother would watch him after all.

                    Point of my story Melissa is don't let these people mess around with you! Once again I am SO proud and happy for you! (hugs!!)


                    • #11
                      This morning, I waited for 4 yr to show up. Gramps said he shouldn't have to go in to work earlier for awhile. when he does, his daughter's boyfriend brings the kids at whatever time he feels like it. I was waiting at 6 am. Nothing unitl 7:20. When he finally brought the boy. Then, boy's hair was hard. Iasked what happened. He said his uncle spilled coffee. I said, was it hot? he said no. I then ask when did it happen. He didn't answer. I said was it this morning. He said no. So sometime over the weekend coffee was spilled on his head and NOONE cleaned it. I washed his hair. When gramps showed up at pickup I told him about it. All he said was, I guess he didn't get a bath. Then he said to boy, I didn't see you all weekend because of stupid grandma. (his ex is in town for a couple of days) then boy said, yea, stupid grandma. What! What is wrong with people? You don't put your feeling and emotions on little kids. gramps was with his girlfriend. My parents are divorced and at first it was tough. (I was 30 at the time) and I had to tell my parents that I loved them both but do not put me in the middle. Whatever went on was between them and not me and my sister.


                      • #12
                        I can't believe how insanely stupid people can be. Not stupid grandma, stupid grampa. I hate it when parent's that are separated do this to their kids but gradparents! Grr. It makes my blood boil . Teaching a child to hold negative feelings toward any individual because of their own feelings towards that person is just as bad as racism. You're teaching a child to hate!


                        • #13
                          I told 4yr dcb this morning that we don't call anyone names. Period. It's not nice and we don't like it when others call us names, it hurts are feeling. Some people just need to grow up no matter what their age. Move on, suck it up!

