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Basement Ceiling Height

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  • Basement Ceiling Height

    Hello all,

    This is a random question but something I'm worried about come licensing time. I want to have my basement licensed for childcare and come across a MN regulation that basements must have a ceiling height of no less than 7 feet. I measured ours today and it's about 6.5 feet. It's an older home, built in 1948 and the basement was remodeled in the last 10 years.

    Just wondering if anyone has ever had an issue or experience with this. I'm in Minnesota by the way and here is the regulation I read:

    There is a section for family child care but it doesn't mention any height requirements there.


  • #2
    Well, I live in MO and when I got licensed the requirement for ceiling height was 7' 6". So if yours is only a 7' requirement then you have it better off than I did. If that truly is the law, then you will not be able to license your basement for childcare. It is one of the fire marshall requirements and I am not sure of the reasoning behind it, but they are strict and will not make any exceptions. I know that stinks to hear, but that's just how it goes. When I moved to this home, I probably looked at 100 houses before choosing this one. I carried a measuring tape, and the first thing I did was measure the ceiling height, and if it wasn't high enough, I turned around and walked out, even if the home looked awesome! I missed out on a lot of nice homes because of that.

    I am currently running an unlicensed daycare because in MO you are allowed to have up to 4 unrelated kids without a license. So that's what I am doing because I got tired off all the insane rules the state had! Good luck!


    • #3
      Originally posted by JessB View Post
      Hello all,

      This is a random question but something I'm worried about come licensing time. I want to have my basement licensed for childcare and come across a MN regulation that basements must have a ceiling height of no less than 7 feet. I measured ours today and it's about 6.5 feet. It's an older home, built in 1948 and the basement was remodeled in the last 10 years.

      Just wondering if anyone has ever had an issue or experience with this. I'm in Minnesota by the way and here is the regulation I read:

      There is a section for family child care but it doesn't mention any height requirements there.

      My DH is a contractor and he said anything less than 7 feet wouldn't even be defined as a basement for insurance or real estate purposes. (I'm in MN also),

      He also said to mention basements aren't usually usable space unless EVERY room (or every window if the room is wide open) has egress windows. I don't know if your basement has that but thought I would mention it.

      Also normal door heights are 6'8" so your ceiling would be lower than even a normal doorway.

      Honestly, I would be very surprised if you were allowed to license your basement with those measurements.

      ......My DH wouldn't even be able to be in your basement....he's 6 ft 4.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        My DH is a contractor and he said anything less than 7 feet wouldn't even be defined as a basement for insurance or real estate purposes. (I'm in MN also),

        He also said to mention basements aren't usually usable space unless EVERY room (or every window if the room is wide open) has egress windows. I don't know if your basement has that but thought I would mention it.

        Also normal door heights are 6'8" so your ceiling would be lower than even a normal doorway.

        Honestly, I would be very surprised if you were allowed to license your basement with those measurements.

        ......My DH wouldn't even be able to be in your basement....he's 6 ft 4.
        Thanks for your reply! It's something I hadn't even thought about until yesterday when I came across that regulation and then measured the ceilings. I knew they were low but didn't realize how low until I measured it.

        Is measuring the ceilings something that will be done at the fire marshal inspection?


        • #5
          Originally posted by JessB View Post
          Thanks for your reply! It's something I hadn't even thought about until yesterday when I came across that regulation and then measured the ceilings. I knew they were low but didn't realize how low until I measured it.

          Is measuring the ceilings something that will be done at the fire marshal inspection?
          Yep, during my initial inspection I had everything measured but he said he had to actually do it himslef so he knew it was accurate. I understood but was like "Um, I know how to use a tape measure...." LOL!!

          So, I personally would have them come and do the inspection because who knows what they let fly now days.

          Do you want to use the basement only for daycare or just as an addition to the space you already use? Just curious as if you are only using it for a portion of your space maybe the rules would be different. Worth looking into.

          Or if you don't want to have the inspector come out, you could call your local city zoning office and they will tell you for sure whether or not a low ceiling will count as usuable space in general. Then go from there.

          Are you in southern or northern MN? Not that the rules differ but was just curious. I am waaaaaay up north about 100 miles from the Canadian border.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            Yep, during my initial inspection I had everything measured but he said he had to actually do it himslef so he knew it was accurate. I understood but was like "Um, I know how to use a tape measure...." LOL!!

            So, I personally would have them come and do the inspection because who knows what they let fly now days.

            Do you want to use the basement only for daycare or just as an addition to the space you already use? Just curious as if you are only using it for a portion of your space maybe the rules would be different. Worth looking into.

            Or if you don't want to have the inspector come out, you could call your local city zoning office and they will tell you for sure whether or not a low ceiling will count as usuable space in general. Then go from there.

            Are you in southern or northern MN? Not that the rules differ but was just curious. I am waaaaaay up north about 100 miles from the Canadian border.
            Thanks for the advice. I was hoping to use our entire basement for daycare. There is a kitchen and small bathroom down there plus a bedroom and large living space. I think I'll take your suggestion and call the zoning office before the inspection.

            I'm in central MN, in a southwestern suburb of Minneapolis. I'd love to live up north! My husband go up to Ely and Grand Marais each summer and it's always so beautiful!


            • #7
              wish i had a basement.
              "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
              Acts 13:22


              • #8
                Originally posted by JessB View Post
                Thanks for the advice. I was hoping to use our entire basement for daycare. There is a kitchen and small bathroom down there plus a bedroom and large living space. I think I'll take your suggestion and call the zoning office before the inspection.

                I'm in central MN, in a southwestern suburb of Minneapolis. I'd love to live up north! My husband go up to Ely and Grand Marais each summer and it's always so beautiful!
                We are actually heading to Ely tomorrow to visit my dad. It's about a 1.5 hour drive from where I am at.

                I have a sister who lives in the Cities. She lives in the Anoka area and works at Target Corporation. I don't get down there to visit much since my parens both live up north so she comes up here instead.

                I agree Grand Marais is beautiful!! My DH and I go every year and stay during the peak of Fall colors. It is so neat up there. Almost like a seaside town in Maine or like you see in books. My DH always says it is the little town that time forgot.

                I would agree that calling the zoning office and get some more information before doing anything else. Keep me posted, I am curious how this turns out and what they say.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  We are actually heading to Ely tomorrow to visit my dad. It's about a 1.5 hour drive from where I am at.

                  I have a sister who lives in the Cities. She lives in the Anoka area and works at Target Corporation. I don't get down there to visit much since my parens both live up north so she comes up here instead.

                  I agree Grand Marais is beautiful!! My DH and I go every year and stay during the peak of Fall colors. It is so neat up there. Almost like a seaside town in Maine or like you see in books. My DH always says it is the little town that time forgot.

                  I would agree that calling the zoning office and get some more information before doing anything else. Keep me posted, I am curious how this turns out and what they say.
                  I agree with you about Grand Marais, it does seem like a little seaside town. My husband and I went up there last week to hike Eagle Mountain; the fall colors were incredible.

                  I will definitely keep you posted about what happens with our basement. Thanks for your advice and help!

                  Have a great time in Ely

