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PITA DCM Is At It Again

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  • PITA DCM Is At It Again

    This woman seriously is becoming a thorn in my side. Today when she picked up her son, she informed me that she's been telling the other moms in town that I have openings, but they were discussing my rates and that I'm too expensive as their other daycares only charge $2/hour. She said to me "Maybe you should considering lowering your rates and maybe you'd have more luck filling your spots." My full-time family that is leaving didn't even bat an eye at my fees nor did my other families. This is the 2nd time this week she has told me how to run my daycare. But she's my only some what consistent form of daycare. I told her I based my rates off my former daycare which is like 4 miles from my house, so I'm pretty sure I'm in line with others in the area. I charge a daily rate for full time $25/day (up to 10 hours), and part time of $30/day (up to 10 hours) Hopefully next week she learns to keep her mouth shut...

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  • #2
    Honey, I got $135.00 per week 15 years ago! Child was here 7:30-4:30 - that' $3.00 per hour.

    Again... 15 years ago!!!

    Stick to your guns.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post
      Honey, I got $135.00 per week 15 years ago! Child was here 7:30-4:30 - that' $3.00 per hour.

      Again... 15 years ago!!!

      Stick to your guns.
      Thanks! Earlier in the week this same mom told me I need to give her a 1 month notice if I need a day off. I pointed out that my handbook said I would give a minimum of 2 weeks notices, we all know things come up and it isn't always possible to give a months notice. Especially when you have 4 kids of your own.


      • #4
        Geez, lets just charge $1 an hour for as many hours as they need, and tell them 1 year in advance what days we will magically need off. I really wonder what some parents really expect of us, and ever put themselves in my shoes.

        I have never charged $2 an hour, even when I was a teenager babysitting on weekends!!!

        I really wish for one day some of these parents could work 11 hour days, with no real time for potty or food. Always having noise, cleaning up, disinfecting, then having to deal with parents who complain about their 8 hour work day and how horrible traffic was on their paid hour lunch break to applebees!


        • #5
          Originally posted by lilrugrats View Post
          Geez, lets just charge $1 an hour for as many hours as they need, and tell them 1 year in advance what days we will magically need off. I really wonder what some parents really expect of us, and ever put themselves in my shoes.

          I have never charged $2 an hour, even when I was a teenager babysitting on weekends!!!

          I really wish for one day some of these parents could work 11 hour days, with no real time for potty or food. Always having noise, cleaning up, disinfecting, then having to deal with parents who complain about their 8 hour work day and how horrible traffic was on their paid hour lunch break to applebees!

          This is the first time DCB has ever been in daycare and he's almost 4. He's been here since July and the last month and a half, she's really been pushing my buttons.


          • #6
            I can't imagine a DCM telling you how to run your business is working out well. If she's not happy with your rates, that's her problem! If others have a problem with your rates, that's their problem.

            My response to any discussion over rates would be, "This is what I'm comfortable charging and this is what families are comfortable paying." and leave it at that.

            No one is holding anyone hostage to pay you what you are getting now.

            I think it's just another classic case of CHEAP!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
              I can't imagine a DCM telling you how to run your business is working out well. If she's not happy with your rates, that's her problem! If others have a problem with your rates, that's their problem.

              My response to any discussion over rates would be, "This is what I'm comfortable charging and this is what families are comfortable paying." and leave it at that.

              No one is holding anyone hostage to pay you what you are getting now.

              I think it's just another classic case of CHEAP!
              My thought exactly. I've never had any other family bat an eye at my rates. These moms who she was talking to about my daycare/rates are also moms who are heavy smokers. They don't have a problem paying for their smokes, but want to drive 10 miles to find a cheap daycare. Go figure.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MNmamaOf4 View Post
                she's been telling the other moms in town that I have openings, but they were discussing my rates and that I'm too expensive as their other daycares only charge $2/hour. She said to me "Maybe you should considering lowering your rates and maybe you'd have more luck filling your spots."
                I COULD do that but the service I offer would have to change dramatically. I would need you guys to get the kids up by four a.m. so that when they came at eight I could put them right back to bed. I could have them sleep for a couple of hours then do a couple of hours of TV and then back to afternoon nap.

                You would need to do breakfast for them and bring a packed lunch. As long as the kids are fed and when they are here they can sleep and watch TV then I could go down to two an hour. This way I could easily take a couple of more kids ...... as long as THEIR parents wanted the two per hour...... and get the income I need to keep this running.

                So if you can find me some parents willing to do a sleep and tv program with them providing the meals then I would be willing to meet them and we'll see if we can make it work.

                Let me know.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  I COULD do that but the service I offer would have to change dramatically. I would need you guys to get the kids up by four a.m. so that when they came at eight I could put them right back to bed. I could have them sleep for a couple of hours then do a couple of hours of TV and then back to afternoon nap.

                  You would need to do breakfast for them and bring a packed lunch. As long as the kids are fed and when they are here they can sleep and watch TV then I could go down to two an hour. This way I could easily take a couple of more kids ...... as long as THEIR parents wanted the two per hour...... and get the income I need to keep this running.

                  So if you can find me some parents willing to do a sleep and tv program with them providing the meals then I would be willing to meet them and we'll see if we can make it work.

                  Let me know.

                  I would have a heartbeat. (as long as I accepted "Lunchables")

                  Ugh... I do get tired of the "Daycare is Expensive" routine.

                  OP, I feel for you... Maybe just limit any information she gets from you. Avoid any business discussion at all?
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #10
                    I'd just tell her 'you get what you pay for'


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                      I would have a heartbeat. (as long as I accepted "Lunchables")

                      Ugh... I do get tired of the "Daycare is Expensive" routine.

                      OP, I feel for you... Maybe just limit any information she gets from you. Avoid any business discussion at all?
                      I try to. All I told her if she hears of anyone looking for daycare that I have a few openings. She always has some gem to share when she picks up her son. It's always a treat. I paid for daycare for my own kids for 5-1/2 years without a complaint and based my rates off my former providers since we're in the same area. I charge more for part-time hoping they'll just decide it's a better deal for them to go to full-time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                        I COULD do that but the service I offer would have to change dramatically. I would need you guys to get the kids up by four a.m. so that when they came at eight I could put them right back to bed. I could have them sleep for a couple of hours then do a couple of hours of TV and then back to afternoon nap.

                        You would need to do breakfast for them and bring a packed lunch. As long as the kids are fed and when they are here they can sleep and watch TV then I could go down to two an hour. This way I could easily take a couple of more kids ...... as long as THEIR parents wanted the two per hour...... and get the income I need to keep this running.

                        So if you can find me some parents willing to do a sleep and tv program with them providing the meals then I would be willing to meet them and we'll see if we can make it work.

                        Let me know.
                        I love your way of thinking Nanny! :: This is the same mom who I posted about the other day that you responded to. And keep in mind, this is the first time she's ever put her son in daycare and he's almost 4, yet she seems to know all about how daycares should run.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MNmamaOf4 View Post
                          I try to. All I told her if she hears of anyone looking for daycare that I have a few openings. She always has some gem to share when she picks up her son. It's always a treat. I paid for daycare for my own kids for 5-1/2 years without a complaint and based my rates off my former providers since we're in the same area. I charge more for part-time hoping they'll just decide it's a better deal for them to go to full-time.
                          "You know Susan, sounds to me like you're unhappy with your choice of childcare. You know, if you need to take little Johny elswhere to save a few dollars I'll totally understand" Enough said.


                          • #14
                            I just looked up the state average for weekly rates in Minnesota and I'm not out of line at all. Part of me really wants to send that link to that DCM and show her that I'm not out of line, but really what's it going to prove? If she wants cheaper hourly rates, she could pay for full-time daycare...


                            • #15
                              I e-mailed back and forth last night with another provider in my area who I know from our church. My rates are comparable to hers, and her daycare is in the same town that my DCM said she could get daycare for $2/hour. I told this provider that and she said she could only think of 2 providers that would charge that and she's gotten families from both of those providers because they aren't very good providers, one never does anything with the kids, just cleans her house all day. So I feel much better after speaking with another provider. Thanks for letting me vent last night!

