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Do You Allow DCK's To Get Involved With Cooking?

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  • Do You Allow DCK's To Get Involved With Cooking?

    I've thought about having the kids (5 2 year olds and one 4 year old) help me cook once in a while, but the more I think about it, the more gross it seems.

    I feel like with all the nose rubbing, nose picking, eye rubbing, and fingers in the mouth it would just be a big germ fest with food.

  • #2
    I do baking projects, each child get's their own ingredients, bowl, spoon ect.
    We have a lot of fun, but it is a lot of work


    • #3
      absolutely! almost everyday! even if its just as simple as washing the vegetables, reading the back of the brownie box, or learning to use the microwave.

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      • #4
        Originally posted by godiva83 View Post
        I do baking projects, each child get's their own ingredients, bowl, spoon ect.
        We have a lot of fun, but it is a lot of work
        That's another reason I have been hesitant-the mess! Especially with mostly 2 year olds..


        • #5
          How about make your own pizza's? Give them each a little dough to roll out and some ingredients to decorate with. You can put their dough on parchment paper for them to do their decorating and then just bake all of them on a cookie sheet. Mark their initials in the corner away from the food and bake. It's messy, but lots of fun!


          • #6
            Every Friday is make your own pizza day here! I make the whole wheat dough before the kids arrive and separate it into personal rounds of dough. Each child is responsible for rolling out their dough, adding sauce, and choosing their own toppings. They also watch the oven while it is baking and tell me when they think it is done. It is really cool to see their preferences shine through! My one guy like the cheese just barely melted and his brother loves the cheese completely browned and crisp.

            We do a lot of baking projects as well but those are more for measuring, mixing, etc. Each child has a thing t do. One breaks the eggs, one pours the flour, one adds the oil, etc.

            Just make hand washing part of the routine. I have everyone wash and when we aren't using our hands, we place them on the counter in front of us so no one is tempted to pick their nose or touch their hair, etc.

