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Table and Chairs--Height?

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  • Table and Chairs--Height?

    With my DH's new job, we'll be able to afford to put a good chunk of change into the daycare in a few months. I asked for $100 to spend on "stuff" (could blow that so fast...) and then more for a good quality table and chairs to seat the potential 6 kids I might have at a time. I'm looking over options (although it's months away) and wondering, what height of table and what height of chairs works best for the ages I watch (infant through 5)?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    Here is a link for you Silver that has a lot of good information about proper heights of chairs and tables and which age groups need what.....


    • #3
      fantastic! Thanks, Blackcat!
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        I have some 8" chairs and some 12" chairs. The 12" chairs get, by far, the most use. My 2 and 3yos use them instead of the 8". My 8yo still uses them too.

        Perhaps they don't meet the 'best ergonomical' standard about heights but they are the ones that get used the most.

        If I could go back and buy again I'd get those chairs they use in schools where you can adjust the leg height.


        • #5
          I have 12 inch chairs with a 20 inch table. For my infants, instead of high chairs, which I hate, I got a couple Graco-tot-loc seats (clip on chairs). I bought mine on Ebay pretty cheap because I wanted to old kind. THe new ones are crappola!

          here is an example:

          I paid about $30 for each one with the shipping...
          Last edited by Michael; 10-27-2011, 04:43 PM.


          • #6
            We had the same question once before:


            • #7
              So it looks like I'd do just fine with 10 inch chairs and 18 inch tables! I can't WAIT for this!
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                very inexpensive tables at ikea with adjustable height.

