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For Those with Dogs

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  • For Those with Dogs

    Living where we get snow, we get lots of dog poo accumulated thru the winter, then with the spring thaw, yuck yuck yuck. So, I am wondering if any of you have came up with a "sure fire way" to clean it all up for the spring. Last year I took the hose and pulverized it into the ground, because much of it is too soft to scoop up. Yea, I know this is gross, but thought maybe someone had a better solution than this.

  • #2
    Every so often DS will go out during the winter when it is frozen & pickup what is laying on top of the snow. But that only happens 1-2 times during the winter. I have a small dog so when every thing melts so does the dog dirt. When everything is thawed out & drying up there are no traces of it. My neighbors have a larger dog & he just goes & rakes the yard which spreads it threw out the yard (good fertilizer)


    • #3
      That's what the 13 year old who begged for the dog, and promised to take care of it is for!:: She goes around w/ plastic bag gloves, and bags it all up,


      • #4
        I have a med size dog. He always poops along the fence line so it is all in one LONG area. In the spring...I am waiting for a nice day, I will rake the accumulated leaves by the fence and the dog poop into piles and then bag it. So gross...but it is all dried up.


        • #5
          I have a 100 lb German Shepherd. To avoid large poo colored and smelling puddles in my yard at sspring thaw I do 4 things: 1) Atlas is trained to go in 1 area- in his case a paving stoned area in the back corner of the yard 2) even during winter, I send my son outside for a "poop patrol" to baggy up any logs that were outside his designated area, as well as cleaning up his poo pile in his area every few days 3) As the snow level recedes, make a daily quick patrol with a good, long /pointy trowel to dig out any poo that becomes visible that may have been missed or snowed over 4) Be Vigilant ! I watch and make sure Atlas adheres to his training and goes in his spot. Poo in my yard/play area is against regs- so i expect Atlas to behave. If its cold/rainy and he gets lazy and doesnt go all the way out back- it needs picked up ASAP
          The result is 5 minutes a day in chores for my son to earn his allowance, maybe 10-15 every couple days to clean his actual area, a poop free yard, and a doggy that behaves. Since he also must urinate in his spot, I am able to have a green , clean yard and flowers to enjoy.


          • #6
            I actually just hired someone to come do a doggy poo spring cleanup. They came the day the snow thawed and I can now start fresh! My dogs go out with me for about an hour in the am. I just picked it all up before the kiddos get here. Anytime the dogs go outside with us I make sure to have my scooper so I am right on top of it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by momofsix View Post
              That's what the 13 year old who begged for the dog, and promised to take care of it is for!:: She goes around w/ plastic bag gloves, and bags it all up,

              OMG! was gonna say the same thing...

              except my 13 yr old is a boy with a big shovel!!!!


              • #8
                We trained our dog to potty in the same spot of the yard, it is in the shop area in the gravel where my daycare kids do not play, it's really nice to not have to worry about it and then my two kids twice per week, (the two that cried and begged for our dog: rotates each week and cleans it up.


                • #9
                  I wish my dogs would only go in one place! We have an acre fenced in for the kids/dogs and the dogs poop everywhere! I'm ALWAYS on poop patrol and am now wondering if once a week, I should have someone come do it for me! I HATE that the kids can't run around freely without being afraid of stepping in poo!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TGT09 View Post
                    I wish my dogs would only go in one place! We have an acre fenced in for the kids/dogs and the dogs poop everywhere! I'm ALWAYS on poop patrol and am now wondering if once a week, I should have someone come do it for me! I HATE that the kids can't run around freely without being afraid of stepping in poo!
                    We have two in a smaller fenced in yard. I have to clean it up everyday when we go outside, once a week would not be enough, seems like someone always find some I missed too. Were so lucky the jobs we get to do.


                    • #11
                      why doesn't it just get picked up daily, even with snow? It seems like alot less hassle then a whole bunch in the spring.

                      I'm lucky....hubby picks it up right after dog does her duty. I NEVER have to clean it up!


                      • #12
                        I really don't want to go out in 10 inches of snow to clean up poop. Plus, it is dark by 5:30 here in the winter time.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I wouldn't want to either, but I probably would. It would drive me crazy knowing there is poop in my yard ::


                          • #14
                            My son goes out once a week and clean up the dogs areas. but we have different dog area and child area. Therefor it not really a problem for us. Come spring, son will have to do it every day.

